Saturday, November 24, 2018

What's Your Life's GPS

GPS, Global Positioning System, is an amazing thing. Its surreal to be able to ask "Siri" to find directions to the closest pizzeria and instantly have directions that include every turn, red light, exit, and even detours to avoid accidents or long traffic waits. This technological advance has made us all a little more adventurous armed with the assurance that if we get lost, we are only a single voice command away from step by step directions to find our destination. In our day to day lives it is definitely a reassurance to know that we can find where we are in this world just with the click of a button or even one simple voice command, but how about your life's GPS? How do you know where you are headed? Are you following the right directions? Whose directions are you following? Knowing where you are headed is important, but more important is knowing how to get there.
      When I was thinking about this topic as a FTM Thought, the message that really came to mind was, "I don't know where I would be without You God, but I do know exactly where I am with You in my life!" How do I know where I am? What gives me the confidence to state that I know where I am? God's GPS is available to anyone that calls upon it. Just as we can ask our mobile device for directions to anywhere we want to go and we can locate the pinpoint coordinates for where we are, God's word provides that same pinpoint accuracy. As independent humans, we are prone to want to figure things out for ourselves, we like to think we did it on our own, but in reality, without His road map for our life's journey in hand, we are just aimlessly moving through the days, weeks, and years of our lives.
     On our own, we try to convince ourselves that we have the answers, we want to define ourselves as self-sufficient. If that's you, how's that working for you? Whether you are living in a five-bedroom luxury home, or if you are scrapping by renting a place that you really don't feel safe in, my guess is there are issues of uncertainty, insecurity, and even hopelessness that swerve in and out of your mind. Life without a defined purpose only sets us up for a life of aimless journeys. If you are going it alone and you feel like you don't need anyone or anything to help you, then what will you do when you fall down and life keeps pushing you in that downward spiral? Who can you turn to? Where is your comfort, guidance, and security? That's what I am talking about, my life's GPS knows where to go, and I center my life on that one location.
     For those that have found their GPS in life, we know that life's difficulties, challenges, and even tragedies still confront us every day. As a person that believes and lives life through a faith that is much bigger than anything that this world can offer, you understand that we aren't immune to life's adversities, but what you do know is that you are not facing those adversities alone. That level of assurance makes life's struggles bearable. Having the knowledge of where you are and who is there with you is so much more of an assurance than the satellite system that leads us to our physical destinations.
      I know where I am. I know where I was before I gave my heart to Him. I could not tell you where I would be today without Him, but because I found Him and gave my heart to Him, I know exactly where I am today and where it is that I need to go for Him! If you know where you are with God as your GPS then you know this peace that I have. If you are out there driving around aimlessly, uncertain of where you are headed, don't know where you need to be headed, or just utterly lost with no idea of where to go, turn to God, read His word, talk with Him daily, and listen for His guidance. He is there, He always has been, and always will be, it is up to you to turn to him.
                     "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Psalm 119:105 
Coach Carter 

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