Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Turtle's Shell

As I was thinking about the topic of our message today, my mind turned to those times when I have been driving and there in the middle of the road sat a small box turtle. Sometimes trudging along towards the other side, and other times fully retracted into its shell seeking protection from approaching danger. When those occurrences happened, I typically stopped my car, jumped out, picked up the little reptile, and safely nestled him on the other side of the road. I don't care how hard that shell might be, it wouldn't fair well facing a Ford F-150. 


Yet today, I do want to focus on that little turtle's resilient shell.  When a baby turtle is hatched, its shell is in place, but at birth the shell is soft and easily penetrated. Basically, the turtle's main defense mechanism, that hard, exterior fortress doesn't start out that way. It takes months and many times years to develop the shell that will provide safety from predators and a refuge from other elements of nature. Turtles must have two ingredients in ample supply to develop that tough, exterior shell. Calcium and sunlight are vital to the development of the turtle's shell. 


For humans we know that we need to drink our milk because that leads to strong healthy bones, right? Well the same is true for our little box turtle friends. Just as calcium strengthens our bones, calcium also fortifies the outside skeletal structure of the turtle. If there is a deficiency of calcium the shell won't develop properly. As far as sunlight goes, I truly enjoy paddling by a partially submerged log filled with sunbathing turtles, basking in the mid-day sun. That time spent in the presence of the sun is critically important to the strengthening of that turtle's shell. The more time spent in the sun, the harder that turtle's shell will become. 


We don't have to depend on an exterior shell to protect us from the elements or predators, yet figuratively speaking, we definitely benefit from developing our spiritual shell. The evil of this world attacks us where we struggle, and facing that evil without a fortified defense places us in a vulnerable position. Just as the turtle relies on absorbing calcium and sunlight to harden its protective shell, we too need to strengthen our faith, and resolve to spend time in the light of the "Son"! To strengthen our faith "shell" we must take on the spiritual calcium of reading His word, and hearing His guidance through sermons, songs, meditation, and prayer. We absorb into our lives what we place ourselves in a position to receive. Kinda like the old saying, "you are what you eat", the same holds true here. If you want to develop your faith-based armor then you have to situate yourself in the heart of God. That takes a commitment to give Him our time, undivided by other distractions, fully basking in the warmth of His light. God's warmth and strength are ours to receive, we only have to seek it and accept it. Paul in writing to his ward Timothy directs him to, "Practice and work hard on these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you." I Timothy 4:15-16. 


 Practice and working hard take a commitment. If you already have a dedicated time that you spend with God studying scripture, listening to His instruction, and prayerfully thanking Him for all you have then you are on the right track to develop your "shell" of faith. If you don't currently have that dedicated time with God, then I challenge you today to create one. Facing this life without God can be about as challenging as our little box turtle facing down that Ford F-150. The good news is you do not have to face your challenges, your adversities, or any other tribulation alone. God is our ever present, impenetrable strength! "So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:6.

Coach Carter


Attacks from predators, storms of life, and onslaught of worldly aspects. Scripture about when I was a child,

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Leader of the Pack

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "leader of the pack"? Maybe it's the 1960's hit song by the Shangri-Las, the classic story of good girl goes after the bad boy only to end in heartbreak. Alas, Betty fell for Jimmy... "the leader of the pack". Or, maybe you're more of the naturalist and when you hear that phrase, thoughts of a wolf pack come to mind. Wolves are led by the dominant male in the group, the "Alpha" male, and then the rest of the pack falls into their position in the pecking order beneath... "the leader of the pack". Regardless of what crossed your mind when you read today's title, my question today is whose pack are you running with, and who is the leader of your pack?


As I reflect on my own question, my inclination is to place this in the context of my relationship with God. First, when we consider the term pack, thoughts of a group running together, living in a community together, and sharing similar core values comes to my mind. I'm thinking about the church as my pack. Not necessarily the brick and mortar structure where we attend weekly services and gatherings, but more of the overarching "church" that Christ referenced in His teachings. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and Peter specifically, "And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." In other words, we are the church, as followers of Christ we are His "pack". The church is made up of followers, and as followers it is our responsibility to know who our leader is and where He is leading us to go each day. 


Obviously, you would assume, we know who the "leader of the pack" is when we talk about our relationship with Christ. Yet, today so many people are being led by so many other things that are not of our Father. Some chase wealth, others position, fame, or power, which all calculates as self-indulgence. If we seek His kingdom and His will for our lives then we won't be worrying about the material, self-centered things of this world. "... seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 16:33. We will have what we need because God knows that already, "... for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him." Matthew 6:8


We know who the "leader of the pack" should be. We know who we proclaim to be the "leader" of the life we live. I would ask that you spend some time in reflection today asking yourself whether God is really the one who is leading your life, or is something else holding that lead position. God is faithful, and He will never leave you alone. All He wants is all of you. Ask yourself today, who is the "leader of the pack" in my life today? If you don't like your response there is good news. God is always there, He doesn't leave us, we move away from Him. The same God who made this earth and all things in it, is the same God that loves and cares for you. Turn to Him and follow Him and He will lead you in the ways of His righteousness (Matthew 4:19) Follow God and allow Him to be the "Leader" of your life. 

Coach Carter

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Rivers and Canyons


Flying across the mid-line of the continental United States provides a broader perspective on how diverse the landscape of our nation really is. Traveling from the southeastern region of our country to the western portion of our country the eye will encounter distinct landscapes that highlight the beauty of the North American continent. The Appalachian Mountains lush, green rolling along much like waves dip and rise on the ocean. Quilt like patchwork farmland seam together the mid-west, and then suddenly you are cast into a vast desert land quiet and expansive. As the desert gives way to a completely different formation of mountains, you pass through an area of the country that resembles a maze of back and forth twists and turns. Having this birds eye view allows you to see that the ravines that exist there are actually deep canyons with flowing rivers at their base. 


Realizing that those deep canyons of the west were formed over an unimaginable number of years, shaped by eroding earth, and then swept downstream by the free-flowing water source of a river. Looking down from 50,000 feet you realize that straight lines don't exist on this tapestry of the land. Winding back and forth, switchbacks happen frequently and miles of deep canyons are calculated over a small section of geography. It is truly amazing to see, and awe inspiring when you think about the time and force that it took to create the beauty of areas such as the Grand Canyon. 


That beauty didn't happen without design. What we see today has been created by what seemingly to us would appear to be barriers forcing the water to shift directions, roll over formations, and in some instances split in two creating new, intricate veins of the river. In other words, what appeared to be a barrier that would halt the progress of the water flow, actually served as the impetus for the beauty of the land formation we so admire. Winding rivers, deep canyons, and amazing landmarks all exist because what appeared to be obstacles, were actually part of the design God put in place to create the vistas we so enjoy today. Make no mistake, God does the same thing in our lives!


Just as canyons are not designed in a straight line, neither is your journey of life that God has set before you. The canyon wasn't created by the obstacles, instead the life source of the river used those supposed obstacles to shape the beautiful landscape we admire. God is busy shaping us through our adversities and afflictions, never stopping, always flowing in and out of our everyday occurrences. At times it may feel like there is a flood in our lives, an overwhelming instance that seems to never cease or subside. That continuous force is working in us if we will only rely on God to carry us through it, regardless of how strong the current is or how long it endures. Remember that you are not alone and that God is with you whatever you face as you travel down life's river of life. 


God is always at work in us and He wants to work through us as well. In John 7: 38 Jesus is speaking to His disciples and reminds them that, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them". You and I have that same promise today. The river of life is flowing in you and through you, you may be encountering an overflow, possibly even a flood, but know this, "God will never leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5. You will not journey alone and when you face the river of life, embrace it, endure it, and live therein it! 

Coach Carter

Sunday, February 5, 2023

"No Fear"

 In the 1990's there was a popular clothing brand that centered their logo around a "No Fear" marketing strategy. No Fear may have been a statement about the quality of their clothing, but much deeper than that the "No Fear" slogan was a comment on facing your adversaries in life with a "No Fear" mentality. I'm not sure where this company actually got landed on the "No Fear" motto, but I do know that it wasn't something new that was just created in the latter years of the 20th century. Throughout the Bible, old and new testament alike, the theme of "No Fear" is prominent and resounding. 


As Christians we need a "No Fear" outlook on life. The prophet Isaiah provides this declaration from God, "So do not fear, for I am with you do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10. In II Timothy 1:7 we are reminded, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." And just to assure we get the message, Jesus shared this message with His disciples, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace (lack of fear). In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. The question is how does a "No Fear" mentality fit in our day to day walk with God at the helm?


My knees get kinda weak when I stand near the edge of a high building. Watching something on TV that shows someone walking a narrow ledge or looking over the cliff down at the waves below just kind of gives me the willies. You could say I have a certain degree of fear about heights, more specifically the fear is associated with what might happen if I were to fall off one of those high ledges. Each of us has a list of things that might fall under the "fear" category, but if we believe the Bible is true, and that the words of the Bible were inspired by God and penned by appointed individuals then we must move away from fear being what hinders our journey to the place of being a true believer and follower of our Lord and Savior.  


As we pray, we don't have to pray for God to remove whatever it is that we are afraid of, we just need to pray for the courage, wisdom, strength, and discernment that God can provide to not only face our fears, but to move forward through our fears thus leaving fear in the rear-view mirror of life. Fear is dissipated through our relationship with God. How can we fear the unknown and uncertainty of this life, if we don't first learn to trust in God and fully embrace the mindset that God is with us? "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31.  


Whatever you are facing, demons, trials, temptations, or any other adversity in your life that you are in the middle of, face it with a "No Fear" mentality! It may be tough, it may be hard, it may even feel like it is unbearable, but do not allow fear to keep you standing still or even possibly moving you backwards. Move forward knowing that you are not walking alone and that God has purpose for your life. That purpose isn't behind you, it is right there in front of you!


 "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for Thou art with me" Psalm 23:4. 


"No Fear!"


Coach Carter