Sunday, September 15, 2024

Wisdom Spots

From where I stand the best approach to our physical health comes in the form of a preventive schedule which includes an annual overall physical, regular dental exam, and a yearly dermatologist visit, all done to ensure everything is working the way it should and there aren't unforeseen issues that need more immediate attention. Well, a few weeks ago I completed my annual skin check at my dermatologist's office. I had noticed what I would describe as something similar to a rash without any discoloration or discomfort near my ankles, so I wanted to be sure and inquire about that minor issue. Upon examination, my doctor informed me that in her opinion those were what she labelled wisdom spots. At first, I didn't read into what she was saying, and for those of you that are still under the 50-year mark, you too may not understand what she was telling me. I asked what I had done to obtain the tiny bumps and she looked at me with a simple smile and informed me that I had earned those little bumps by living out a life of 60+ years. In other words, I earned the wisdom spots because I was old! That "Aha" moment created a little chuckle from inside and from there she finished up her visual scan and I was awarded a clean bill of skin health.


After I checked out from the doctor's office and began my drive home, I reflected on the whole idea of earning those "wisdom spots" just by getting older. Of all the things I've been earning as I get older, the majority of them aren't making me feel that much better. I guess you could say I've earned readers due to my vision acuity decreasing, I've earned joint pains and body issues that can only be attributed to the longevity of life that I have been awarded. Yet, as I reflect on all the body aches and pains that have accompanied me in the aging process, it has been a blessing to gain certain mental strengths along the way as well. The doctor's label of wisdom spots being directly associated with growing older, opened my mind to the notion that wisdom in its purest form is gained through life's experiences over time and the application of those lessons learned (hopefully learned) is directly connected in our thoughts and decision-making process as life ebbs and flows. 

Unfortunately, the majority of the human race is not born being wise. In the Book of Job, we are reminded that "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long-life bring understanding?" Job 12:12. In other words, don't we get it, as we get older our life experiences teach us what to do and what to say in certain situations where we might have had to learn the hard way in our younger days. For our younger selves’ wisdom is an elusive character trait. Our impulsiveness causes us to learn the hard way, through experience. So, knowing that we gain wisdom through our mistakes and downfalls, wouldn't it be "wise" to accept the darts and dings that we receive along life's journey for their ultimate good in equipping us with more wisdom to circumvent life today? 

In theory, we can probably agree with that philosophical stance, yet the hard part of understanding that life's ups and downs are what allow us to become the man or woman that God created us to be is that we have to endure those hardships, trials, and tribulations first. The problem there is most of us don't voluntarily sign up for our lives to be vexed with health, relational, or even financial troubles. Transversely, when those learning opportunities hit, our common response is "Why me Lord?" When actually the trial we are enduring has placed us into training for what we will eventually use as wise counsel in our own decision-making process and also for others as they seek wise counsel.

In the Book of James, we are presented first with a question and then a charge to all that consider themselves wise. "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13. Let our good life be an example of the wisdom we have earned through our loyal commitment to God our Father. As we stay the course and endure what life throws our way, we gain an insider track to how God can use us not only as an encouragement after our challenging circumstances subside, but also while we are in the midst of life's storms and calamities. During those times we are not alone, God reminds us over and over again that He is with us and He will carry us through the valleys and shadows of life's not so good experiences. (Duet. 31:8, John 15:26-27, Psalms 23:4). 

Avoiding life's struggles with a mindset of growth is always advantageous, is it easy, no. Is it worth it in the long run? I would vote resoundingly yes! We can impart wise counsel on others, but just as I had to earn those wisdom spots on my ankles, wisdom is earned through experience. What we can do is help those struggling with life's challenges by encouraging them and sharing wise counsel that will assist them in their own quest for life's offer of wisdom. 

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5.

Coach Carter

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