Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Turtle's Shell

As I was thinking about the topic of our message today, my mind turned to those times when I have been driving and there in the middle of the road sat a small box turtle. Sometimes trudging along towards the other side, and other times fully retracted into its shell seeking protection from approaching danger. When those occurrences happened, I typically stopped my car, jumped out, picked up the little reptile, and safely nestled him on the other side of the road. I don't care how hard that shell might be, it wouldn't fair well facing a Ford F-150. 


Yet today, I do want to focus on that little turtle's resilient shell.  When a baby turtle is hatched, its shell is in place, but at birth the shell is soft and easily penetrated. Basically, the turtle's main defense mechanism, that hard, exterior fortress doesn't start out that way. It takes months and many times years to develop the shell that will provide safety from predators and a refuge from other elements of nature. Turtles must have two ingredients in ample supply to develop that tough, exterior shell. Calcium and sunlight are vital to the development of the turtle's shell. 


For humans we know that we need to drink our milk because that leads to strong healthy bones, right? Well the same is true for our little box turtle friends. Just as calcium strengthens our bones, calcium also fortifies the outside skeletal structure of the turtle. If there is a deficiency of calcium the shell won't develop properly. As far as sunlight goes, I truly enjoy paddling by a partially submerged log filled with sunbathing turtles, basking in the mid-day sun. That time spent in the presence of the sun is critically important to the strengthening of that turtle's shell. The more time spent in the sun, the harder that turtle's shell will become. 


We don't have to depend on an exterior shell to protect us from the elements or predators, yet figuratively speaking, we definitely benefit from developing our spiritual shell. The evil of this world attacks us where we struggle, and facing that evil without a fortified defense places us in a vulnerable position. Just as the turtle relies on absorbing calcium and sunlight to harden its protective shell, we too need to strengthen our faith, and resolve to spend time in the light of the "Son"! To strengthen our faith "shell" we must take on the spiritual calcium of reading His word, and hearing His guidance through sermons, songs, meditation, and prayer. We absorb into our lives what we place ourselves in a position to receive. Kinda like the old saying, "you are what you eat", the same holds true here. If you want to develop your faith-based armor then you have to situate yourself in the heart of God. That takes a commitment to give Him our time, undivided by other distractions, fully basking in the warmth of His light. God's warmth and strength are ours to receive, we only have to seek it and accept it. Paul in writing to his ward Timothy directs him to, "Practice and work hard on these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you." I Timothy 4:15-16. 


 Practice and working hard take a commitment. If you already have a dedicated time that you spend with God studying scripture, listening to His instruction, and prayerfully thanking Him for all you have then you are on the right track to develop your "shell" of faith. If you don't currently have that dedicated time with God, then I challenge you today to create one. Facing this life without God can be about as challenging as our little box turtle facing down that Ford F-150. The good news is you do not have to face your challenges, your adversities, or any other tribulation alone. God is our ever present, impenetrable strength! "So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:6.

Coach Carter


Attacks from predators, storms of life, and onslaught of worldly aspects. Scripture about when I was a child,

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