Sunday, October 29, 2023

Don't Get Stuck in the Middle

Craig Groeschel, lead pastor of Life Church, once quoted that "You can experience God on the mountaintop, but you get to know God in the valley." When I first read that statement, I didn't take away the full significance of what Pastor Groeschel was saying, so you may want to reread his quote one more time. Then, pause to reflect on the depth of the true meaning behind Groeschel's wisdom.


Mountaintop experiences come in various shapes and sizes. Literally, when you are on top of a mountain, the view of God's creation is most definitely enhanced. Standing on top of a peak in the Great Smokey Mountains at sunrise, it is hard to deny the grandeur of our God. Other mountaintop experiences are more symbolic such as standing in the delivery room as your child is welcomed to your family, or when the job promotion you've dreamed about becomes a reality. Whatever it is that qualifies as being on the mountaintop with God, those are times in our life we experience the God who created it all! “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2.


 Where mountaintop experiences with God are desirable and welcomed, I don't know too many people who ask God to create those valley experiences that Pastor Groeschel described. Valleys are dark, deep, and lonely to the point that you can feel abandoned or forgotten. Health valleys, financial valleys, or relationship valleys pull us down and make us realize we do not want to be walking alone, and we need direction, focus, comfort, and support. That is when we get to know God. We call on Him in our weakness and He is there. "Yea though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, Thou art with me. "Psalm 23:4. When we continue to seek Him through prayer, worship, and spend time in His word, we develop a relationship with God. We begin to realize that God was always there, and that it was us that had strayed away. 


Walking through the valleys alone is tough, Jesus even warned us that we would face hard challenges in life, but He also assured us that we would not go it alone. "... in the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33. Knowing that we are not alone, realizing that the same God that made the sun, moon, and stars made each of us unique and special to Him, and spending time with God on the mountain, in the valley, or anywhere in between gives us the strength we need to carry on! Spend some time on your mountain top with God, but build your relationship with Him through the valleys of this life!

 Coach Carter



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