Saturday, June 29, 2019

Where's the 1?

     Today's FTM title is a reference to a parable Jesus shared in Luke 15:1-7. The cliff note version of the parable goes something like this. What shepherd would not leave his 99 sheep to find the one lamb that was lost from the flock? Of course the underlying theme of the parable is we are all worthy and God cares for each of us individually, not just collectively as a nation or as part of the human species. Each one of us is important and each life matters. This is an underlying principle that should guide each of us each day as we work, engage, and interact with others regardless of your occupation or status in life that you happen to exist currently. We should always be hunting for that next "lost sheep" in our lives.
     In most businesses and professions a great deal of success stems from the numbers or percentages that indicate how effective the company’s business plan is working. Unfortunately, this same principle holds true in medical practices, political policy making, and educational decisions in our schools across America. Success is indicated by a percentage of positive outcomes by a larger group then a similar group that did not achieve the same "growth". We, as a society, rest on the laurels of our successes and we tout the percentages of those that have been impacted by the positive outcomes of our efforts. My fear is as the old saying goes, "If you sit on your laurels, you will only crush them." Our efforts should not be on partial success for the majority, but instead a constant move towards reaching the goal of all 100 sheep being in the fold.
    I am not suggesting that we shouldn't celebrate our successes and I certainly do want to give credit where it is due for such types of success, but what I want to really focus on is erasing the complacency that is created when we stand on the percent found instead of the one that was lost and is still out there searching for home. If our goal in life is only to have more in than out then I would suggest that failure has already found a seat beside you in your life's journey. If you feel comfortable with a 3 out of 4 ratio then you have learned to settle for less than the best possible. If you have gotten to a place where 80% is outstanding and your job is complete, then you are missing out on your true purpose in life. I'll say it again; your life is not about you!
     I want my life's story to be more about the one miss in the 3 out of 4 ratio, and I want my life's ambition to be found in helping the 20% that missed the mark, but still have worth and value. May your life be filled with a sense of urgency to seek out the hurt, the lost, and the one that is searching for you and his flock.
There was a man standing on the beach tossing sand dollars back into the ocean as they became stranded from the rolling tide. A second man observing the actions of the first commented to the first, "Surely you realize you can't save all of them." To which the first replied as he tossed another sand dollar back into the sea, "Saved that one."
Dear God, may our lives not be spent in complacency and false pride over our incomplete accomplishments. We are thankful for success and give thanks to you for that success, but Oh God may our hearts burn with a desire to not be satisfied with our successes, but instead be driven by the knowledge that there exists that one lost sheep that we must continue to seek out and find. In Your name we pray, Amen. 
Coach Carter

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