Saturday, November 11, 2017

"A Round-To-It"

     On a shelf in my office I have several pieces of memorabilia that have a specific memory attached to each and in most cases a story with a moral or lesson I have learned down through the years. One of those lesson building tools is a little round rock with the word "to-it" written on both sides. This is my very own "round to it" rock, as in the phrase "I'll do it when I get around to it". Having "a round to it" provides me with a reminder that I don't have an excuse for putting off what I need to do, and it also motivates me to keep my priorities in order through the perspective of what really matters in life.
     About a month ago I wrote a prayer that speaks to the importance of being productive every day, but also reminds me to put first things first each day as well. For today's FTM Thought I'd like to share this prayer.
"Lord my God, so many things I want to do today. I go through a list in my head and I prioritize all I want to accomplish, but in my hurry I realize that before I turn to do any of those things I need to stop and first thank You for the gift of this day. Another day that I was never promised to have, a gift to cherish. If I only bask in in for a moment, Lord let that moment be intentional and real. Lord let me admire the beauty of nature the sights, sounds, and scents that fill me each day. Father when I stop, when I take a deep breath, I suddenly put things into the perspective of what is real and what is important. Father by doing this my priorities start coming to mind, and I begin to think, "Oh I wish my son could be here to share in this moment" or I realize that the beauty of Your creation needs more of my attention and I decide to go for a  "thankful" walk or paddle on the water. Father in all I do may I always place You first, may I never take for granted the beauty and magnificence of the gift of life that abounds around us and in us. Father I have no clue where I would be without You in my life, but I do know that with You in my life I am a child of God, a forgiven sinner,  and a reborn servant of Christ. Lord show me Your way each day I pray. Amen"
     So many times our days are mapped out for us before we hardly touch the floor with our feet. Before we get so caught up in what we have to do, we need to stop and take care of what should be our first priority of the day. If we will only stop and give thanks for the day, our days won't seem so packed because then we remember our purpose for the list of things we have to do that day. Don't wait until you get "a round to it" before you give thanks for this day, make it your top priority each day! You have a purpose fulfill it!
"This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

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