Sunday, November 5, 2023

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Forever)

Something to consider. In Hebrews 13:8 we are given this assurance, "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." God was with you yesterday, He is with you today, and God is with us for every tomorrow that will ever occur, forever. For some, the idea of a God who is infinite and omnipotent is hard to grasp. For those who do not build a personal relationship with Him, it may seem hard to believe that the same God who said "Let there be light", and there was light. Genesis 1:3 could ever be a God that hears our daily prayers, and guides us through His Holy Spirit. Yet, the God who created all things is that God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Pastor Wallace shared a quote today and I tweaked it a tad for today's Flat Tire Thought, "A God that is little enough to be fully explained, is not a God that is big enough to do the unexplainable." God was there in the beginning, God is with you right where you are today, and that same God will be there eternally through every tomorrow your mind can conceive. 


It may be hard to fully comprehend the complexity of a God that knows our thoughts before we think them and a God that has a plan mapped out for every person that has ever been and will ever be, but that is our God. Couple that with truth that God still gives us free will to make our own decisions and then allows us to follow the paths that we choose. That is part of the beauty of the God we serve. At times it may seem mind boggling, but back to our quote above, if we can explain everything there is to know about God then placing our faith in Him would be a simple task. Trusting and believing in God is what builds our faith in Him. 


If you know God, I encourage you to get to know Him better. Spend time with Him and share your heart with Him. If you know who God is, but you don't have a personal relationship with the God of Adam and Eve, the God of Moses and Abraham, the same God of David and Solomon, and the God of our Savior Jesus Christ then I implore you to meet Him today. And if you do not know the God who was, is and will always be, then today is the day to reach out and meet Him. He is here, He is where you are, and He will be forevermore. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelations 1:8.


Coach Carter


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