Sunday, October 1, 2023

Heavy Load


I don't know what it is about making multiple trips back and forth to the car to unload groceries, but I kinda take pride in being able to strategically position as many plastic shopping bags on my arms, around my neck, in my mouth, and at least one or two dangling from my pinky fingertips to get it all done in one trip. Well, I might be exaggerating a tad bit, but seriously am I the only person out there that wants to get all the groceries in the house in one load?


I don't want to digress too far here, even though it is relative to our FTM Thought today, but it isn't what we are trying to carry, but more about the weight of what we are trying to carry that I'm most interested in today. With the grocery bag scenario, one bag in each hand doesn't really weigh us down, yet when we try to carry all the bags at one time there is a certain degree of strain that exists. The further you have to carry the load the more strain there is. I can recollect a time or two when I carried a 50 lb. bag of dog food, a gallon of milk, and several bags of grocery items which definitely qualified as a "heavy load". When I reached the kitchen counter and finally laid all the items down the sudden relief was felt throughout my body. 


Maybe you've experienced a similar instance where you were carrying something heavy for an extended distance. Maybe it was groceries, maybe it was tools, or maybe it was a couch or chair, whatever it was you were carrying, my guess is that when you laid down the weight you were carrying your body and mind suddenly felt relief. The strain of carrying a heavy load is only magnified when you are carrying it all by yourself. When someone willingly lends us a hand the weight of the load instantly gets lighter and the strain or stress we experience dissipates as well. 


In life we all have a load that we carry. Family matters, work issues, health concerns, financial strains, you name yours, we all carry a load. At times that load may begin to feel overwhelming and the strain can feel like it is more than we can bear. We need someone to lend us a hand and lift the burden off of our back. Jesus offers us that helping hand when our life's load is too heavy. In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus is telling us that we don't have to keep trying to carry our burdens on our own. Whatever you are dealing with He wants us to bring it to Him and allow God to carry our heavy load. Jesus didn't say our burdens would disappear, yet He does say we will find rest and peace as we learn to trust Him with all our cares and the ups and downs of life. 


Maybe you aren't in the middle of a "Heavy Load" experience in your life right now. Could it be that today's Flat Tire Thought is meant to spur you to be God's hands and feet in the life of someone else? At times we need someone to lighten our load, maybe today somebody needs you to help them carry their load. I encourage you today to look for opportunities to be God's hands and feet!

Coach Carter

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