Sunday, November 1, 2020

Loan Forgiveness

 Federal Student Loan Forgiveness, also known as public service loan forgiveness, or in my line of work may be commonly referred to as teacher loan forgiveness is a lifesaver for many young professionals. The idea is to "reward" those who work as public servants in areas of high need by "forgiving" their massive student loans after a certain number of years of service. Teaching in an impoverished school, or teaching in a hard to fill subject area such as math or science are examples of qualifiers for teacher loan forgiveness programs. By serving students and communities that have high needs, your college debt that was accrued obtaining the degree that allows you to teach can be forgiven. After reading a parable found in the Book of Luke, I'm convinced Jesus must have been in the financial loan forgiveness business himself. 

While spending the evening at a religious acquaintance's house Jesus was encountered by a remorseful woman wanting only to show her desire to be forgiven of her sins by Jesus. As she bowed down before the Son of God she wept and her tears enabled her to wash his feet. From there the woman dried His feet with her hair and then finally poured expensive, perfumed oil over his feet all the while asking Jesus to forgive her sins from her past. The host was annoyed and confused about Jesus allowing a sinful woman like this to be around Him. The man's thoughts were centered around how someone so holy could lower himself to the level of a person that was so well known for their sins and sinful lifestyle. At that point, Jesus laid the groundwork for today's Flat Tire Thought. 

“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.  Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Luke 7:41-42. The man who questioned Jesus answered much in the same manner that we would, obviously the one with the greater debt would be more appreciative since his debt was higher. Cha Ching! Loan forgiveness 101. Jesus was in essence saying the deeper your sin debt is, the more willing He was to forgive if only you will trust in Him and serve Him with all you have. 

What a beautiful picture that paints. The poor, sinful woman had nothing but her tears, hair, and an alabaster jar of perfumed oil, plus a trunk load of past sins, but Jesus was eagerly prepared to stamp her loan forgiveness papers. Student loan forgiveness is offered when someone offers their service and skills to someone else that needs their service, and Jesus forgives us our sins because he wants our service and skills in service for Him. 

Today, we are forgiven. Not because we have earned it, but because we come to God and ask Him to forgive us. We serve God because He loves us and shows us that love through the sacrifice He made with His own Son, Jesus. If you know God, if you have asked Him to forgive your sin debt, then just as the woman in the parable, you are forgiven. If you humbly serve God through service to others your "loan forgiveness" has been marked paid in full and you are set free from the bondage of debt and sin. I pray that I will be more like the woman in the parable and not the man judging others because of their sin. My personal debt is marked "Paid in Full", seek the Father and your debt can be cleared and expunged from this life you are living. 

Coach Carter


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