Sunday, November 19, 2023

Four Types of Ground (2 of 4)


"Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root." Matthew 13:5-6.


Last week we started a four-part series on the types of ground, not soil necessarily, and how Jesus used the types of ground in the parable of the sower and the seed. Last week's message centered around the hard path type of ground and how a contrite heart makes it hard to accept God's Word and His plans. This week we will be focusing on the rocky ground found in the verses above. 


The seeds that fell on rocky soil were able to take root, but when the temps rose and the skies dried up, the tender new plants shriveled up and withered away. People who fall into this category may have never developed a relationship with God before, but by whatever means they are introduced to God, the One and only true living God and a seed is planted. The euphoria of being introduced to the God who created the world and all things in it is indescribable, yet maintaining that mile-high feeling can be a challenge especially when adversity sprouts and your relationship moves from one based around feelings to one based on trust and faith. Just as seeds that fell among the rocks struggled to survive due to their root system being so shallow, those who do not have a deep-rooted faith may also struggle to stay the course and remain committed to God's plan for the life He gave us to live.  


Way too many people new in their faith find it hard to trust in a God they can't see. When things are going as planned it is easy to call yourself a believer because life is good and it doesn't take much effort to follow God. The problem is that life typically doesn't stay easy and when that happens we start wanting to blame someone for life's adversities and afflictions. Even folks that have followed after Christ for several years can find it hard to have faith when the temperatures rise and earthly conditions become hard to handle. Those that have developed a relationship with God know that God is real and that he is there with us. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalms 46:1. Faith allows us to withstand and even thrive in the adversities of life. 


Regardless of where you are today in your relationship with God it is comforting to know that He is always there. It doesn't matter what we have done, or where we have been, God is there with us. You will understand that the deeper your roots go into the Word of God. The time you spend getting to know God and seeking out His will for the life you are living, the deeper your root system will go and the nutrients of faith and trust will nurture your soul and provide you the strength you will need to face whatever lies ahead! Get rooted in Christ!

Coach Carter



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