Sunday, June 30, 2024

Made for More

Over the years I have happened across lines in songs that have just really pumped me up. When that happens, it isn't like it takes me hearing the song ten or fifteen times before it strikes a chord, instead, the first time I hear the words it is like someone just gave me a shot of pure adrenaline and I can't hardly contain myself. Well, it happened again a week or so ago and I wanted to share my takeaways from the song lyrics and also share a link to the song so you can join me in worship for the gift that we have received. 


I was actually driving up the road on a return trip from a visit with my granddaughters when a song I hadn't heard before came across the airwaves. As I listened to the lyrics and eventual chorus, my energy levels received a boost, my fingers starting tapping the steering wheel and before I knew what was happening I was singing out loud praising God for all that He has done in my life and for all that He still has in store for me to do! Hallelujah, I get giddy just thinking about it! Now you may listen to the same song and you may really like it, but it may not do for you what it did for me. That's okay too, but I believe if you put some thought into what God is capable of doing in you and through you, then it might just bring a smile across your face as well. 


 In particular, this excerpt from the song “Made For More”, by Josh Baldwin is what pumped my spirit and encouraged my soul:


'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave
I was called by name
Born and raised back to life again
I was made for more
So why would I make a bed in my shame
When a fountain of grace is running my way
I know I am Yours
And I was made for more


Why would we allow our past mistakes, our pent-up frustrations, or even our current circumstances dictate to us how we live our lives? Why would we allow shame to take up residence in our hearts and minds and hinder us from fulfilling God's purpose for this life He has given us to live? Well guess what? I'm not. I'm not going to tend a hole in the ground when the God of all creation has a job for me to do. A job that He designated distinctly for me at the creation of time. Think about that for a minute, the God who created the moon, sun, stars, sky, earth, water, trees, plants, animals, and everything else that exists, created a plan and a purpose for Chuck Carter's life. And God did the same thing for you, and you, and you, and everyone else on this third rock from the sun! 


If you grasp the magnitude of that and you don't get a little pumped, then you still aren't getting it in my opinion. Maybe you don't believe that God has a purpose for your life because you have failed Him so many times and you are failing Him right now. Not a disqualifier. Check out the lives of David, or Paul, unlikely heroes from the Bible, flawed and failed, yet at the end of the day, MADE FOR MORE! Could it be that you don't believe you have a skill that can be of use to God? Moses, charged with leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt, tried to convince God that he wasn't the man for the job due to a speech impediment and even more importantly the murder of an Egyptian task master, but God had a different plan, MADE FOR MORE! And guess what? You were MADE FOR MORE too!


As Baldwin's song so eloquently puts it, you weren't made to be tending your grave, going through the motions of life and then you die. No God has a plan for you to fulfill, you choose how that plan will be carried out, but regardless His ultimate plan will be fulfilled. My prayer is that you seek His will for the life you are living. Seek God and ask Him to open the windows of your soul and allow you to better understand what your purpose is. The life you have been living is groundwork for the job God has for you. Remember, God doesn't make mistakes, He made you for more!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). 


Coach Carter




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