Saturday, November 4, 2017

"Don't" STOP

     I've added some distance to my morning runs and in doing so I now have a loop that is included in the trail. Early in the run there is a gradual incline that quickly gets my attention and definitely elevates my heart rate. There's a stop sign at the top of the hill and I use it as a visual marker reminding me that I've almost reached the end of the uphill challenge. I'm fresh and the graduated challenge sets the stage for my morning run. On the latter part of the loop as I make it around to the incline the grade includes a much steeper portion of the roadway and the peak of the hill, at times, resembles Mt. Kilimanjaro in my mind (and my legs, lungs, and heart as well) if you know what I mean. Well on Thursday I had a light bulb go off in my mind off as I made my ascent on the hill. The landmark that I am always seeking as I jaunt upwardly is that big, red STOP sign. Wow, what a subliminal message to a runner trying to reach a goal! Here I am digging in, wrestling against my body and lungs, fighting the urge to STOP and walk, and all along my eyes are set on a sign designed to make us physically STOP! What a mental battle my brain must have been going through! I had to almost laugh at the juxtaposition the whole scenario created.
     This episode in exercise set my mind to thinking about our Flat Tire Ministry Thoughts and how this just had to be a thought to share. You see in life we face so many uphill challenges or "trails" of adversity and in the world there are definitely more STOP signs surrounding us than there are signs that read, FULL SPEED AHEAD! When you face your own Mt. Kilimanjaro in life what keeps you going? What strength do you pull from to keep pushing and overcome the peak of the mountain you are climbing? In life's struggles I have found my strength to continue the race, to climb that mountain, to overcome the obstacle in front of me through my relationship with God and my faith in His promise "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6.
     "It isn't as easy as that sounds",  I hear you shouting out there! And I'm shouting back, "Yeah I know it I've climbed my share of mountains and I expect (hope) I have many more ascents as I move forward in life." We don't reach a destination unless we travel the road that lies in front of us. Whatever event you are dealing with in life, heck it may be three or four mountains in your life, you may have a whole mountain range to overcome, remember you are not alone in your climb. We have a comfort, a constant reminder that we are designed to be over-comers and we were created to finish the course not STOP before we reach our goals or purpose in life. 
     Whatever you are dealing with that you would label your insurmountable life event I understand it is hard to not listen to the  STOP signs in your life. In my book "How to Fix a Flat Tire" (not published yet), I talk about the "Six Deadly D's" drugs, disease, divorce, debt, depression, and death. That is not an all inclusive list, but in most cases what you are dealing with is somehow connected to one of these. You can't listen to the world that is telling you to STOP. Just as when I was running the big, red sign in front of me was yelling at me "STOP, it's okay, STOP, nobody will know, STOP nobody will care!, STOP you don't have to keep going!" Does any of that sound familiar? If so you my friend are listening to the wrong voice!
     As I dug in and start fighting the urge to do just as the red, octagon shaped sign bids me to do, I heard a voice in my head adding the words "Don't stop, Don't quit. Don't listen to the world, Don't STOP! That is when I got my second wind, that is when I no longer saw STOP, I now saw the sign as a motivation, an inspiration of sorts. My energy renewed and my resolve set the remaining distance to the top of the hill was energized by the small, still voice in my mind telling me  "DON'T STOP!"
     And that is what makes the difference. I have a faith, a trust, a hope that my Lord and Savior has a plan for my life. It more than likely is not the plan I would create, because in my plans I wouldn't input struggles, adversities, or afflictions I'm only human! I am certain there is a plan for each of us on this big rock and it is our job to do all we can to fulfill it, because what we have to realize and understand is that "our" plan isn't about us, it's all about what He can do through us for others through His plan for our life. In other words I don't quit because I know that His plan needs me to do what I have been created to do for His glory and the benefit of the others my life's plan will impact. That is why I run my course and don't give up, that is why when I am faced with life's challenges I don't quit, and that is why I am encouraged to stay the course and never listen to the world when it tells me I should STOP, give up, or quit. When I hear those words they are no longer alone, for me they are always accompanied by the words Don't STOP, never give up, and never quit! 
     As this new week kicks off I challenge you to fight the urge to quit or give up on something you are dealing with in your own "run". When the world tells you to stop running the race, place the word "don't" in front of the sentence and let it resonate in your mind, "Don't stop running the race!" Just as  Hebrews 12:1 encourages and cheers each of us on towards our purpose in life we have a hill to climb so let's get to it!
 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1
Have an amazing week, someone is counting on it! 
Coach Carter

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