Saturday, December 29, 2018

Like a River Flowing Downstream

     I love rivers. Partially because I am a kayak enthusiast, but mainly because rivers represent life in so many ways. The symbolism connected to the flow of a river makes for a fantastic end of the year Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the last few days of 2018 and also will serve as a challenge for all of us as we venture into 2019.
     First consider that all rivers have a beginning, a source that provides life and the opportunity to grow. If you've ever visited the Chattanooga Aquarium you may recall that as you ride up the escalator to begin your downward descent through the elaborate aquatic attraction, you encounter several video monitors that show the progression from a small drip of melting ice on a mountain top, eventually forming a small vein of water, leading to a creek, on to a larger tributary, eventually spilling into a mighty river, that ultimately winds up in an ocean or sea. Impressive and thought provoking. Life is so much like the life flow of a river. We begin as a small baby, ever growing and ever increasing our impact and opportunities to influence. So many obstacles confront us as we progress and grow causing us to zig one way and divert another, yet always moving forward. When storms hit, rivers flood and actually become destructive forces of nature demolishing pretty much everything that lays in its path. Over the course of history new paths for rivers have been created by the forces of nature in a storm. The essence of a river is that it is alive, it is constantly moving, and it has a destination that it will reach regardless of what stands in its way. Why even a dam built to control the flow of a river eventually has to have an escape route for the water when the dam's capacity is reached. Rivers were not made to be contained and neither were you.
     As we grow and mature our lives will make an impact on those that we come in contact with, whether it is the people we see on our daily path, family, co-workers, friends, and those we pass on our way to work, school, or any other of our scheduled journeys, or as in the case of a river when it is flooded by a storm, our lives have the potential to create new paths for others or in some scenarios create a destructive force with negative outcomes. The main difference in a river and your life is simple, you have the ability to choose how you will impact the landscape you encounter. The lives you touch as a trickle in short daily interactions, the nurturing flow of knowledge you impart on others, the opportunities you provide to help others reach their destinations in life, and the source of life flowing energy you exude make for your life to be a living river of hope in others lives. We must be cautious though because we will encounter storms in life, but just as I have previously mentioned the difference for us is we are able to choose how we will impact others in our adversities and the afflictions we encounter. Will we forge a new path that leads to discovery and a new chapter in our life, or will we allow the storms we encounter to be a force of destruction and despair?
       Our lives and rivers have one more similarity that bond us together, both were created by our Father in Heaven. In John 7:31 we are given this promise, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" You and I have the guarantee that if we trust and believe in our Heavenly Father, His life will flow through us just like the ever moving, always living rivers found in nature. Rivers provide nourishment to all that come in contact with it. Rivers are a reliable means of transporting goods and people to their destination. And most importantly the river of our life is constantly with us and will never leave us. Our source of energy is available to flow through you and yours each moment of every day. 
     Be a source of energy that impacts lives in a positive manner this year. Live life in a forward going motion and make opportunities for others to grow, learn, and give because of the time they spent with you. 2019 is going to be an amazing year, you will be a part of this new year, how will you forge a new tributary of life for those you impact? Be a river of positive energy and life-giving strength. 

Looking forward to an amazing year of growth and opportunities!
Coach Carter

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