Sunday, August 13, 2017

How Far Does Your Reach Extend?

     Recently I watched the movie "Lost City of Z", which by the way was a pretty good investment of a couple of hours of entertainment time, and during the movie I was brought to attention by a quote that was shared in the movie's content. The quote went something like this, "The reach of a man should exceed his grasp". The message behind the words of the late poet and English playwright, Robert Browning,  caused me to take note and store that message for a future Flat Tire Ministry Thought of the Week. Guess what? Here we go.
     As the new work / school week begins most of us will have an area that is designated as our "work space". Yours may be a desk, an office, a classroom, building, out door space or any other type of work assignment. Still others devote and invest time into volunteering in extracurricular efforts, coaching, training, or possibly even ministering. Whatever the case may be each of us has an extent to which we reach out to help others. The gist of the quote above is to ask yourself, "In my world how far is my reach? How much effort do I expend to help others and make my world a better place to live?" It's easy to pat ourselves on the back and feel like we do all we can do to help others, yet I believe we all need to "measure" the expanse of our reach and evaluate if we could possibly do a little more to reach out of our comfort zone and make a difference in our realm of influence.
     The mental picture in my mind created by the words "the reach of a man should exceed his grasp" is of a person sitting at their desk, in their cubicle, on the job site, or even in their classroom extending out a hand as far as the constraints of the site will allow, yet never getting up and moving away from the our mental prison that prevents us from reaching out. Creating a barrier to aiding our fellow man is exactly what we must assure does not happen. The fallacy of being restrained from reaching out beyond our grasp occurs when we create barriers to going out further than we can comfortably do from our primary station in life. Just as Jesus directed the disciples to "go out and make disciples of of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit", we are also challenged to do all we can to help our families, our students and all those that are need of help in life. 
     Are you reaching beyond your grasp? Or are you glued to the constraints you have created that are keeping you from reaching out? When you evaluate your life are you stretching your mind, thinking outside the box, seeking ways to benefit those you come in contact on a daily basis? Do you believe you can find a new answer or do you accept the accepted as the rule. When I allow myself to really visualize the idea behind reaching beyond my grasp, my core belief of never giving up and never quitting is fortified and nurtured! I can make a difference, you can make a difference, each of us can make a huge impact on our own world in which we live. 
     Do not ever oversimplify your realm of influence and the impact you will make on the lives of the individuals and groups you work with and live each day. When you think you have reached out as far as you can, stretch just a little bit more. When you think you have squeezed all the juice out of the lemon in your hand, squeeze just a little tighter, and when you think you can't make a difference in a life, hold on and reach out just a little bit further than where you thought your grasp extended! You will make a difference, you are the difference! I am inspired and motivated by the work I witness being done for our children by the professional educators I work alongside each day. In whatever field of influence you work and live, never underestimate the difference you can and do make each and every day and reach just a little further!
Coach Carter

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