Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take the Stairs

 Over the years I've developed a habit of taking the stairs instead of an elevator whenever possible. Between work travel and family vacations I get many chances to practice that choice, so on a day to day basis, choosing the steps just comes naturally. Now when I say I choose taking the steps you have to keep in mind that there are two options involved, walking up and walking down. Obviously one of these is a little easier than the other, walking down follows gravity so it doesn't require near as much energy. The direct opposite is true for walking up a set of stairs. Effort and energy have to be exerted for an upward ascent, but that upward march provides much more in the area of exercise and health benefits. Taking the elevator is quicker and requires much less effort on our part, but I would challenge everyone to take the stairs every now and then, be different and give it a try. 

This week's Flat Tire Thought was given to me while I was at a recent conference in the confines of the Great Smokey Mountains. The hotel site where the conference was located offers beautiful mountain views from one side and from the other side, the nighttime city lights twinkle and sparkle each night offering a picturesque view as well. I'll back track off my original claim of always taking the stairs by filing a disclaimer. When I check in with my bags I don't take the stairs, so riding up to the tenth floor to unload was a no brainer. From there the trip downstairs was an easy one, spiraling stairs on a downward trajectory made the 10 floor jaunt an easy task. From there checking in for the conference, networking with colleagues, and reviewing the day's schedule of events led me to the conclusion that it was time to head back up to my room to freshen up and grab my laptop before our first gathering. That is when today's message was shared with me. 

Walking up two or three flights of steps is the norm in most of my travels, but I had not given as much thought to this particular room assignment until I started up the stairs. My room was located on the tenth floor which created a much more challenging hike, that required a great deal more of my energy and stamina. The first four or five flights of stairs weren't anything out of the ordinary, but as I climbed upward towards floors seven through ten, I could really feel my lungs contracting more frequently, as the pep in my step seemed to falter just a bit. Walking up to the tenth floor was more of a challenge, but when I reached my room and reflected on my hike up the stairs I realized I had so much to be grateful and thankful for. 

Grateful for my health that allowed me to successfully ascend those ten flights of stairs. Thankful that my knees allow me to still do all I want to do. I was even more appreciative when I took a few minutes to catch my breath and look around at the view this particular room offered. I had stayed at this hotel in the past, but my rooms had been situated more on the lower third to fifth floors. This upper level floor gave me a new perspective by allowing me to see further and at a higher level which was simply breathtaking. East Tennessee is a beautiful section of our state and the Smokies don't disappoint. I suppose the point I would like to share is I could have taken the elevator and I would have had the same views to take in, but I don't think I would have given much thought to my health and all that I am able to do that constitutes as a blessing. Thank you, Lord, for my legs that carried me up the stairs. Thank you for my vision that allows me to take in the beauty of nature and all other aspects of this world in which we live. And Lord probably most importantly, I thank you for the ability to realize how blessed I am in all aspects of my life. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! 

So, what is the takeaway today? Take the stairs when possible? Well it's more than that, but yes take the stairs be different. Yet more than that, take the time to reflect on all that you have been given. Too often we forget the simple everyday blessings God has given us. The health of our bodies, the beauty of God's creation, and give thanks for the struggle that the upward set of stairs in your life. We learn and we grow through the struggles more than we do on a flat, laid out stroll, so start looking for the blessing instead of focusing on the struggle. As you travel in and out of each day, climbing upwards or even as your journey lands you in a downward trajectory do not lose hope, you are not alone. "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." I Thessalonians 5:18 Givethanks for the stairs in your life, God is taking you on a journey and He is right there with you! 


Coach Carter

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