Sunday, September 12, 2021

Twenty Years Ago Today

Twenty years ago. In the scope of mankind, twenty years is a blink of the eye, a microscopic moment in the history of the world. Yet to the people of the United States and abroad that were either directly or indirectly impacted by the tragic events of 9/11/2001, that day will forever be recognized as the day the world got turned upside down and things will never be the same. As I write this FTM Thought today, my hope is that we will pause a moment to remember the loss on that horrific day, and then reflect on how we should be living today to its fullest extent. 

Twenty years ago today men, women, young, and old, wealthy, middle class, and those just getting by rose from their beds with plans to head to work, travel to destinations, or complete their list of "to dos" for the day. Twenty years ago today I would feel safe to say that not one of the thousands of people that lost their life on that day woke up thinking that September 11, 2001 would be their last day on this earth. I am confident that for the most part the family members, friends, and colleagues of those that lost their life on 9/11 did not wake up that morning thinking this is going to be the day that my wife, my husband, my dad, my sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent, coworker, neighbor, or friend will be taken from us. Twenty years ago today the world changed forever for the loved ones of 2,977 people that died that day. Twenty years later, the lasting cry is "Never forget", yet should that only be the rallying call to action on one day of the year? Remember the loss of September 11, 2001, but as we pay our tributes to the families of the 9/11/2001 victims, may we also remember that each day is a gift and to not live out each day to its fullest is a tragedy itself. 

Are you guilty of remarking that you'll do this or that tomorrow? Are you marking days, weeks, months, or even years off on the calendar in anticipation of a vacation, some type of anniversary, or possibly the time between you and your retirement? We should all have goals both short term and long, but more so I would suggest we need to place more significance on living the day that was given to us to live more than we need to be worrying about a tomorrow that may or may never come. We find this warning and the ensuing directive in the book of James, "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make a profit.” You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord is willing, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15. Today is your gift and tomorrow is yet unknown.

Several thousand innocent victims lost their lives unexpectedly twenty years ago today. Over one hundred fifty thousand Americans will lose their lives this year alone due to accidental or unexpected event circumstances. That means that on the average a little over 400 U.S. citizens will die today with no warning or predetermined cause such as disease in mind. That may not sound like a big number considering the United States is home to over three hundred million people. Yet the extensiveness of that number is insignificant to the spouses, children, and other family / friends of the 400 that will experience such a loss. 

We definitely need to remember the tragedy and loss of September 11, 2001. No question, no doubt, I will forever remember that day as long as I live. What I am suggesting is that you and I live today, September 11, 2021 as the gift that it is. I didn't get up this morning thinking "Wow, today is going to be my last day", instead I got up this morning thanking God for the gift of this day and asking Him to use me to the fullest extent that I can live this life He has given me. How can I serve, what can I do to impact the lives of others, what message of hope can I spread, and / or to what extent can I make a difference in the world I live in today? That is what I hope for each of you reading this message today. By all means book that family vacation for the summer of 2022 now, but at the same time, make a game plan for today. Knock on God's door and ask him what you can do today. Seek Him and you will be used. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

If for some unknown reason today were to be your "twenty years ago today" day, what will those who know you, work with you, and love you have to say about you, twenty years from now? My prayer is that you will live out each day that you are given to the fullest! Tomorrow will be amazing I'm sure, but today is the day that you have been given, rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24)

Live today, today, not tomorrow and never forget!

Coach Carter

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