Saturday, June 8, 2019

Deposits or Withdrawls?

     In the world of banking it’s all about deposits and withdrawals. Customers that frequent their local bank branch are more than likely going to complete one of two types of transactions. They will either be depositing funds into their account, or the patron will be making a withdrawal of funds from that aforementioned account. Obviously, the more you deposit and the less you withdraw the healthier your bank account will be when you need funds to pay the bills or for that unforeseen emergency repair bill. If you are financially wise and frugal you will more than likely also have a separate savings account or other money market account in which your deposits actually make money for your account. Adversely, if you are that person who doesn't even keep your account balanced and consistently makes withdrawals to the point of being overdrawn, your account isn't making you money it might actually be costing you money for overdraft fees or bounced check fees. It really isn't a hard concept to grasp, yet so many people struggle with the very idea of depositing more than you are withdrawing. In life that concept aptly applies as well. The more time we spend in our walk with God, deposit, the stronger our walk with Him will be. On the other hand, if we never create an account with God except when there is a crisis we are definitely on the deficit side of our faith account.
     Am I saying that only those who have a strong relationship with God get their prayers answered and their hardships are miraculously cured or healed? No way, the rain falls on all of us regardless of where we are on the relationship spectrum with God. (Matthew 5:45) So, if that's the case then why is it a good idea to spend time with God learning His truths and commands? If calamities strike equally to believers and non-believers then why would it matter if my faith account is on the positive or the negative? That my friend is the key to today's FTM thought.
     Just because I spend time each day reading God's word and praying daily for His mercy and grace to guide me doesn't mean that I am all of a sudden granted immunity from illness, afflictions, or adversity. None of us receive a "No Fees" account, and hardship hits me just like it does everyone else. The difference can be found in the deposits to withdrawals ratio. You see the more I spend time with God, the more time I turn to him to say thank you for all He has given me and done for me, the better equipped I am when those storms of life hit and I need to make a withdrawal from my account. Does that make the tragedy decrease in its level of discomfort and pain? More than likely not, but what it does do is provide me with strength and comfort so that I will be able to endure and persevere through the adversity.
     In banking the more you put in the bank the better your financial portfolio will be so you can pay for those unexpected car breakdowns or replacement appliances. In our walk with God the same holds true. The more time you spend getting to know God and learn to walk with Him in both the good times and the not so good times, the better able you will be at overcoming and thriving in your life. Maybe you should do an account reconciliation on your relationship with the Master Banker? If your account is out of balance there is no better time than today to make a proportional change in how much time you spend with your Lord and Savior.
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

Coach Carter

Coach Carter

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