Sunday, November 22, 2020

Tested by Fire

 The key step in purifying raw silver is the smelting process, which removes the impurities of the silver under the extremely high temperatures of a forged fire. As the heat intensifies the "cream" kinda of rises to the top you might say. This intense heat for our purposes today can be defined as adversity or affliction. We are just like silver, in our raw state we are full of impurity, yet if we are able to "stand the heat" instead of getting out of the kitchen, the end result is a valuable servant capable of withstanding the fire of life's trials and tribulations. 

Psalm 66:10 is an acknowledgement of this process and a statement of gratitude in the presence of adversity, "You have tested us, oh God; You have purified us like silver melted in a crucible." The current state of this pandemic could very well be the fire that was meant to test you, and through the challenges and uncertainty you are being forged into something that wasn't there before. God takes what we see as being a negative and uses it to build us up to where we are better able to do His work. The key is we must be willing to grow through the process and that is where we find the crux of the matter. 

We all want life to go along smoothly and our schedules to be exactly what we planned them out to be as each day unfolds. Wouldn't life be nice if it were so? My response is a direct "NO". Although it is easy when life is going smoothly, I would not have started writing Flat Tire Ministries if it had not been for the excessive number of literal and figurative flat tires I experienced a few years ago. Through those experiences, and life was not easy then, I grew, I was purified in a sense. The weaknesses in my life that caused me to rely on self instead of God had to be removed. My self-reliance and my self-centered view of how life was impacting me personally had to be purified to a place where I released adversity is a tool and the growth I experience through that adversity allows me to serve others over self.  Moreover, I relish in those moments because I am assured that I am not facing life's storms and disappointments alone. God is with me. “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. Isaiah 48:10

Being tested by fire comes in such a wide array of life experiences relationships, finances, health issues, physical attacks or abuse, setbacks, set ups, knock downs, and kicked arounds all qualify as fires that can be a valuable part of our lives if only we can pluck out the opportunity from the adversity, and then purify it into a silver aspect of who we are. Does it feel good? I don't even need to answer that one, of course not. Do you think a little baby attempting to walk says "Wow that really feels good when I fall down and bust my chin on the floor"? Yet if that baby doesn't get back up armed with the experience and understanding of what made her fall the last time she may never learn to walk, which leads to skipping, which leads to running, jumping, and eventually standing still giving thanks for the ability to walk where He leads us to go! Praise God not for the adversity, but for the growth that we can experience through the fire if only we will allow it to purify us for His purpose. "... And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5:2-5 

You were created for such a time as this. That doesn't mean that you will thrive through whatever "fire" you are facing today. That my friend is your choice. You may choose to wallow in it, make excuses through it, or just lay down and hope to endure it, but I won't do that. The purifying of who I am has taught me that only when the fire gets hot, does the growth occur. Do I enjoy the flames of adversity? No. Do I understand that God won't give me more than I can stand and through any adversity or affliction that comes my way God will be there with me? ( I Corinthians 10:13) Yes, and that is the difference. If you are reading this thinking "Yeah right, you just don't know what I'm going through, if you were dealing with what I'm dealing with you wouldn't be so sure about this whole idea of growth through suffering." And you would be correct I don't know your personal circumstances, but you may not know what your neighbor has endured and has grown through just the same. It is your choice to grow through and purify your mind, soul, and body by way of the fires of life. Earlier, I mentioned the word resilience. Just the other day I was listening to a podcast about success and it was stated that one of the most predictable qualities of someone's level of success is resilience. Being able to get back up again, learn from our mistakes, and then push forward helping others to get back up again is exactly what resilience is all about. Use the fires of today to create the silver inside you for tomorrow!

Coach Carter


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