Sunday, December 23, 2018

Humble is as Grateful Does

I'm pretty sure we all know how to show express gratitude for all the gifts and presents each of us will receive this holiday season. Whether we like the gift or not we are all pretty much going to say thank you and tell the giver how much we appreciate the gift and the thoughtfulness. Not that we are an unappreciative society, that's a topic for another day, but rather I'm pretty sure we could all agree that we definitely take way too many things for granted living in this land of plenty that we call home. You see it isn't really that we say thank you for all we have, you may do that each day and night in your prayers, it's more than that, it's truly being humble about what you have been given.
     To me, being humble is the attitude of recognizing what you have, how you got it, and who gave you what you have. It would be easy for us to think about all the hard work we have done over the years to have all the "things" we enjoy today. Cars, homes, above average way of life, vacations, and a plethora of other luxuries that we have accumulated over the years definitely make life easier. The idea that we work hard so we ought to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor is an idea that is both Biblical and part of our American Dream, (Galatians 6:9). The matter at hand isn't that we take the time to enjoy the fruits of our labor, it all boils down to whether we truly recognize and give thanks to the One that made it all possible for us to have all that we have. That thanks is deeply embedded into what we are giving thanks about when we say our thank yous each day.
      I recently heard a sermon where the pastor made a profound statement about gratitude that has closely stuck in my mind ever since. The preacher's message was centered on recognizing where our blessings come from, when he shared this thought "You need to get down on your knees and give thanks that you are on your feet!" Wow, we give thanks for the gifts that we tangibly receive each day, but do we give thanks for the true gifts of life that we pretty much take for granted? If we give thanks for our homes and the security that they provide us from the elements of wind, rain, storms, and outside threats, do we actually give thanks for the fact that we were able to get up out of bed? The most basic things that we do each day make all other things that we accomplish possible.
      That's where the whole concept of humility comes into place. We can give thanks and never truly humble ourselves in giving thanks. We believe that we are the reason we have what we have, our hard work, our clean living, or even our heritage kind of entitles us to have what we have in our minds. That way of thinking is way off base, God's Word tells us in I Peter 5:5-6 “... God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.  Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." To me our giving thanks needs to include thankfulness for all the "things" we have, but it so much more needs to begin with giving thanks for the very gift that has allowed us to wake this morning, and go about our day each day. Be grateful yes, but be humble in that thanksgiving even more so. 
     For a much deeper look into being humble before God from where all good things come, go to II Peter 1:1-10 and read how Peter's take on gratitude looks and how we should put things in the proper perspective. I am blessed, I have a healthy body that allows me to work and move about freely, I have been blessed to be involved in one of the most important careers in our society, and I have a healthy, loving family. Beyond that we are comforted by a home, nourishment beyond our needs, and a lifestyle that is both safe and enjoyable. All of this is amazing and I truly am grateful, yet without the mercy and grace that was shown to me and to all of us for that matter we would have nothing. I give thanks for the gift that we will celebrate on Christmas morning of the birth of God's own son that was born only to be an eventual sacrifice for our sins, so that we might live eternally with our Lord and Savior in Heaven someday. For that gift, I am humbled and for that gift I am forever grateful! 
Thank You God!
Merry Christmas to all! 
 Coach Carter

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