Sunday, December 31, 2017

Analyzing Your Investment Portfolio

     Today will mark the end to year 2017. This evening people will celebrate and welcome in the new year of 2018 with excitement, encouragement, and more than likely even a certain level of anxiety. People around the world will reflect on their investments, both financial and life choices that they made in 2017, and then evaluate whether those investments paid off or whether they need to seek alternative options that will provide a larger return on their investment. 2018 signals a clean slate, a fresh start, a new chapter of life and today I want to challenge you to take a personal assessment of the investments you made in 2017. What kind of investment did you make in 2017? Did you invest time in others, or did you invest your time into things that have no real return potential? Did you invest your time into making more money, or did you invest in making more people better because they spent time with and around you? Finally when you self-assess your 2017 will you find that you wasted a great deal of time in things that have no direct correlation to making you a better person and ultimately making those around you better? Whatever your personal self-assessment looks like there is one thing for certain, you can make 2018 a better year. Each person has a portfolio of investments and you have the opportunity to choose where you will focus your attention in this new year and only you can make the decision to invest in the things that will provide the best return on your time invested.
      As we leave 2017 behind make a personal assessment about where you are in life. Are you stuck in the mud? Were you sitting on the sidelines? Or maybe you have been going around in circles making nothing but a rut in the ground where you live. If you feel like you have been driving in the slow lane of life this past year, my hope and prayers for you are that you fuel up your tank and set your course for success in 2018. To make this happen your 2018 investment portfolio is going to have to look a great deal more like one that invests in others more than self, and a portfolio that can best be measured by the time given in service instead of the time being served.
     If you are a teacher (obvious first choice for me) for heaven's sake don't stop teaching your standards, but introspectively reflect on how much time you actually invested into your students. Did you model a hard work ethic in your classroom? Did you teach the benefits of struggling to overcome challenges in their learning? Did you teach them the benefits of setting goals in their learning and then working diligently to achieve those goals? Most teachers invest their heart, minds, and time into the lives of their students education, make sure your investment includes a healthy contribution to the development of the whole student not just their ACT score or the rank of proficient or advanced on some standardized test. You have the opportunity to impact lives everyday, make your investment pay off in a positive manner.
     If you are a coach (obvious second choice for me) are you coaching with a "win, win, win at all costs" mentality, or are you investing in the lives of young men and women that will ultimately be our next generation of mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, and eventually the next leaders of our businesses and governments? Over 30 years of coaching has taught me many things, but I believe one of the most important lessons I have learned through coaching is that there are more lessons to be learned in the losses than there are are from any win on the scoreboard. Overcoming a loss, analyzing what went wrong in the game plan, and practicing to get better so that you are better prepared for the next challenge are all skills that coaches should be focusing their time and efforts. As coaches we all want to win, but think about it, what do you learn from a win, "yeah we worked hard, followed our plans, and it paid off", great that's what we practice and plan for anyway. But what do you coach when your team loses? "They were just better than us", "I coached them, but they just didn't play", or maybe " the referees stole that one from us" any of those sound familiar?  If you are coaching your teams to make excuses in the face of a loss, i.e. adversity, then you are failing your athletes regardless of how many championships you attain or what the final wins and losses record looks like. Coach/Teach them to overcome adversity by taking ownership for their losses and not looking at a loss as a failure, but more as an opportunity to learn, improve, and advance. Coach'em up!
     If you are the leader in your business, organization, or family are you investing in your people or are you just bossing people around? You should manage money, you should invest in people. What are you doing to move people up, make them better, providing them with opportunities to lead, and then sending them out to be positive, influential leaders themselves? Leaders don't just tell people what to do, they are actually the ones modeling what their people should be doing and how they should be doing it. Keep this in mind, you are leading every day, every minute. The question is this, are you leading people up? or are you leading people down? If you are in a position of leadership be sure you are investing in making the people you work with better because of the time they spend with you.
      If you are a member of the team don't think you get off the hook just because you don't wear the title of "boss". If you spent 2017 waiting on someone else to tell you every step to take, or how many moves to make then you need to reassess your purpose in life. Your contribution is essential to the success of the team you are a member. Commit to arrive at work earlier, volunteer to stay later to assist with a project or to help meet a deadline. Be the one that lends a hand to a coworker that needs a little extra support. Model the habits and skills you would want to see others on your team exhibit. Be the exception not the average, do more than is expected, and do it for the benefit of others not for self.
     If you are a person of faith did you live your faith or did you just judge others by your religion? It isn't our place to be a judge of others, but instead we should be the example that others want to judge their own faith. If you are living your faith out you won't have to tell anyone that you are a person of faith they will see it in your daily walk, your actions, and your efforts to help others. Don't just attend worship services, worship and praise! If you read scripture in 2017 did you apply it to your life? Did you love thy neighbor as thyself? (see Matthew 22:36-40) Did you honestly invest in others during 2017? Did you give more than you received? Did you honestly live a life in 2017 that others should desire to live?
        If you didn't like your answer to the questions above, or your self-assessment didn't reveal what you would like for it to reveal there is hope! Tomorrow starts a new year, a new chapter, a new page in your book of life. You get to make the choices about what 2018 will look like. You are the one that will decide what you do, who you impact, and how far your reach extends in 2018. Don't make New Year's resolutions, make commitments to make the lives of others better because you are a part of it. Dig in, read more, study more, share more, and give more. Look for guidance and then lead others to the light that has illuminated your pathway. Be a force of good and a voice for those that need someone to stand up for them. Live your faith and if you don't have a faith my friend, get one! There is a God, He is alive, and He is worthy to be served! Living by faith in 2018 may not provide all the answers you are looking for, but I am certain of this, living by faith in 2018 will provide all the answers you need! Trust and Believe!
Happy New Year 2018!!
Coach Carter

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Season of Giving

     Regardless of which holiday you are celebrating this month whether it is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other joyous occasion there will definitely be celebrating and gift giving taking place. We call this the season of giving and boy how we live up to that title! This morning as I checked my phone, I had an email from a store reminding me that I can still purchase something online today until 6:00 and pick it up in the store! Millions and billions of dollars have been spent over the past several weeks and apparently that spending spree is going to continue right up until the last minute tonight or at least until 6:00!
     Often times we hear the advice of "Don't forget the reason for the season", reminding us that the purchases we make at Walmart, Costco, Target, a mall, or online with Amazon are not the main purpose for celebrating this holiday season. The message is to not put the emphasis on giving gifts so much, but instead to put more thought into why are we celebrating and giving gifts in the first place. I fully agree with the idea of placing more emphasis on the "why" of Christmas, but I also think we should place more emphasis on the "giving" aspect of this miraculous season. Now wait a minute before you hang me out on the materialistic clothesline, I didn't say anything about going out and buying presents to give, I just said I believe we need to place more emphasis on the basic concept of giving. If we truly want to celebrate Christmas or any other holiday you might be enjoying this season, giving is going to be a basic principle connected to your celebration. Although it is all about giving,  I would contend that it isn't a gift in a bag, box, or package that we are charged to give, but instead we should be giving of ourselves just as the original gift was given to each of us.
      As our world spends it time swiping their debit cards, I suggest we "spend" more time giving of ourselves and show the world you live in that love is found in giving and that it doesn't cost a penny to give the most important gifts available. If you want to give a gift to someone and you don't know what to give them try one of the following gifts, you can't go wrong, one size fits all guaranteed!
     Give HOPE! We live in a world where too many people have no hope for tomorrow. Drugs, depression, and desolation are rampant. In our own families, in our neighborhoods, our schools, and throughout our communities hopelessness abounds. In your own life be a voice for hope. Don't give up on that loved one that is lost in a spiraling trap of addiction, don't give up on our sense of right and wrong when the world seems upside down, and do not let anyone tell you that there isn't hope for a brighter day tomorrow! Be the light that shines, be that city that sits upon the hill and can't be hidden, Matthew 5:14-16.
      Give PEACE! Wars are being battled around the world as I write this post today. Lives are being lost as you read this post. We must pray for peace, but peace actually starts in our daily choices and actions. Embrace diversity, practice empathy, and place a premium on peace. Work towards it in your own family, put yourself in the shoes of others, and just remember that everyone has an opinion, that's what makes the world go around. Your opinion is yours, but their opinion is theirs. You think yours is the best and I am certain that they think theirs is the best. Who has the right to judge and make the decision that your way is the only way? Be at peace with your neighbor and allow them to have their opinion, their belief, or their custom and try to learn from them instead of closing your door to see the good in a man's heart instead of way he looks or believes.
     Give JOY! People around you are lost in a world that pounds down on them, and if you don't show them the joy you have in your heart then where will they see it? If you have faith in God, if you believe that there is more to life than just living, or if you have a song in your heart on Sundays, you need to share it everyday! Knowing what we know to be true, knowing that their is eternal life which is available to anyone that wants it, and knowing that He lives inside of our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls, why would we not share it? That is joy and I want others to see it, experience it, and desire it in their own life.
     Give LOVE! Christmas began with a gift of love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" John 3:16. His son, Jesus, gave us the gift of love when he lived among us, taught us how to love, showed us how to love, and then died for us to demonstrate an unconditional love for each of us. Love from your heart, teach your children how to love and what true love is. It isn't found in a box, it won't be on display at Macy's, and you honestly can't buy it in a store or online. Love is found in time spent together (without cell phones), love is giving of yourself without expecting to get anything in return, and love is a sacrifice. At times it hurts, sometimes it may seem unfair, or even one sided, but love is given because you care not because you want anything in return. Jesus gave His life for each of us not because we loved Him, but because He first loved us! (Read I Corinthians 13 for more on how we can share love.)
   As I close today's Flat Tire Ministry Thought for this week I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday whichever holiday that may be. My gift to each of you is the gift of HOPE! My hope is that your holidays are filled with PEACE, JOY, and LOVE! There is no credit limit on these and there is no end to the true happiness they will deliver to those that receive your gift given in love! My hope for everyone around the world is that PEACE will be achieved. Peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits. Wars may rage in the streets, but peace can reign in our hearts knowing that God is in control and He has a plan. I wish to give each of you the gift of JOY. Joy found in the knowledge that He lives and regardless of what is happening around us He is able to live within us forever and ever! And finally I want to give to each of you the gift of LOVE! Love for all mankind, love for the world we have been given to live on, and love for the one that first loved us and loves us unconditionally. Share these gifts and you will enjoy the true meaning of giving this holiday season!
Coach Carter

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Bounce Back Factor

      Take two objects, a brick and a rubber ball, and then position yourself near a drop off where below you there would be a solid surface. Simultaneously drop both objects and then watch to see what happens next. Now this isn't rocket science, I mean it's pretty obvious that the brick is going to hit the ground and either make a thud or bust into pieces, while the rubber ball on the other hand will bounce, possibly right back to whence it first came. By no means would I label myself a scientist, yet being a fixer of flat tires extraordinaire I have gained an insight into what makes us be more like the rubber ball in the face of adversity or affliction and it is all about the composition of that little rubber ball.
     Rubber is elastic, it gives, it "bounces" back, and that makes it durable enough to withstand the impact of being dropped off the side of a building. That elasticity makes it a strong, durable substance both beneficial and desirable traits for a little rubber ball and also in desirable in life. The brick doesn't fair quite so well. Stoic and sturdy are desirable traits, but when you're headed for a fall the best chance the brick has is that it won't lay busted and broken upon impact. That bounce back factor is what we must have in life to overcome the challenges and the difficulties we encounter each day. 
     Life's challenges are unending. That is a simple statement that we understand, some of us may feel like we know it much better than others, but be assured everyone has their own list of problems. I have always heard it said that you are either coming out of a problem, currently dealing with a problem, or headed right into a new problem. Trust me that is not being pessimistic, just realistic. Many people look at these difficulties in life and think "What am I being punished for?" or better yet, "Why me?" I know, I get it, I'm getting ready to tell you that all of life's challenges and difficulties only make you stronger, and you're thinking "That's easy for you to say you don't know what I'm going through and if you did you would understand that nothing good can possibly come out of this problem."
     On the one hand you would be exactly right, I do not know what you are going through or what you have gone through, or what you will possibly be faced with tomorrow. On the other hand, I would say to you that once you stop looking at your problems as unique to your life, you might just see that there are others out there that have more problems, many of which are of a much greater magnitude than your own issues, and they are thriving. Winston Churchill summed it up nicely with this quote, " A pessimist sees the difficulties in every opportunity in life, while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty in life." It's all about perspective. I complained about my eye sight dimming, until I met the man with no eyes to see. That is the bounce back factor you have to develop in your life.      
     Not to say that your problems aren't rough, maybe almost unbearable, but you have to take ownership of them and just keep bouncing back, and bouncing back, and bouncing back until you come to terms with the situation or you reach a resolution to the problem. I say come to terms with a problem because it is possible that you won't reach a resolution. You may have to resolve to the fact that some things aren't going to change and you have to learn to bounce back from that as well.
     I'm going to conclude today's message with a story about a gentleman I heard speak a couple of weeks ago at a conference I attended. Isaac Lidsky was a childhood TV star on the series "Saved by the Bell the New Class". Isaac lost his sight to a retinal disease while he was still a teenager. Talk about being dropped off the side of a ledge, I mean he was living the dream. Television star, fame, fortune I'm sure he was feeling like he had it made, then to lose his sight right at the peak of his adolescent years. I'm certain the phrase "why me?" crossed his mind a number of times. Yet as his life progressed Mr. Lidsky didn't only come to terms with his blindness, but by all measures he has gone on to build a very successful career and life. Issac Lidsky is the only blind person to serve as a law clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court and currently serves as the CEO of a thriving concrete business in Florida. Not to mention he has a loving wife an four beautiful children. Keep in mind he accomplished all of this after going "blind". Lidsky is also an author and the topic of his talk to the audience was on the topic of "eyes wide open" which is also the title of his book. To Issac Lidsky losing his sight enabled him to see. The opportunities he has gained were byproducts of what most people would have described as a potential life destroying event. That my dear friends is the bounce back factor in action. Taking the fall and bouncing right back up, again and again regardless of how many times you hit the floor.
      As mentioned before I do not know your situation or status in life. I don't know how many problems you are facing or how many problems have you face down. All I do know is that there is a way to persevere, a way to overcome, and a way to see the adversity in your life as a step towards "what's next in your life". I have found the key to unlock that door. It is found in my faith. In Psalm 121:1-2 the psalmist writes "I will look unto the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Creator of Heaven and earth." and Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Life is tough at times, sometimes it feels like all the time, but if you have a faith that keeps bouncing back, and you place your trust in that faith your life may not change, but your perspective will, and that will make all the difference needed in your life!
Carry on and keep bouncing!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Super Moon

      During this past week those of us living in the southeastern portion of North America have had the opportunity to view what has been labeled by the scientific community as a "super moon". Full moons tend to keep me awake at night as it is, but boy this super moon stuff really lit up the night! Marvelous to look at if you had the opportunity and took the time to really take advantage of this "super" bright sphere almost shouting out "Hey here I am, look at me!" The moon's story is a funny one to explain to younger kids and sometimes it's even hard for me to grasp the concept of what makes the moon shine so brightly in the first place.
     You see the moon is nothing more than a dead, lifeless rock hanging in an orbit around our planet. Lifeless, meaning no energy, no source of life, equaling no power to create the light that it shines so brightly. (Tell that to a five year old and see how far you get with that one.) We know that the moon's light is a direct reflection of how much light it receives from the sun and depending on it's position in relation to the sun we may see a quarter moon, half moon, new moon, full moon or in the case as it was this past week it might even be a super moon. The "Super Moon" phenomenon is the rare occurrence when the moon is closer to the sun in distance than any other normal full moon instance, coupled with the perfect alignment of the two spheres in our region of the world thus creating the super bright effect on what we saw in the night sky a few days ago. The brightness of the Super Moon was eye-catching at least and spectacularly illuminating at best.
       Funny how nature provides visual models of how God intends us to live our life out for Him. The whole concept of shining the light, being a reflection of His light, and providing light where there is none is talked about by Paul in Ephesians 5:8-13 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)  and find out what pleases the Lord.  Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.  It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." We must realize that we are His light to this world. Paul explains it clearly I believe. Before you made the decision to follow Christ you were in the dark, but now you are His light to the world. The question is are you reflecting His light? 
     Each day, each of us has an opportunity to shine His light to the world we live in, and to illuminate the life of the people we meet along our life's journey. But how will they see that light if we aren't displaying it? What is different about your life that allows others to see your illumination. We can go to church on Sunday, we can give our tithes in the offering plate, read our Bible, say our prayers, and a whole list of "things" we can do, but the question still lingers, "How will someone see His light reflecting off of your life?" There has to be something different about your life, something that doesn't look like what the world portrays as the accepted norm. I'm not suggesting that you have to stand on a street corner carrying a "believe or burn" sign, all I'm saying is if your life isn't distinctly different how can it reflect the light that God has intended for you to share? 
     Going back to the scripture in Ephesians Paul shares that the fruits of our light are grounded in goodness, righteousness, and truth. Those are great starting points for you to be a reflection of God's light. Do the right thing when presented with a choice. Choose to live life as Christ did helping others that are in need, giving more than you are receiving, and never judging a person by their mistakes or by their status in life. Forgive because you were forgiven and love because He first loved you. As our time together today comes to an end, let me suggest a song for you to listen to that shares this message in music. Micah Tyler's song "Different" resonates well for all of us that want to be a shining light for our Lord and Savior. Look it up,  listen to the words, and then apply the message to your own life. If you feel that your life hasn't been a light then my prayer for you today is that you will make the personal decision to become a true reflection of the light that He wants to reflect through you. For those in our audience that have made that decision already, be a "Super Moon" shine bright and light up your world and the world of those that you live with, work with, and love.
Have an amazing week, mine has already begun! Thank you for sharing in it with me! 
Coach Carter

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Grit, Resiliency, & Perseverance

     We all love a story about an over-comer. The underdog who despite having all the odds stacked up against him, hunkers down and in the end perseveres through to an ultimate victory. (Big shout out to Rocky Balboa! Thanks Sly for the inspiration!) Life throws each of us our own set of adversities and afflictions, yet many times our own personal battles feel like something that no one has ever been through, something more than anyone could endure. Our heavy burdens can leave us feeling hopeless and alone, but there is always hope. As long as we hold on to hope there is always a chance, a glimmer, that one in a million possibility that things will work out and in today's FTM I want to share how we can see it all through to fruition.
     One of the best places to learn about over-comers is the Bible. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, but overcame that devastating blow as he was placed in charge of his master Potiphar's  house because of his hard work and dedication. From there Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and imprisoned, only to overcome yet another potentially life ending event, ultimately becoming second only to Pharaoh in command of  Egypt and beyond. In the end Joseph actually forgave his brothers for what they did to him as a child with this proclamation in Genesis 50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people's lives." (See Genesis 39-50 for the whole story)
      Then there's Paul in the New Testament. After Paul's conversion on the Damascus road, Paul became a devoted and resilient Christian that was persecuted, threatened, and even imprisoned for his faith. To complicate matters Paul also suffered from some type of affliction that caused him great pain and discomfort throughout his life. Paul pleaded in his prayers to have the pain relieved, but the response Paul received was: My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” II Corinthians 12:9. From there Paul gained strength to endure and continue forward as he proclaimed in verse 10 of the same chapter, "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
     Joseph and Paul are just two examples out of a multitude of examples provided in the Bible that give us encouragement and strength to carry on and to never quit through our own challenges in life.  Whatever we go through in life we have to develop that same mindset. There has been extensive research completed by giants in the field of grit and resiliency such as Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck, and Paul Tough that speak to the undeniable impact on one's life by persevering through adversity and sticking it out to resolution. We either bend and eventually succumb to our afflictions, or we hold tight (grit), we never give up (resiliency), and we never quit regardless of our situation or state of being (perseverance). Will we always win? Will things always work out the way we envision? Do we have to personally overcome to experience victory? 
     The answer to the aforementioned questions will serve as the end of our time together today. Referring back to the Bible look at the life of Jesus. Jesus lived a sinless life, yet He knew what was getting ready to happen to him as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus knew He was about to be tortured and eventually crucified to the point that He pleaded in Matthew 26:39 My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will”. That cup did not pass Jesus by and to those that are lost in hopelessness the story ends there. But, even as Jesus hung on the cross struggling for what would be His last breath on this earth he cried out "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" Luke 23:34. With that final prayer victory was sealed and Jesus won and so did mankind. Jesus persevered! We know the rest of the story, three days later Jesus rose from the grave and sits at the right hand of His Father in Heaven today. Whatever you are facing in life be it physical in nature, attacks on your family or other relationships, financial matters, or whether it is an attack on your own faith hold tight, never give up, and never quit!
     My prayer for you today:
"Dear Lord try us and test us, deepen our resolve through the trials and afflictions of this life. Teach us to wait, open the eyes of our hearts, give us peace and understanding and where those do not exist build trust and resolve in our hearts and souls. Let our faith be our strength and may the resiliency that you build in us be an encouragement to others in our lives. Father I pray for those that are going through adversity in their lives and I pray that the tribulations of this life may be bearable because of their complete reliance on You and the words of life that You share. Father God let us look up unto You the Mountain of our faith, from where our strength comes from. Surely the Creator of Heaven and earth can and will see us through our valleys and give us the strength to see our own dilemma resolved. Lord remind us of those in our own lives and also those from history's lens that have gone before us and persevered through adversity, only for us to benefit from their suffering. Keep us mindful that our lives are not for us, bur are actually lived for the benefit of all that we can touch through the life we have lived for You. Thank you Father for the opportunity to serve You each day. For not our will, but Thy will be done. Amen"
Coach Carter

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Defining True “JOY”

     Joy, what does it mean to experience "joy" in your life? How does joy make life better? Where does this sense of joy come from and how do we receive it? Those questions are the basis of our time together today in this week's Flat Tire Ministries Thought for the Week.
     Well the textbook definition of joy goes something like this, "Joy- A feeling of great pleasure or happiness." Like in the context of "we felt great joy at the birth of our child." An event like that should cause joy in our lives and there is nothing wrong with that emotional rush and it does exemplify the textbook meaning of the word joy. The definition of joy I'm talking about is much deeper and does not fit the category of an emotion. The joy I want to share with you today is a state of being, a way of life, a perspective that changes your outlook on who you are and what your purpose in life is all about.
     The true definition of "Joy" is best summed up in an acronym for the word that a dear friend of mine, Pastor Rick Bradbury, shared with me several years ago. For Rick the word JOY stands for J- Jesus first, O- others second, and Y- yourself last. Now the whole premise of the FTM "Thought" for the Week is to provoke thoughts or thinking about what we share in this blog each week. If all you do is read the words, close the page, and then just move along with your week, then my intent has not been reached yet. What I'm getting at is have you ever asked yourself "What brings true joy to my life?" Not just happiness that is birthed in an outcome of an event, and not momentary bliss created by the feeling that everything is going your way. On the contrary, the true meaning of joy that I hope you are tapped into has very little to do with self and a great deal to do with everyone else that you come in contact with each day.
      The "J" represents Jesus. Placing your faith in first position in your life is the quickest way to experience true JOY. "I believe" you say, "I go to church", "I listen to inspirational music", I,I, I you say. It isn't about you, when you find true joy in Christ it becomes all about Him. You spend time in prayer, you seek his plans for your life in service to Him. You seek to share His message with others, and you trust in Him that regardless of whether or not what is happening in your life right now feels good or not it is His will for your life at this time in your life. Honestly, it becomes more like His life being lived in you and through you. That my friend is the first step in understanding the true meaning of JOY.
      "O" stands for others. Once you have placed your life in the hands of your Creator, it is imperative that you realize that life isn't about what God can do for you, but instead it is all about what you can do for others in the name of our Lord and Savior. This places a whole new perspective on what you do each day. Now you aren't going to work just because that is what you are supposed to do, but instead now you go to work to impact the lives of those that you work with, the loved ones in your life, and all of the other people in the world that will ultimately be impacted by the influence of your work. Remember delayed gratification from last week's post? That's what I'm talking about here. Your life has a purpose and that purpose is directly related to how many people your life can have an impact on during the time you have on this big, old rock called earth. It is too easy to sit around complaining about how bad we have it, or make excuses about why we can't or don't reach out to help somebody else that has more needs than we do. When we begin to put others in front of our own wants in life, we begin to experience the JOY of giving. Remember the carpenter from Nazareth? He gave His life for all of us, even when the very people He suffered for hung Him on a cross. What sacrifices are you making in your life to receive JOY?
     Lastly comes the "Y" yourself. This one is easy, yet so hard for us to grasp. We want everything to go our way, "what's in it for me?" we too often ask. When you focus on yourself your vision gets blurred to the point that you are incapable of experiencing true JOY. When you place yourself first everything in your life comes back to how much pleasure you get out of the experience. In your mind you may be thinking, " I do stuff all the time for others". True you may, but is it done out a sense of commitment or obligation, which would ultimately come back to fulfilling the needs of self, or do you sacrifice your time, energy, and resources for the benefit of others without feeling like you had to do whatever it was you just did?
      The sounds of Christmas are quickly filling the airwaves and broadcasts of stores, malls, homes, and radio stations across the world. It is almost certain that at some point in the next month you will hear the Christmas carol, "Joy to the World" playing in the background of a venue you are visiting. When you hear that song take a moment to ask yourself the following questions. First, how am I putting Jesus first in my life each day? Not only during the holiday, but everyday. How do you go about the business of sharing His good news and living His life through your own? Second, how are the lives of others impacted by what I do each day? Do I only do my job because it is what is expected of me, or do I understand that everything I do will impact positively or negatively the lives of countless others. Your choices have an impact on others directly or ultimately indirectly. And then finally yourself. In what ways do you sacrifice of yourself without expecting something in return? At work, in your family, at your church, or wherever you donate your time, energy, and abilities is it for you to feel good about it or is it done out of complete sacrifice of self to benefit others and glorify Jesus.
     Once you experience the true meaning of JOY life takes on a completely different definition. Happiness will not just come when you receive a gift or things happen to go your way, but instead your life will be filled with the true JOY of giving instead of receiving.
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:35 
JOY to the World!
Coach Carter

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Delayed Gratification

     A comedian writes a joke and then after careful practice on the delivery of the joke and the inevitable punch line he or she might try it out on some friends or on a small audience. If the joke isn't met with an instant laugh, then that joke may never be used in the comedian's routine. Comedians aren't into the business of getting laughs later, they need that instant response of laughter because their livelihood depends on it. It doesn't help very much if a silent audience goes home and eventually chuckles to themselves. No the measure of their success is dependent on what we could label as instant gratification.
     Now on the other end of the career spectrum is the job of the farmer. The farmer goes out to the field, prepares the ground, disperses the seeds in the prepared rows, covers the seeds, waters the soil, and then the hard work begins. Week upon week, sometimes month upon month, and in the case of plants such as fruit trees we might even be talking about year upon year the farmer must nurture the plant until it reaches maturity and produces the fruit that it was intended to provide. Without the efforts of the farmer and his or her commitment to the process of nurturing the seed until it becomes what it was intended to be, the outcome of the fruit may never come to "fruition". (Pun intended) The sower of the seeds has to have a different type of mindset, for the farmer it can't be about planting the seed and then instantly hearing the crowd roar with laughter as the comedian requires. Instead the farmer understands that if the seed isn't planted the crop won't grow, and if the crop doesn't grow it is a direct reflection on the farmer who didn't carry out his or her purpose in life. A farmer understands that planting seeds is only a part of the process, a sower of seeds grasps the belief that farming much like life is all about delayed gratification.
     In your life to which mindset do you adhere? Do you expect to see instant results for the "behind the scenes" work you do? When that doesn't happen are you dejected or even worse do you ask yourself "Why do I even bother to try to help?" In education understanding the concept of delayed gratification is critically important. (By the way, I am blessed to be in the profession of teaching, but in reality each of us are teachers. You teach your sons and daughters right and wrong as they grow, you teach your co-workers how to handle conflict or pressure each day on the job, and you teach family and friends what it means to never give up through your dedicated commitment to see life through. Just so you never forget it, YOU are a teacher. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. Now back to our message.)
     Whatever we do as teachers it is so important to understand the concept of delayed gratification. So many times, and I am guilty of this as much as the next classroom teacher, thoughts of "what's the use?" creep into our minds. We work so hard to teach our students the skills they will need to be successful in life both academically and also socially, but it seems like at times we are talking to the proverbial brick wall. Students, family members, and even our co-workers make mistakes or go down paths that we definitely taught them not to travel, yet there they go down that slippery slope and we think "Well I guess I wasted my time there, what's the use?" We watch as the lessons we taught and the skills we shared are tossed to the side and life goes sideways for those we have invested our time and commitment. You may actually feel like a failure at that moment, but I want to tell you that your work has just begun.
      Just as the farmer plants the seeds and then begins the process of pulling the weeds that want to choke out or steal the nourishment of the plant, watering and fertilizing the soil so that when the plant needs support and can't get it on it's own the plant has what it needs, or in the case of a tree the farmer waits, and waits and is required to maintain faith that the small seed that was planted in the ground years ago will eventually grow into a tree. A tree that bears much fruit or provides shade and comfort for those that find themselves under it's branches. We are tasked to do the exact same thing in life. We provide the knowledge and skills, we invest in the nurturing of those skills, and then at the end of the day we must have faith and place our trust in the knowledge that we have done exactly what we have been called to do. From there we pray and hold on to our faith that God has a plan for each of our lives and His plan will be fulfilled.
     I would like to end our Flat Tire Ministries Thought today with a story that a dear friend of mine, Ricky Witt, told me not too long ago. A young preacher, eager to go out and save the world felt led by the Lord to hold a revival. He could feel the direction from above so much that he kept hearing the number "100" over and over to the conclusion that the results of this revival would be 100 people saved. The enthusiastic preacher went about the business of conducting his revival, put his complete effort into the preparation of messages and when the actual event took place he left nothing on the table bearing his heart and soul to the the attendees. The crowd was there, yet at the end of the event one lone soul came forward to be saved. Joy for the one soul, yet heartbroken for the 99 others that did not help him reach what he had been certain was a message from above. Undaunted and committed, the young minister went on to become a successful preacher and ultimately later in life his travels brought him back through the little town where it all began several years ago. Driving down the familiar streets of his past he happened upon a lake baptism with a considerable crowd gathered around. Intrigued, the elder pastor decided to stop by and join in with the fellowship. As he approached the lake, a young pastor emerged from the lake and  hurriedly made his way up to the new guest. When the two met the young preacher reached out his hand and proclaimed to his new visitor, " I bet you don't remember me?" The passerby looked into his eyes and saw a glean that was both telling and memorable. "Well, I'll just tell you, several years ago you held a revival here and I got saved that day. After high school, I made the decision to go to seminary and become a preacher myself. When I finished I came back here and started my own church. Today, we are baptizing our 99th new member to our church!"
     As I retell this story to you, tears well up in my eyes. Delayed gratification, plant a seed today and don't ever stop believing!
"So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don't give up, we will in due time reap the harvest." Galatians 6:9

Saturday, November 11, 2017

"A Round-To-It"

     On a shelf in my office I have several pieces of memorabilia that have a specific memory attached to each and in most cases a story with a moral or lesson I have learned down through the years. One of those lesson building tools is a little round rock with the word "to-it" written on both sides. This is my very own "round to it" rock, as in the phrase "I'll do it when I get around to it". Having "a round to it" provides me with a reminder that I don't have an excuse for putting off what I need to do, and it also motivates me to keep my priorities in order through the perspective of what really matters in life.
     About a month ago I wrote a prayer that speaks to the importance of being productive every day, but also reminds me to put first things first each day as well. For today's FTM Thought I'd like to share this prayer.
"Lord my God, so many things I want to do today. I go through a list in my head and I prioritize all I want to accomplish, but in my hurry I realize that before I turn to do any of those things I need to stop and first thank You for the gift of this day. Another day that I was never promised to have, a gift to cherish. If I only bask in in for a moment, Lord let that moment be intentional and real. Lord let me admire the beauty of nature the sights, sounds, and scents that fill me each day. Father when I stop, when I take a deep breath, I suddenly put things into the perspective of what is real and what is important. Father by doing this my priorities start coming to mind, and I begin to think, "Oh I wish my son could be here to share in this moment" or I realize that the beauty of Your creation needs more of my attention and I decide to go for a  "thankful" walk or paddle on the water. Father in all I do may I always place You first, may I never take for granted the beauty and magnificence of the gift of life that abounds around us and in us. Father I have no clue where I would be without You in my life, but I do know that with You in my life I am a child of God, a forgiven sinner,  and a reborn servant of Christ. Lord show me Your way each day I pray. Amen"
     So many times our days are mapped out for us before we hardly touch the floor with our feet. Before we get so caught up in what we have to do, we need to stop and take care of what should be our first priority of the day. If we will only stop and give thanks for the day, our days won't seem so packed because then we remember our purpose for the list of things we have to do that day. Don't wait until you get "a round to it" before you give thanks for this day, make it your top priority each day! You have a purpose fulfill it!
"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Saturday, November 4, 2017

"Don't" STOP

     I've added some distance to my morning runs and in doing so I now have a loop that is included in the trail. Early in the run there is a gradual incline that quickly gets my attention and definitely elevates my heart rate. There's a stop sign at the top of the hill and I use it as a visual marker reminding me that I've almost reached the end of the uphill challenge. I'm fresh and the graduated challenge sets the stage for my morning run. On the latter part of the loop as I make it around to the incline the grade includes a much steeper portion of the roadway and the peak of the hill, at times, resembles Mt. Kilimanjaro in my mind (and my legs, lungs, and heart as well) if you know what I mean. Well on Thursday I had a light bulb go off in my mind off as I made my ascent on the hill. The landmark that I am always seeking as I jaunt upwardly is that big, red STOP sign. Wow, what a subliminal message to a runner trying to reach a goal! Here I am digging in, wrestling against my body and lungs, fighting the urge to STOP and walk, and all along my eyes are set on a sign designed to make us physically STOP! What a mental battle my brain must have been going through! I had to almost laugh at the juxtaposition the whole scenario created.
     This episode in exercise set my mind to thinking about our Flat Tire Ministry Thoughts and how this just had to be a thought to share. You see in life we face so many uphill challenges or "trails" of adversity and in the world there are definitely more STOP signs surrounding us than there are signs that read, FULL SPEED AHEAD! When you face your own Mt. Kilimanjaro in life what keeps you going? What strength do you pull from to keep pushing and overcome the peak of the mountain you are climbing? In life's struggles I have found my strength to continue the race, to climb that mountain, to overcome the obstacle in front of me through my relationship with God and my faith in His promise "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6.
     "It isn't as easy as that sounds",  I hear you shouting out there! And I'm shouting back, "Yeah I know it I've climbed my share of mountains and I expect (hope) I have many more ascents as I move forward in life." We don't reach a destination unless we travel the road that lies in front of us. Whatever event you are dealing with in life, heck it may be three or four mountains in your life, you may have a whole mountain range to overcome, remember you are not alone in your climb. We have a comfort, a constant reminder that we are designed to be over-comers and we were created to finish the course not STOP before we reach our goals or purpose in life. 
     Whatever you are dealing with that you would label your insurmountable life event I understand it is hard to not listen to the  STOP signs in your life. In my book "How to Fix a Flat Tire" (not published yet), I talk about the "Six Deadly D's" drugs, disease, divorce, debt, depression, and death. That is not an all inclusive list, but in most cases what you are dealing with is somehow connected to one of these. You can't listen to the world that is telling you to STOP. Just as when I was running the big, red sign in front of me was yelling at me "STOP, it's okay, STOP, nobody will know, STOP nobody will care!, STOP you don't have to keep going!" Does any of that sound familiar? If so you my friend are listening to the wrong voice!
     As I dug in and start fighting the urge to do just as the red, octagon shaped sign bids me to do, I heard a voice in my head adding the words "Don't stop, Don't quit. Don't listen to the world, Don't STOP! That is when I got my second wind, that is when I no longer saw STOP, I now saw the sign as a motivation, an inspiration of sorts. My energy renewed and my resolve set the remaining distance to the top of the hill was energized by the small, still voice in my mind telling me  "DON'T STOP!"
     And that is what makes the difference. I have a faith, a trust, a hope that my Lord and Savior has a plan for my life. It more than likely is not the plan I would create, because in my plans I wouldn't input struggles, adversities, or afflictions I'm only human! I am certain there is a plan for each of us on this big rock and it is our job to do all we can to fulfill it, because what we have to realize and understand is that "our" plan isn't about us, it's all about what He can do through us for others through His plan for our life. In other words I don't quit because I know that His plan needs me to do what I have been created to do for His glory and the benefit of the others my life's plan will impact. That is why I run my course and don't give up, that is why when I am faced with life's challenges I don't quit, and that is why I am encouraged to stay the course and never listen to the world when it tells me I should STOP, give up, or quit. When I hear those words they are no longer alone, for me they are always accompanied by the words Don't STOP, never give up, and never quit! 
     As this new week kicks off I challenge you to fight the urge to quit or give up on something you are dealing with in your own "run". When the world tells you to stop running the race, place the word "don't" in front of the sentence and let it resonate in your mind, "Don't stop running the race!" Just as  Hebrews 12:1 encourages and cheers each of us on towards our purpose in life we have a hill to climb so let's get to it!
 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1
Have an amazing week, someone is counting on it! 
Coach Carter

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

     Where are you in your walk of faith? If you feel that you are walking closely to your Maker great you are equipped to face the obstacles that life presents along the way, if He is distant and you aren't even sure if you are walking in the same direction that you are intended to walk then hopefully you can find your road map and get on the right path today.
     Before his conversion of faith Saul (eventually to be known as Paul), author of the majority of the New Testament in the Bible and a courageous disciple of Christ, was definitely on the wrong road as he traveled to Damascus to further persecute and imprison more Christians for their faith. For those that may not be familiar with Paul's experience here's the cliff notes. As Saul traveled on his way to Damascus an intensely, bright light physically blinded Saul, and the voice of God spoke to him asking him "Why are you persecuting me?". Losing his sight was an eye-opening experience literally. Fasting, praying, and seeking God's intent for his life, the former enemy of Christ, now turned his life over in service to God, regained his sight, and changed his name from Saul to Paul. The rest is recorded history. As today's title suggests, sometimes you have to lose everything before you realize you have all you could ever need.
      I heard the Reverend Billy Graham proclaim the title of today's Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the Week one day on the radio and it really struck a chord with me. You see I don't believe you have to lose your eyesight, experience a tragedy, or hit the bottom of the barrel before you can experience the life changing love of our Creator, hopefully your decision to follow God in faith came through a much smoother transition, yet for many people much like Paul a life altering experience has either made you or you are broken as you read this message. For those that it has made the difference and changed your life forever, praise be to God, for those that it has broken this message is for you.
     What does it mean to say Jesus plus nothing equals everything? How can the answer be so simple in the face of what appears to be total destruction of everything a person possesses? Lost financial stability, broken relationships, major health issues, and even death create a wreck of catastrophic proportions as we unexpectedly travel through life. To the point that many people feel they have nothing left, nothing to grasp onto to keep from drowning in their despair. The end of the rope for some may be a tiny strand that appears to be dwindling rapidly away. If you are in that place this is where Jesus + nothing = everything must become your state of mind, body, soul, and spirit.
     You see once you have reached the bottom, when you feel that you are as low as you can possibly go with no hope in sight, that is exactly where faith and trust are found. Faith that God has a plan for your life, and trust that as long as you have a breath in your lungs that plan will be fulfilled. You can't expect that in every situation  God is going to miraculously heal your vision as He did in the life of Paul, but instead you have to believe that God's plan is so much bigger than you or I can see and if we understand that then we can also believe that whatever God's plan is then just as Jesus conceded on the cross "not my will but thy will be done." Luke 22:42. 
     I'll conclude with this thought. Paul was provided a miracle three days after he lost his sight on the road to Damascus. Needless to say that event shaped his life and was the basis of his commitment to serving God. Throughout the rest of his life Paul experienced hardships beyond what each of us would deem bearable. Paul was imprisoned and tortured more than once for his faith and his unwavering commitment to spread the message of hope found in faith. Paul suffered an affliction to his body that persisted throughout his life to the point that he broke down and asked God to take away the pain not once, but three times. Paul's resolve in this situation is stated by the explanation God provided him in II Corinthians 12:9-10, "He answered me, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in weak people.” I am happy to be weak and have troubles so I can have Christ’s power in me.  I receive joy when I am weak. I receive joy when people talk against me and make it hard for me and try to hurt me and make trouble for me. I receive joy when all these things come to me because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." When you have nothing left, when you feel like you are down and out for the final count, or whatever your situation in life is that has you feeling like you are all alone, let me assure you, you are not alone. Just as today's title professes, Jesus + absolutely nothing left = all you need to go forward. Trust and obey, be strong and courageous, and live in faith to the one that will see you through. 
     My prayer each time I write this blog post is that one person's life will be impacted by what God has allowed me to write this day. In your own prayers please join me that someone will find hope in their circumstances or situation today through the words that have been written in faith. 
Thank you, Coach Carter

Friday, October 20, 2017

Progression Over Perfection

     A good friend of mine and fellow volleyball coach, Doug Swint, has an encouraging phrase that not only carries a great deal of truth to it, but also is a great motivational tool in his coaching. During just about every practice, especially when he notices a player getting down on themselves you'll hear Coach Swint proclaim "Progression over Perfection!" accompanied by a quick reminder that the only way to get better is to keep working at what you are struggling. That may sound like simple advice, yet so many of us are paralyzed by the idea of failure or "looking bad" that we allow our imperfections to limit our true potential. The desire to be perfect is not only detrimental to your progress in athletics, but it is also an underlying factor in decreased productivity at work, career, school, and in life. Perfection is not achievable, nor should it be, yet our drive to be better, do better, and to work towards the best "me" I can be is all about progression which I believe should be our goal in life.
     Making progress in life is a driving force we should all embrace and use as our measuring stick each day. We must make ourselves vulnerable to the idea that "failure" is not a negative word, it is a measurement made by man to label an effort that was unsuccessful. Failures are just part of the progression towards success. Thomas Edison's famous quote, "I will not say I failed 1000 times, I will say that I discovered there are 1000 ways that can cause failure.",  rings true with the mantra of progression over perfection. What if Edison had attempted to create the light bulb a dozen times or maybe even 50 times and then decided that it just wouldn't work and gave up? Life would have been a little darker for a while longer until someone with a little more drive came along to accomplish the feat. Edison realized that making mistakes and falling short of his goal were all necessary steps in working towards and eventually reaching his goal. He saw it as inevitable that if only he persevered through the missteps in his quest he would eventually reach his goal. We must apply that same perseverance to our lives to accomplish our mission in life which  should be to grow (progress) and better the world in which we live.
     Two of favorite advocates in the understanding of the whole progression over perfection mentality are Dr. Carol Dweck and Dr. Angela Duckworth. Dweck's work on the advantages of  a growth mindset over a fixed mindset laid the foundation for Duckworth to advocate for a person to develop more "grit" or resiliency to work through the adversity of failure to ultimately reach a goal. The idea of a growth mindset is that you have to look at what some would label a failure, and to understand that these are mere lessons to learn that help us grow and progress. The key is we have to be willing to learn from our mistakes. Those with a fixed mindset will not push themselves for fear of failure or fear of looking like they aren't successful. This type of thinking hampers progress and deadens the drive to attempt things outside of our comfort zone. Keep in mind the score on the scoreboard isn't the only factor that determines success.
      As a coach (and if you are reading this you are a coach to someone your children, coworkers, students, athletes, friends, family, or even if it is to yourself) you must embrace the concept that as long as you are progressing you are moving the needle in the right direction. Coaches that are facing a losing season must set realistic goals that are both measurable and attainable to determine if your season was a success. Looking only at the scoreboard is man's measuring stick, but what really matters in life is what did you do in your life that makes an impact on as many people as possible. Progression. Think about how you encourage others and how you push forward in the face of adversity. Don't get bogged down by the fear of looking bad or falling flat on your face. Go out on a limb and make yourself more vulnerable to taking chances. The impact you make on this world isn't measured on a daily basis, instead our legacy on the world we live is measured by the continuous work we do while we are here on this earth to make our world a better place. When faced with a challenge that appears too hard to overcome keep in mind that you may never overcome that obstacle, yet one thing is for certain. If you give up, if you quit, it is certain that you will not be successful, but if you dig in, if you draw upon every bit of grit, perseverance, and resiliency you have inside your soul then you have a chance to make a difference in the world you live. Whatever it is in life that you are destined to do, remember it's all about progression not perfection! Go out and make a difference today! Coach Carter

Saturday, October 14, 2017

"What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"

     Now I am definitely not a philosopher, but I am apt to grab on to a good philosophical adage when I hear one. Friedrich Nietzsche is quoted as having said "What doesn't kill a person only makes that person stronger." I'd like to admit to you that I was reading one of Nietzsche's books, but that wouldn't hardly be true. In actuality a song by the band Need to Breathe and Lauren Diagle, "Hard Love", that I listen to just about every morning hinges on that very line of encouragement.
“Hold on tight a little longer
What don’t kill ya, makes ya stronger
Get back up, ’cause it’s a hard love
You can’t change without a fallout
It’s gon’ hurt, but don’t you slow down
Get back up, ’cause it’s a hard love”- 

  The whole premise of Nietzsche's proclamation and the lyrics of this song is that the adversities and even the afflictions of life that we persevere through will eventually make us a stronger person, a better prepared person, equipped with the grit and resiliency to enter future storms of life with an "overcomer" mindset. 
     I'll admit that is an easier one to say than it is to do. It's a "tough row to hoe" by yourself, and knowing someone is there to catch you when you fall or empower us when we are weak is not only comforting, but also essential. No man is an island.
      When I share with someone that I have learned to embrace adversity as a critical component of growth, many times the person I am talking to looks at me like I have three heads and says, "How is that possible? How can you be so positive in the middle of some type of hardship or difficulty?" Well I have learned the secret that Paul shared with the church in Corinth, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." II Corinthians 12:9-10. In another instance Paul proclaims to the church in Philippi, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.  I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Philippians 4:11-13. It isn't easy, and I don't want to make it sound like all you have to do is think with a positive attitude and it will all be okay, but I am saying it is possible, and yes you can overcome and persevere!
     You may ask, "When will I ever get relief from this traumatic chapter of my life?" The answer to that question is that unfortunately/fortunately you may or you may not ever get the physical relief you would like to receive, but when you accept the conditions you are in, whether they be physical, financial, or emotional as a tool that God has given you to use to benefit His purpose for your life, your perspective will change. Where once you felt persecuted, know you will feel empowered to share, to help someone else that isn't as strong as you. A child, an elderly person, a student, a friend, that is struggling, or even a loved one that has fallen into the same trap that once held you captive may be the very reason you endured and overcame that adversity in your own life. 
     The valleys you traveled through to reach the mountain you are standing on right now are the very lessons you have learned from and know they have equipped you so that you can help someone else survive their own valley. The adversity and afflictions of life mold our trust and faith to create in us an encouraging truth that God has a plan and whatever our role in that plan is we must trust that it is for a greater purpose than just for our own personal existence.
     I may fall, I may suffer, I may deal with adversity remaining days of my life, but I am confident that God is a great big God, and His plans are beyond my scope of understanding, so I place my trust and faith in Him. That has made all the difference in my life and it can do the same for you! Persevere!! 
Coach Carter

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The Leaf in My Hood

     We live in a deeply wooded area and with that being said it would be an understatement to add we have plenty of leaves to contend with around this time of year. Right now it isn't too bad, but over the next month or so rakes, leaf blowers, and piles upon piles of leaves will be common sites in our neighborhood. What I'd like to share with you today isn't about all of the leaves that will carpet the ground where we live, but instead it's all about one single leaf that created a relentless pain for me.
     One recent Saturday morning I had made my way out to my truck, pulled out and was headed out of our neighborhood. That's when I noticed a leaf that had found itself lodged in a vent slot near the windshield of my truck. As I accelerated down the road I expected the leaf would blow off so I did just that. I pushed the pedal a little harder than normal anticipating that the leaf would soon fly over the cab, but it didn't. No big deal right? Well maybe not for you, but with my Attention Deficient Disorder tendencies I couldn't hardly pay attention to the road because I was so intent on seeing this stowaway leaf fly away. My next thought was to turn the windshield wipers on to see if their arms could possibly reach the leaf and move it just slightly enough for the air to grab it up and send it flying. No luck. This leaf wasn't going anywhere, looking at this leaf's stem it didn't even appear to be that deeply lodged in the vent slot. I decided it was time to add some aerodynamics and tactical elements to the attack on my nemesis. By this time the leaf was now vibrating against my windshield and the rapid tapping of this dried up leaf against the glass was about to drive me crazy, so I started slightly swerving to the right and left to dislodge this nuisance off of my vehicle. Still no luck! I had exhausted my full arsenal and to no avail! What was I to do? Well the climax of this story is really rather anti-climatic. I pulled over to the side of the road, placed the truck in park, opened my door, exited the truck, and plucked the leaf out of the tiny vent slot on my truck's hood. Wow, that took all of what like about 30 seconds?? With this distraction now removed I was able to resume my journey and place my full attention on the road where it needed to be all along.
       I share this episode not necessarily as a lesson on how to effectively remove a leaf from your hood, but because in our lives we often have small issues or concerns that usurp our focus, when all we have to do is stop and take care of the little problem before it becomes a major problem. You know if I had not pulled over and removed that leaf the distraction it had created could have easily resulted in an accident for me. We let those little things in our lives that cause us to lose focus to do the same thing. Many times we know exactly what it is in our lives that is creating interference with our goals, yet we do everything we can to avoid taking care of the issue at hand.
      Watching television, video games, social media, or electronic devices as a whole are one type of distraction that keeps us from staying focused on where we really should be concentrating. But it doesn't have to be electronics, anything that keeps you from accomplishing your goals for the day, or serves as a distraction on your journey in life qualifies as a leaf stuck in your hood. We can swerve back and forth on the road, we can turn on our life's windshield wipers going back and forth about what we should actually be doing, but at the end of the day we have to make an intentional effort to remove whatever it is that is causing us to be distracted from what is really important. We all have a purpose in life and God wants us to have our focus set on His plan for our life. Hebrews 12:1-2  tells us, "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." If you have something that you need to be doing get the distractions out of the way and make the move to get it done.
     This week I encourage you to stop and reflect on what it is that might be distracting you from being focused on your day's mission. Is there something out there that just needs to be removed so that you can place your full attention on what is really important? If so don't spin your wheels trying to think of ways to contend with the distraction, instead stop, make a plan to remove whatever it is, and then do what needs to be done. Sound easy? Well I can guarantee you the 30 seconds I invested to remove that leaf from my windshield were so much more effective than the 10 minutes I wasted doing everything else I did that only distracted me and hindered my morning drive!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

If You Don't Use It, You May Just Lose It!

     In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) a businessman brings three of his servants in before he goes on a long journey, and gives each of the three a quantity of talents or gold equal to their skill level. I guess his goal was to allow the servants to see what they could do with their master's gold to turn a profit while he was away. As the story goes the one that was given five talents doubled his master's investment, and the servant which was given two talents did the same creating an 100% return on what he had been entrusted. Alas, the servant who was given only one talent took the talent and buried it so that he wouldn't lose what he had been given by his master. Upon return from his journey the master gathered the three servants to see how well his investment had played out. To the servants that doubled their master's investment he rewarded them by promoting them within his business and giving them more authority. To the servant that thought he was doing the master a favor by not taking a chance on losing what he had been given watch over, the master scolded him and told him how he had not taken advantage of what had been given to him, so even what he had was to be taken away from him and he was cast out of the master's business. What a lesson for us to apply to our lives each day. In our Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the Week, we'll be exploring the moral of this parable which I have titled, "If you don't use it, you may just lose it!"
     In the parable talents represented a form of monetary value, but every time I read this story I can't help but think about human talents. Athletic prowess, public speaking, mechanical or electrical expertise, encouraging others, coaching, and leadership are just a few that come to mind when I think of talents. Some of us have been gifted with multiple talents just as the servants in the story, while others may feel like they are limited in the "talent" pool or that they have no real talents at all. First let me tell you, everyone has a talent, you may have never tapped into it or you may not have realized that it is a talent, but let me assure you, you have a talent. The problem is many of us are reluctant to use what we have been given. Why?
     Two or three reasons come to mind. First, we don't want to take a chance on getting embarrassed or looking bad in front of others if we aren't successful in our endeavors. Fear of failure cripples our efforts to use the talents we have been entrusted to use. A second reason deals with lack of motivation. Any athlete that has excelled at their sport has had to work at it way beyond what is expected of them by a coach or team. The athlete that excels at her sport has invested an extensive amount of time practicing and studying their craft to get to where she is. Men and women athletes that reach the "gold" level of competition understand that just because they have been given a talent doesn't mean they will rise to the top level of their sport. They, just like the servants in the parable, have taken what they have been given and invested time and effort to make it the best it can possibly be. The third and last reason we don't utilize our talents has to do with apathy. I'm tired, let someone else do it, or I just don't have time in my schedule are all excuses that handicap our drive to use the talents we have been given. I am a coach, I have coached organized wrestling or volleyball for over thirty years. I am not going to say I am a great coach, but I do believe God gave me the talents necessary to be a good coach. But coaching takes a great deal of time and commitment. It means you put others in front of your wants in most situations. You have to prepare way beyond the time on the practice field and when game time comes you have to be willing to accept the outcome win or lose as ultimately yours to own. I firmly believe that each of us are coaches in our own walk of life. At work, at school, in your home, or on the team you coach, you have talents to share with others it's your responsibility to do just that.
     Whatever the reason is that you are holding back on squeezing the most out of the talents you have been blessed with, I want to encourage you today to re-position yourself in terms of your talents. You may be multi-talented or you may just have one talent that you haven't even chinked off the tip of the iceberg on, but the key is that you go out and use what God has given you to benefit others today! Your life isn't about you, if you are holding back because of fear or failure, or maybe you lack the  motivation to get busy, or just because you don't think it will really matter if you do or don't get involved, you can start making a difference today. You have been given the talents that you have so that you can make a difference so why would you sit around and bury that talent? It's sad, but it is so true, "if you don't use it, you may just lose it".
     Let me encourage you to reflect today on the talents that you have. Don't sit there and say I don't have any talents, that isn't realistic and it isn't true. Anything you do well is a talent. Cooking, arts, speaking, coaching, running, helping, sharing, teaching, caring, or leading you have a talent. Find ways to use that talent to help others. If you cook amazing chili share it with someone less fortunate than yourself. If you are an above average learner, take your knowledge and spread it to others. If you can lead, lead by example, lead with integrity, and make a difference in the world you live. Whatever you can do, do it with everything you've got, take full advantage of your talent and watch it flourish in the lives of those you come in contact each day! Go for it and have an amazing week!
Coach Carter

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Where's Your Focus?

     Each morning when you rise from bed, you make a decision about what is going to be your focus for the day. You may do this intentionally, or as I presume the majority of people will get up and their focus is basically created for them just by the sheer magnitude of their thoughts. What we think on becomes our focus, and what we focus on, becomes what we put our efforts into, and what we place our effort into becomes who we are and it also becomes our mark on the world in which we live. Why do people wake up with a dread of the day? My guess and the "focus" of today's Flat Tire Ministries Thought is that they have their minds set on the wrong priorities and for them life has no joy nor fulfillment. This morning you may be the very person this blog is intended for and you don't even realize it. You may be so caught up in the race to buy happiness that you have lost sight on what really matters, but hopefully today's message will help all of us to stop, reflect, and recreate our focus on what truly matters.
     Let's get right to the crux of the matter. In Matthew 16:26 Jesus poses this question, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" I believe what Jesus was asking His disciples was where is your focus? What motivates you to get up and get out of bed each morning? What drives you to go to work and give it all you got on the job? At the end of the day what measuring stick do you use to validate the results of your efforts for the day? If everything we do is connected to the material world then we will always go away from the day with a lack of fulfillment. If what drives us to be successful is related to a banking account number or a title that we have been given then we will always be in want of more or another title to achieve. Enough will never be enough, and the sad part is those that are closest to you, the ones that you have the chance to make the biggest impact on will not garner the true benefit of what you have to offer them. Your lack of focus on the right stuff, creates a void in the lives of those you are intended to impact with your focus. So what do you gain if you get all the toys, but you lose the very thing that can't be bought in the process? I Timothy 6:7 says it best, "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." I think that pretty much sums it up if your focus is on the things in life that are temporary, but hold on there is hope!
     If your drive in life is directly connected to what you have instead of what you have to give, it is time to stop and redirect your focus on what really matters. I am in no way suggesting that we shouldn't be striving to provide for our families and those that count on us to do our jobs and bring home the means by which we live, yet I am saying that when that drive becomes our focus we may lose sight of what really matters and what will leave a lasting impact on those we come in contact with on a daily basis or that once in a lifetime opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. I guess what I  am really saying is we need to stop focusing on what we don't have and what we want to have, and start focusing on what we have and what we have to give to others. Here I'm not speaking to material gifts or financial donations, I'm talking about what you have to offer in the way of hope, inspiration, time, and love.
      A simple act of kindness goes a long way, a smile and a word of encouragement make a difference, and a helping hand that lifts someone up can change someone's life. We have so much, too much in most cases and we put all of our efforts into getting more. What if we put at least a small portion of that effort into giving someone else a strand of hope? What if we gave our children our time instead of a new electronic device? What if instead of trying to win the rat race, we stopped to help someone less fortunate than ourselves to finish the race? What if each morning when we got out of bed we took a moment to realize what a gift today is and how thankful we should be that we can even get out of bed, walk to the shower, go to the refrigerator for food or drink, and then make our way out to our car which will in turn take us to the job that provides us all that we need and more? And what if we extended that thought for just one more minute to think about how blessed we are to have just one more day to make a difference in this world. One more chance to make a difference in your coworker's life, a family member's outlook on their world, or maybe if you are as lucky as I am to be an educator you might stop and think about the chance you have today to change the world through the lens of a student's mind. Wow, the potential outcomes are endless, the only barrier to what you can achieve with a positive mindset focus is you.
     When you wake up in the morning instead of thinking about what you don't have or what you have to go do today, stop I mean literally stop and recreate what you will focus on today. When you want to complain about your job, family, life, or whatever it is that you are prone to complain about, stop and put things in perspective. Change your focus from a "me" centered life, to a life that has given you the opportunity to make a difference in a life, maybe a ton of lives, maybe the world! God doesn't make mistakes and He made you so remember that the next time you want to have a pity party about how bad your life is. Get up, get out, and go make a difference in your world you live in today! Once you place your focus on what really matters you will see the world you live in change for the better!
Coach Carter