Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Bounce Back Factor

      Take two objects, a brick and a rubber ball, and then position yourself near a drop off where below you there would be a solid surface. Simultaneously drop both objects and then watch to see what happens next. Now this isn't rocket science, I mean it's pretty obvious that the brick is going to hit the ground and either make a thud or bust into pieces, while the rubber ball on the other hand will bounce, possibly right back to whence it first came. By no means would I label myself a scientist, yet being a fixer of flat tires extraordinaire I have gained an insight into what makes us be more like the rubber ball in the face of adversity or affliction and it is all about the composition of that little rubber ball.
     Rubber is elastic, it gives, it "bounces" back, and that makes it durable enough to withstand the impact of being dropped off the side of a building. That elasticity makes it a strong, durable substance both beneficial and desirable traits for a little rubber ball and also in desirable in life. The brick doesn't fair quite so well. Stoic and sturdy are desirable traits, but when you're headed for a fall the best chance the brick has is that it won't lay busted and broken upon impact. That bounce back factor is what we must have in life to overcome the challenges and the difficulties we encounter each day. 
     Life's challenges are unending. That is a simple statement that we understand, some of us may feel like we know it much better than others, but be assured everyone has their own list of problems. I have always heard it said that you are either coming out of a problem, currently dealing with a problem, or headed right into a new problem. Trust me that is not being pessimistic, just realistic. Many people look at these difficulties in life and think "What am I being punished for?" or better yet, "Why me?" I know, I get it, I'm getting ready to tell you that all of life's challenges and difficulties only make you stronger, and you're thinking "That's easy for you to say you don't know what I'm going through and if you did you would understand that nothing good can possibly come out of this problem."
     On the one hand you would be exactly right, I do not know what you are going through or what you have gone through, or what you will possibly be faced with tomorrow. On the other hand, I would say to you that once you stop looking at your problems as unique to your life, you might just see that there are others out there that have more problems, many of which are of a much greater magnitude than your own issues, and they are thriving. Winston Churchill summed it up nicely with this quote, " A pessimist sees the difficulties in every opportunity in life, while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty in life." It's all about perspective. I complained about my eye sight dimming, until I met the man with no eyes to see. That is the bounce back factor you have to develop in your life.      
     Not to say that your problems aren't rough, maybe almost unbearable, but you have to take ownership of them and just keep bouncing back, and bouncing back, and bouncing back until you come to terms with the situation or you reach a resolution to the problem. I say come to terms with a problem because it is possible that you won't reach a resolution. You may have to resolve to the fact that some things aren't going to change and you have to learn to bounce back from that as well.
     I'm going to conclude today's message with a story about a gentleman I heard speak a couple of weeks ago at a conference I attended. Isaac Lidsky was a childhood TV star on the series "Saved by the Bell the New Class". Isaac lost his sight to a retinal disease while he was still a teenager. Talk about being dropped off the side of a ledge, I mean he was living the dream. Television star, fame, fortune I'm sure he was feeling like he had it made, then to lose his sight right at the peak of his adolescent years. I'm certain the phrase "why me?" crossed his mind a number of times. Yet as his life progressed Mr. Lidsky didn't only come to terms with his blindness, but by all measures he has gone on to build a very successful career and life. Issac Lidsky is the only blind person to serve as a law clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court and currently serves as the CEO of a thriving concrete business in Florida. Not to mention he has a loving wife an four beautiful children. Keep in mind he accomplished all of this after going "blind". Lidsky is also an author and the topic of his talk to the audience was on the topic of "eyes wide open" which is also the title of his book. To Issac Lidsky losing his sight enabled him to see. The opportunities he has gained were byproducts of what most people would have described as a potential life destroying event. That my dear friends is the bounce back factor in action. Taking the fall and bouncing right back up, again and again regardless of how many times you hit the floor.
      As mentioned before I do not know your situation or status in life. I don't know how many problems you are facing or how many problems have you face down. All I do know is that there is a way to persevere, a way to overcome, and a way to see the adversity in your life as a step towards "what's next in your life". I have found the key to unlock that door. It is found in my faith. In Psalm 121:1-2 the psalmist writes "I will look unto the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, Creator of Heaven and earth." and Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Life is tough at times, sometimes it feels like all the time, but if you have a faith that keeps bouncing back, and you place your trust in that faith your life may not change, but your perspective will, and that will make all the difference needed in your life!
Carry on and keep bouncing!

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