Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Mission Field

 When you think of the term missionary what comes to mind? For me, my knowledge and background illicit the image of a person traveling to far away third world countries, sacrificing the boundless comforts of our great nation to serve less fortunate peoples and to share the love of Christ who died a sinless death so that anyone and everyone could be saved by the grace of our God. I feel missionaries who travel and serve are a vital component in the Great Commission which Jesus charged His disciples, which includes us, to "... go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus directs us to "go" and make disciples, I would suggest that when Jesus said "go", not only was he charging us to travel to countries all over the world, but when Jesus commanded us to "go and make disciples", He was also talking about us going out each and every day wherever we are planted and to live out the good news of salvation. 


In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus repeatedly clarifies that His intention is for us to be laborers for Christ each and every day. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38). Who are God's workers? Is it only those who travel to Ecuador or Ethiopia? No, those who travel to foreign lands are obviously a part of God's commission to "make disciples of all nations", yet I would suggest that you and I have the same fields to harvest right where you are today. Jesus directed us to make disciples of all nations, did He not want the United States of America to be home to disciples for His Kingdom from Key West, Florida to Seattle, Washington and all points in between? 


We are all missionaries, some travel to a distant land and serve there, some for weeks, others months, and still others make the sacrificial decision to make that foreign land their home. Thank you to those who serve abroad, may God bless your ministries and may your harvest be forevermore bountiful! But the vast majority of us will never break the confines of this North American continent. Today, I would like to suggest that when Jesus said "go", His intent was to go each and every day, where ever you live, whatever you do, as laborers in the fields of where God has placed us today. 


So, God has commanded us all to basically be missionaries in the "fields" where we live, but what does that look like? As I envision missionaries in foreign lands I see them living on less, sacrificing more, and struggling to make progress as they struggle against the natural elements and also against tribal or communal belief systems. Our scenario at home may appear to be different on the exterior, yet we go out each day and the mission fields at home are just as bountiful for harvesting, we just need to be prepared to be a worker in the fields each day. The living testimony of a follower of Christ is the best tool in missionary work possible, so don't feel like you have to be a called evangelist or minister to be in the fields harvesting for Christ, you're walk with Christ is the best harvesting tool available. 


This week I challenge you to allow God to work through you as you navigate your day. How you handle adversity on the job, how you react and respond to your spouse in a challenging situation, or how you interact with those you come in contact with at the store, in your school, or at your work station are all places where your responses will either benefit the harvest or it can diminish your opportunity to impact. Just know this, you can tell everyone you are a child of God, but the words you say, the thoughts you convey, and the walk you walk each day are where the harvest is impacted the most. In the world of mission work, it isn't the talk you talk where you live and work, but instead it is more about the walk you walk wherever your day takes you! The fields are plentiful, the workers are few, but you have the opportunity to reap a bountiful harvest for God today! Sow and reap! 
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9.

Coach Carter

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