Sunday, October 29, 2017

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

     Where are you in your walk of faith? If you feel that you are walking closely to your Maker great you are equipped to face the obstacles that life presents along the way, if He is distant and you aren't even sure if you are walking in the same direction that you are intended to walk then hopefully you can find your road map and get on the right path today.
     Before his conversion of faith Saul (eventually to be known as Paul), author of the majority of the New Testament in the Bible and a courageous disciple of Christ, was definitely on the wrong road as he traveled to Damascus to further persecute and imprison more Christians for their faith. For those that may not be familiar with Paul's experience here's the cliff notes. As Saul traveled on his way to Damascus an intensely, bright light physically blinded Saul, and the voice of God spoke to him asking him "Why are you persecuting me?". Losing his sight was an eye-opening experience literally. Fasting, praying, and seeking God's intent for his life, the former enemy of Christ, now turned his life over in service to God, regained his sight, and changed his name from Saul to Paul. The rest is recorded history. As today's title suggests, sometimes you have to lose everything before you realize you have all you could ever need.
      I heard the Reverend Billy Graham proclaim the title of today's Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the Week one day on the radio and it really struck a chord with me. You see I don't believe you have to lose your eyesight, experience a tragedy, or hit the bottom of the barrel before you can experience the life changing love of our Creator, hopefully your decision to follow God in faith came through a much smoother transition, yet for many people much like Paul a life altering experience has either made you or you are broken as you read this message. For those that it has made the difference and changed your life forever, praise be to God, for those that it has broken this message is for you.
     What does it mean to say Jesus plus nothing equals everything? How can the answer be so simple in the face of what appears to be total destruction of everything a person possesses? Lost financial stability, broken relationships, major health issues, and even death create a wreck of catastrophic proportions as we unexpectedly travel through life. To the point that many people feel they have nothing left, nothing to grasp onto to keep from drowning in their despair. The end of the rope for some may be a tiny strand that appears to be dwindling rapidly away. If you are in that place this is where Jesus + nothing = everything must become your state of mind, body, soul, and spirit.
     You see once you have reached the bottom, when you feel that you are as low as you can possibly go with no hope in sight, that is exactly where faith and trust are found. Faith that God has a plan for your life, and trust that as long as you have a breath in your lungs that plan will be fulfilled. You can't expect that in every situation  God is going to miraculously heal your vision as He did in the life of Paul, but instead you have to believe that God's plan is so much bigger than you or I can see and if we understand that then we can also believe that whatever God's plan is then just as Jesus conceded on the cross "not my will but thy will be done." Luke 22:42. 
     I'll conclude with this thought. Paul was provided a miracle three days after he lost his sight on the road to Damascus. Needless to say that event shaped his life and was the basis of his commitment to serving God. Throughout the rest of his life Paul experienced hardships beyond what each of us would deem bearable. Paul was imprisoned and tortured more than once for his faith and his unwavering commitment to spread the message of hope found in faith. Paul suffered an affliction to his body that persisted throughout his life to the point that he broke down and asked God to take away the pain not once, but three times. Paul's resolve in this situation is stated by the explanation God provided him in II Corinthians 12:9-10, "He answered me, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in weak people.” I am happy to be weak and have troubles so I can have Christ’s power in me.  I receive joy when I am weak. I receive joy when people talk against me and make it hard for me and try to hurt me and make trouble for me. I receive joy when all these things come to me because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." When you have nothing left, when you feel like you are down and out for the final count, or whatever your situation in life is that has you feeling like you are all alone, let me assure you, you are not alone. Just as today's title professes, Jesus + absolutely nothing left = all you need to go forward. Trust and obey, be strong and courageous, and live in faith to the one that will see you through. 
     My prayer each time I write this blog post is that one person's life will be impacted by what God has allowed me to write this day. In your own prayers please join me that someone will find hope in their circumstances or situation today through the words that have been written in faith. 
Thank you, Coach Carter

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