Sunday, September 1, 2024

Knowing, Growing, & Sowing

Earlier today Ethan, Bogi, and I got to spend a few hours paddling down the Holston River. It was a perfect getaway for the Labor Day weekend. Floating down a river for some rest and relaxation with my two boys was exactly what I needed. Floating down the Holston River also served as an inspiration for the introduction to today's Flat Tire Ministries thought. 

Are you just floating down the river of life, aimlessly allowing the current to take you where it may, or are you navigating and paddling downstream with a purpose and plan to have a positive impact on the world in which you live each and every day that our Lord and Savior has given us to live? In my daily devotional time I recently encountered a thought shared by John Maxwell which led me to today's title, "Knowing, Growing, & Sowing".

Above I referenced our trip down the river of life. For most of us that journey would include a destination. What Maxwell suggests is that life here on earth is not about a certain destination, but more about the continued journey we each make, and how we use the time we have been given as we navigate our unique life's journey. For our purpose today, the destination I'm referencing isn't the one we all hope to gain when this life is over, instead when I mention settling in on a destination, it is more in terms of a feeling like we have arrived at a place in life where we can just float along and all is good. What I want to share today is the realization that life itself is all about the journey and in that journey we have three responsibilities as we navigate the river of life. Knowing or realizing our purpose in life, committing to constantly growing our potential to impact more lives, and then ultimately sowing into the lives of others so that they will produce this same cycle of continuous service over self. 

Knowing. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7. In this verse from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs us to seek out our purpose in this life we have been given to live. We all have a job or career, there is some semblance of a family in each of our lives, and we all have a calendar whether it is set up by the hour, day, month, or possibly a five year plan, but what drives our plans? Are we aimlessly floating or do we know exactly why we are paddling in a specific trajectory? Seeking God's purpose for our lives means we are spending time in His Word, then praying and meditating on how we should be applying what we have absorbed into our daily lives. Growing. When I consider  growing I think about what plants and animals need to grow and be productive. The nourishment we provide to a fruit tree will determine the positive or negative impact on the productivity of that tree. We are exactly the same as that tree. What we put into our bodies and our minds will have a direct impact on our influence on the world in which we live. We cannot expect others to grow if we aren't first growing our capacity to teach and grow others around us. Sowing. This is where the real perpetual impact of our journey takes place. We aren't asked by God to just sow into the lives of those who we are directly connected. The truth of sowing is that the more bountiful we sow the more bountiful the harvest will be. Additionally, the more bountiful our harvest is will directly impact what the future harvest will be for those we have nurtured and grown to become the next generation of sowers. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." II Corinthians 9:6. 

If you know your purpose in life you are in a great spot. For those that don't necessarily know what you were destined to impact during your time here on earth then there is no better time than today to start seeking your purpose. As you establish your role and purpose you have the opportunity and responsibility to grow and increase your capacity to impact as many people as possible through your influence and service. Once you know and as you grow, it is important to sow abundantly and sow without ceasing!

Coach Carter

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