Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Season of Giving

     Regardless of which holiday you are celebrating this month whether it is Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other joyous occasion there will definitely be celebrating and gift giving taking place. We call this the season of giving and boy how we live up to that title! This morning as I checked my phone, I had an email from a store reminding me that I can still purchase something online today until 6:00 and pick it up in the store! Millions and billions of dollars have been spent over the past several weeks and apparently that spending spree is going to continue right up until the last minute tonight or at least until 6:00!
     Often times we hear the advice of "Don't forget the reason for the season", reminding us that the purchases we make at Walmart, Costco, Target, a mall, or online with Amazon are not the main purpose for celebrating this holiday season. The message is to not put the emphasis on giving gifts so much, but instead to put more thought into why are we celebrating and giving gifts in the first place. I fully agree with the idea of placing more emphasis on the "why" of Christmas, but I also think we should place more emphasis on the "giving" aspect of this miraculous season. Now wait a minute before you hang me out on the materialistic clothesline, I didn't say anything about going out and buying presents to give, I just said I believe we need to place more emphasis on the basic concept of giving. If we truly want to celebrate Christmas or any other holiday you might be enjoying this season, giving is going to be a basic principle connected to your celebration. Although it is all about giving,  I would contend that it isn't a gift in a bag, box, or package that we are charged to give, but instead we should be giving of ourselves just as the original gift was given to each of us.
      As our world spends it time swiping their debit cards, I suggest we "spend" more time giving of ourselves and show the world you live in that love is found in giving and that it doesn't cost a penny to give the most important gifts available. If you want to give a gift to someone and you don't know what to give them try one of the following gifts, you can't go wrong, one size fits all guaranteed!
     Give HOPE! We live in a world where too many people have no hope for tomorrow. Drugs, depression, and desolation are rampant. In our own families, in our neighborhoods, our schools, and throughout our communities hopelessness abounds. In your own life be a voice for hope. Don't give up on that loved one that is lost in a spiraling trap of addiction, don't give up on our sense of right and wrong when the world seems upside down, and do not let anyone tell you that there isn't hope for a brighter day tomorrow! Be the light that shines, be that city that sits upon the hill and can't be hidden, Matthew 5:14-16.
      Give PEACE! Wars are being battled around the world as I write this post today. Lives are being lost as you read this post. We must pray for peace, but peace actually starts in our daily choices and actions. Embrace diversity, practice empathy, and place a premium on peace. Work towards it in your own family, put yourself in the shoes of others, and just remember that everyone has an opinion, that's what makes the world go around. Your opinion is yours, but their opinion is theirs. You think yours is the best and I am certain that they think theirs is the best. Who has the right to judge and make the decision that your way is the only way? Be at peace with your neighbor and allow them to have their opinion, their belief, or their custom and try to learn from them instead of closing your door to see the good in a man's heart instead of way he looks or believes.
     Give JOY! People around you are lost in a world that pounds down on them, and if you don't show them the joy you have in your heart then where will they see it? If you have faith in God, if you believe that there is more to life than just living, or if you have a song in your heart on Sundays, you need to share it everyday! Knowing what we know to be true, knowing that their is eternal life which is available to anyone that wants it, and knowing that He lives inside of our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls, why would we not share it? That is joy and I want others to see it, experience it, and desire it in their own life.
     Give LOVE! Christmas began with a gift of love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" John 3:16. His son, Jesus, gave us the gift of love when he lived among us, taught us how to love, showed us how to love, and then died for us to demonstrate an unconditional love for each of us. Love from your heart, teach your children how to love and what true love is. It isn't found in a box, it won't be on display at Macy's, and you honestly can't buy it in a store or online. Love is found in time spent together (without cell phones), love is giving of yourself without expecting to get anything in return, and love is a sacrifice. At times it hurts, sometimes it may seem unfair, or even one sided, but love is given because you care not because you want anything in return. Jesus gave His life for each of us not because we loved Him, but because He first loved us! (Read I Corinthians 13 for more on how we can share love.)
   As I close today's Flat Tire Ministry Thought for this week I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday whichever holiday that may be. My gift to each of you is the gift of HOPE! My hope is that your holidays are filled with PEACE, JOY, and LOVE! There is no credit limit on these and there is no end to the true happiness they will deliver to those that receive your gift given in love! My hope for everyone around the world is that PEACE will be achieved. Peace in our hearts, minds, and spirits. Wars may rage in the streets, but peace can reign in our hearts knowing that God is in control and He has a plan. I wish to give each of you the gift of JOY. Joy found in the knowledge that He lives and regardless of what is happening around us He is able to live within us forever and ever! And finally I want to give to each of you the gift of LOVE! Love for all mankind, love for the world we have been given to live on, and love for the one that first loved us and loves us unconditionally. Share these gifts and you will enjoy the true meaning of giving this holiday season!
Coach Carter

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