Sunday, August 27, 2017

Drifting Along

     A fishing float bobs up and down with the ebb and flow of the water it sits waiting patiently for a fish to gulp down the bait forcing the little red and white floater underwater signaling a fish is on the line. If you sit long enough and watch careful enough that bobber doesn't just sit there it floats and drifts as the wind and waves carry it. A boat out on the ocean moves speedily along with the assistance of the motor propelling it in the direction of it's destination, yet in most bodies of water if the boat is just sitting idly in the water it will drift away slowly from it's current location. In the case of a river that change in location is obviously going to be downstream. Drifting along may appear to be a comfortable position, yet in today's FTM we'll see why drifting along isn't what we were designed to do in life.
     When I visualize a fish float sitting out on the lake I see it just bobbing up and down no sense of direction, no energy to go backward, forward, right or left, just sitting there bobbing. If we aren't careful in our own lives we may find ourselves bobbing along in life much like that little fish float does on the water. "But I'm comfortable where I am and I don't want to move out of that comfort zone in which I live" you might be saying, well bobbing in the water drifting along isn't what we were designed to do in life. We are more like the boat, we have a motor that can carry us where we need to go in life. We have the means to reach our destination instead of sitting idly around waiting on the tide or current to pull us in the direction we may or may not need to be going.
     We are all called to action in our own walk of life. We were not designed to sit around waiting on someone else to do what we should be doing and we definitely do not need to just be pushed around by the tide of popular thought at any given moment. We know right from wrong, we know what we should do, and we have a moral compass that will guide us in life if only we will listen and then put our motors in gear.
There are several warnings about drifting along in the Bible, James 1 5-8 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.  Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. And Hebrews 2:1 warns that
"For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." In each of these scriptures the warning is clear, do not just drift along. 
     Where are you in life? Are you comfortable where you are? Do you just drift along each day doing the same old thing the same old way you've been doing it for years? That may feel comfortable, but I would tell you that you are bobbing on downstream. You are floating and you were not designed to float. You were created with a purpose and you were given a motor to allow you to move along against the current, upstream, and to your destination in life. Whether it is in your family, your career, or in a place where you see the need, but haven't moved to make a difference today is the day to put your motor into gear and start moving. I don't want to be pulled along through my life by the elements that I live, I want to make a move, make a difference, and go where I am destined to go not end up where someone else tells me to be. 
      If you have lost your "motorvation" in life it's time to find it. You may be drifting, but I know where the fuel for my tank comes from and I know it is available to all that seek Him. Jeremiah 29:13 promises that, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." If you are uncertain then ask for guidance, focus, or direction it is available when we actively seek focus. You are not a floater, you were not made to sit around and wait for someone else to do what needs to be done, your life matters and you have a job to do each day that will require you to move forward and reach your life's purpose. 
     Be assured your life matters, you have a purpose each day to fulfill. You don't make a difference once upon a time and then you're off the hook, no when you fulfill one purpose God has more in store and he is waiting for you to put your boat in gear and to stop floating down the stream wherever the current pulls you along. 
Go out this week and throw it into high gear and watch what happens in the world you live!
Coach Carter

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