Sunday, June 2, 2024

Drive-Thru Prayers


The first drive-thru option for two of the arguably biggest fast food restaurant chains in America, McDonald's and Burger King, began in 1975. That trend has grown exponentially over the years to the point that I'm not sure a "fast food” restaurant would consider opening a new location without including a drive thru option. The popularity of drive thru is so common that many chain restaurants actually have two lanes for drive thru customers. The actual dining areas continue to decrease in size and seating capacity as more and more consumers resort to grabbing their lunch on the go or pick up dinner in a bag and deliver it to the family at home. Obviously, this has moved far beyond the definition of a trend, drive-thru pick up is more of a way of life for a vast majority of diners. Unfortunately, what has become an accepted way of life in the world of food, does not "fare" so well when it comes to our relationship with God.


Although we don't have a drive-thru prayer request line to God, way too often we get caught up in the fast-food mentality of how we want our prayers to be shared and responded to as we call out to God for a miracle amidst our adversities and afflictions. Staying with our fast-food drive-thru motif, when we feel those hunger pangs twitching in our bellies, we pull up to the little microphone, place our order, pay at the next window, and then magically our food appears ready to eradicate our suffering stomach. In that same manner, when we face adverse situations in life or when an illness or injury impacts the life of someone we love, is our expectation that we will pull up and place an order for a fast-paced, instant answered prayer that exactly fits what we believe the outcome should be? As you may have experienced yourself, answered prayers do not always work out in the same fashion as our drive-thru food orders are filled. 


Before we go any further I believe it is important that we establish the three ways that God answers our prayers. God may hear your prayers and intervene with a resounding "YES" and the miracle is established. On the other hand, the response may be an emphatic "No", because our prayers are not always in line with God's plans. And still a third response may be, "Not Right Now". This one is a little harder to embrace as human beings who are accustomed to driving up and getting our instant delivery handed to us minutes after placing our request. In each of these instances, knowing God, having a relationship with the Omnipotent God of all creation is required to be content with any of the three aforementioned responses. 


The Apostle Paul instructs us to " ... not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6. Noteworthy, Paul doesn't say that just because we make a request to God through prayer it will be answered with our outcome in mind. More so, the next verse assures us that "... the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7. We make our requests known and the peace of God is provided because through our relationship with God that is built over time meeting with, listening to, and learning from Him and His Word. We are at peace knowing that God's plan is bigger than anything we could ever see with our limited mind's eye. The outcome is desired, but the peace of understanding that God's will is beyond our comprehension is only possible when that relationship is established. Psalm 46:10 tells us, "Be still, and know that I am God", knowing God allows us to rest in the outcome regardless of whether the answer is yes, no, or not right now. 


Regardless of how you pray, prayers are in no way a drive-thru opportunity. Receiving a "yes" to our prayers creates a thankful heart for the answered prayer. When the answer is "no" or "not right now", we may tend to turn to another "drive-thru" option in an attempt to get the answers we want. My prayer for you today is that you follow the advice of our brother in Christ Paul as he directed the Church in Thessalonica to "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." I Thessalonians 5:16-18. Allow God to work His perfect plan in your life and the lives of those you love and care for each day. Build your relationship to the point of it becoming a partnership, and the peace that passes understanding will guard your heart and mind! (Phil. 4:7).

Coach Carter


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