Sunday, June 2, 2019

I Can't Ask Why? Only What?

   If you haven't noticed we are living in a very different sort of times today. So much division beyond what we formerly would have labeled normal.  Political party lines are bold, broad, and distinctively drawn. Race matters are enveloped in hatred and prejudice. Yet, probably the most alarming aspect of this new societal norms is the commonality of mass shootings by deranged individuals on innocent groups of men, women, and yes even our children. I scantly remember the day when one of the first mass shooting horrors happened and our country lowered the American flag in mourning. At the rate and frequency of such type of shootings today, if our leaders attempted to pay the same homage for the loss of life at the hands of a mentally unstable student or a disgruntled employee I fear our flags would have a new home found at half-mast. 
    These senseless acts of self-centered retribution or revenge are pointless, cowardly, and obviously demented in nature. When we see a "Breaking News" flash up on the screen our first and definitely normal reaction is to ask the most prevalent question, "Why?" Why would anyone do something so horrible and senseless? Why are demented individuals like these surfacing at such a rapid pace? Why are innocent lives being lost? I mean it’s pointless, inexplicable, and horrifying. So the question of "Why?" has merit.  
     The question of "Why?" is a tough one. Almost impossible to answer, but accompanied by a truth that transcends our human intellect. Without exception, one of the first responsibilities of those investigating an act of horror in this category is to establish motive. Guess what there isn't one that makes sense. As human as we are, we cannot justify or sort out enough information to explain
"Why?" For those that have a faith in a higher power, it might seem feasible to bend our knees and reach out to our Lord and ask God for an explanation, I certainly agree, but the question is not Why that we should be asking. For me I believe we are called to rely on our faith and instead of questioning the madness of the act, we should instead ask God "What?" What can we or are we supposed to be doing to help fight the madness that is plaguing our world?

      Way back in Genesis is the story of Joseph's journey through a series of life events that surely would have caused us to ask "Why me Lord?" Joseph didn't, he spent his time striving and eventually thriving to the point that his brothers that sold him into slavery came before him begging for grain and more importantly forgiveness. Joseph's response provides us with the mindset that we should use to approach our world's condition. "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." Evil does not produce good outcomes, evil produces evil outcomes. When we seek God and ask "What can we do to overcome evil?" God will reveal His plans for this life He has given each of us to live. 
      I can't explain why, I don't have that ability, but God provided this explanation in Isaiah 55:8-9, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord."As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." So our objective is not to ask for an explanation, our responsibility is to move towards action and ask God what it is He wants us to do. You may be the very one that has the key to unlock the door to the madness that is kidnapping our sanity! We must be diligent in seeking His will for this life we are living. Understanding that your life has a purpose, you just have to seek it and in regards to today's topic, you have to ask "What can I do to make a difference?" I don't have that answer so it won't be in today's blog. Just know this, Paul figured it out and shared it with all of us in Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Maybe you need to read that again. Paul said ALL things, not just the things that we like or benefit us. Does God create evil? No. Does God enjoy innocence suffering? No. But if you read the verse from Romans, we can find comfort and guidance in the knowledge that ALL things work together for good in the end. Be sure to note that I am not trying to lessen the hurt or devastating damage that these horrific tragedies cause. I'm saying that it is our job is to ask what we can do to assure that we fulfill God's plan for the life He has given us to live. We place our hope in the promises of God. I will live my life in that promise! 
May God bless the United States of America and may I do all I can to fulfill His plan for this life He purposefully gave me to live!
Coach Carter

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