Sunday, February 12, 2023

Rivers and Canyons


Flying across the mid-line of the continental United States provides a broader perspective on how diverse the landscape of our nation really is. Traveling from the southeastern region of our country to the western portion of our country the eye will encounter distinct landscapes that highlight the beauty of the North American continent. The Appalachian Mountains lush, green rolling along much like waves dip and rise on the ocean. Quilt like patchwork farmland seam together the mid-west, and then suddenly you are cast into a vast desert land quiet and expansive. As the desert gives way to a completely different formation of mountains, you pass through an area of the country that resembles a maze of back and forth twists and turns. Having this birds eye view allows you to see that the ravines that exist there are actually deep canyons with flowing rivers at their base. 


Realizing that those deep canyons of the west were formed over an unimaginable number of years, shaped by eroding earth, and then swept downstream by the free-flowing water source of a river. Looking down from 50,000 feet you realize that straight lines don't exist on this tapestry of the land. Winding back and forth, switchbacks happen frequently and miles of deep canyons are calculated over a small section of geography. It is truly amazing to see, and awe inspiring when you think about the time and force that it took to create the beauty of areas such as the Grand Canyon. 


That beauty didn't happen without design. What we see today has been created by what seemingly to us would appear to be barriers forcing the water to shift directions, roll over formations, and in some instances split in two creating new, intricate veins of the river. In other words, what appeared to be a barrier that would halt the progress of the water flow, actually served as the impetus for the beauty of the land formation we so admire. Winding rivers, deep canyons, and amazing landmarks all exist because what appeared to be obstacles, were actually part of the design God put in place to create the vistas we so enjoy today. Make no mistake, God does the same thing in our lives!


Just as canyons are not designed in a straight line, neither is your journey of life that God has set before you. The canyon wasn't created by the obstacles, instead the life source of the river used those supposed obstacles to shape the beautiful landscape we admire. God is busy shaping us through our adversities and afflictions, never stopping, always flowing in and out of our everyday occurrences. At times it may feel like there is a flood in our lives, an overwhelming instance that seems to never cease or subside. That continuous force is working in us if we will only rely on God to carry us through it, regardless of how strong the current is or how long it endures. Remember that you are not alone and that God is with you whatever you face as you travel down life's river of life. 


God is always at work in us and He wants to work through us as well. In John 7: 38 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and reminds them that, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them". You and I have that same promise today. The river of life is flowing in you and through you, you may be encountering an overflow, possibly even a flood, but know this, "God will never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5. You will not journey alone and when you face the river of life, embrace it, endure it, and live therein it! 

Coach Carter

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