Sunday, February 19, 2023

Leader of the Pack

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "leader of the pack"? Maybe it's the 1960's hit song by the Shangri-Las, the classic story of good girl goes after the bad boy only to end in heartbreak. Alas, Betty fell for Jimmy... "the leader of the pack". Or, maybe you're more of the naturalist and when you hear that phrase, thoughts of a wolf pack come to mind. Wolves are led by the dominant male in the group, the "Alpha" male, and then the rest of the pack falls into their position in the pecking order beneath... "the leader of the pack". Regardless of what crossed your mind when you read today's title, my question today is whose pack are you running with, and who is the leader of your pack?


As I reflect on my own question, my inclination is to place this in the context of my relationship with God. First, when we consider the term pack, thoughts of a group running together, living in a community together, and sharing similar core values comes to my mind. I'm thinking about the church as my pack. Not necessarily the brick and mortar structure where we attend weekly services and gatherings, but more of the overarching "church" that Christ referenced in His teachings. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and Peter specifically, "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." In other words, we are the church, as followers of Christ we are His "pack". The church is made up of followers, and as followers it is our responsibility to know who our leader is and where He is leading us to go each day. 


Obviously, you would assume, we know who the "leader of the pack" is when we talk about our relationship with Christ. Yet, today so many people are being led by so many other things that are not of our Father. Some chase wealth, others position, fame, or power, which all calculates as self-indulgence. If we seek His kingdom and His will for our lives then we won't be worrying about the material, self-centered things of this world. "... seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 16:33. We will have what we need because God knows that already, "... for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him." Matthew 6:8


We know who the "leader of the pack" should be. We know who we proclaim to be the "leader" of the life we live. I would ask that you spend some time in reflection today asking yourself whether God is really the one who is leading your life, or is something else holding that lead position. God is faithful, and He will never leave you alone. All He wants is all of you. Ask yourself today, who is the "leader of the pack" in my life today? If you don't like your response there is good news. God is always there, He doesn't leave us, we move away from Him. The same God who made this earth and all things in it, is the same God that loves and cares for you. Turn to Him and follow Him and He will lead you in the ways of His righteousness (Matthew 4:19) Follow God and allow Him to be the "Leader" of your life. 

Coach Carter

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