Sunday, September 5, 2021

Just a Little Bit

As hairstyles go, I choose to go bald. I could grow my hair out in most areas of my scalp, but I decided a number of years ago that my head was round enough to go full Kojak. (For those of you that have no idea who Kojak was, Google Telly Savalas and you'll see what I'm talking about) That being said, I have to shave my head about every two to three days to keep my "hair" under control. I promise I'm going somewhere with this, hold on and stay with me just a little further!

Over the years, I've shared messages centered around some aspect of my exercise and fitness regimen, and today's Flat Tire Ministries thought will stay in that lane with a connection between my running and my bald head. You see, I head out for my morning jog/walk way before sunrise each day. For safety of self reasons, I always wear a personal head lamp to let any early morning commuters see that I am on the road and headed in their direction. The head lamp's elastic headband allows me to go hands free, so all I have to do is keep Essie on track with her lead and collar. The problem lies in the day proceeding my fresh head shave. On those days, the elastic headband slips up and down due to my slick scalp. Talk about feeling like you are on an earthquake simulator. I could go about the business of tightening up the headband when that happens, but the very next day the band fits snugly in place with no slipping or bobbing evidenced. What's the difference you may be thinking to yourself? Well it's the tiniest amount of hair stubble that is present the very next day after I have shaved. Think of it as a five o'clock shadow on my whole head. That little bit of growth makes all the difference in the world. Without rubbing a hand across my head, the growth that occurs is almost obscure to the human eye, yet for holding my headlamp in place that miniscule amount of growth makes all the difference in the world. What about our effort to make this world a little better place to live? Does it take a major overhaul of effort to make that happen? I suggest that just like a little amount of hair growth effort makes a difference with my headlamp, we too can make a difference in the world we live with just a little bit of effort. 

What if each day you made an effort to show someone a little bit of one of these attributes: compassion, humility, patience, forgiveness, or love. Just a little bit. A little more patience, a little more peace, a little more compassion, or a little more grace much like the mercy and grace God has shown to each of us. I think about road rage and how so many people are so quick to curse and honk their horns over nothing. Waiting at a red light for 5 seconds, really? What if we tried to be a little humbler and did a little bit more to recognize the efforts of others for their contributions? What would this world be like if we each just gave a little bit more of the consideration that we each and every one want others to give us? In Colossians 3:17 Paul gives this directive, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Would something little like allowing someone else to go first in the car line take that much effort? No. Would it take much effort for you to consider others before you consider yourself? No. Would it be that hard to grant forgiveness to a family member of former friend that let you down? This one gets to a lot of people, but consider this, God forgives us when we ask Him for forgiveness regardless of our sin, God is faithful to forgive us, why do we think we should not do the same for others.

In hair growth, my head goes from slick to stubble in one day. That effort makes all the difference in keeping my headband and headlight in place. In God's Kingdom, that same bit of effort to give something to others that they might not receive anywhere else outside of the family of our Father is the little bit that you should give. 

Coach Carter

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