Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Secret of Success

     I guess it is fairly safe to say that pretty much everyone wants to be successful in life. The definition of success varies from person to person, but I do believe I have an equation that most undoubtedly works for me and I am certain it will work for you as well. It's important to understand that there are many different definitions of what success really is, and how we actually measure success also offers a wide ranging spectrum of opinions and scale models. For me success is when you rise each day and know that what you do makes a difference and that you want to go out and make as big of a difference as possible. Then at night, when your day comes to an end, you can peacefully lay your head on your pillow and rest comfortably knowing you did all you could to make that difference in as many lives as possible. The big question is how do we do this, make a living that will support our families, and still feel like we stayed true to our plan of being successful? Well the measurement of how successful you are is something you will ultimately measure at the end of your life, but whether or not you are successful in life can be summed up by how well you accomplish four daily duties which I firmly believe make for a successful person, in your family, at your work place, on the highway, in the restaurant, and just about any other place you can think. In today's Flat Tire Ministry Thought for the Week I'd like to share my "Four Rules for Success" of what will make you successful in life.
     First rule, Treat everyone the way you would want to be treated in that same situation. We all have heard of the Golden Rule at some point in our lives and we all say that is the way that we should always treat others, but is that the way it is each day everyday in your daily walk? If we mess up we want others to forgive us and not come down on us too hard for our goof up. When someone else messes up and it impacts our life we want someone to pay the price for that mess up. We are quick to seek retribution, yet we are also quick to expect others to forgive us immediately. How about when you are driving down the road and someone cuts you off, what is reaction? Do you blow your horn and curse the person or do you keep your frustration to yourself because you know that the next time it might just be you that makes the driving faux pas and desire a little bit of grace. Give what you would hope to get if you were on the "getting" side. When we treat others the way we want others to treat us we demonstrate understanding, forgiveness, and grace.
      Second Rule, Never ask anyone to do something that you would not be ready to roll up your sleeves and do yourself. Being in any position of leadership creates the necessity of telling others what they need to do and how you want it to be done. Well if you wouldn't want to do it the way you are telling others to, or if something needs to be done and time is crunched, you should be prepared to jump in and do all you can to see the deadline is met. When you do this others will see that you understand the challenges that they face and that you are in it with them to see it through.
     Third, this one speaks to longevity. Stay calm in life's storms and have faith. I was talking with my nephew Bogi yesterday and we were talking about the fact that life is full of ups and downs, trials and triumphs, adversity and peace. I am very proud of Bo and he just keeps amazing me. He was saying he knew things would work out in life he just has to keep living it and I shared this visual image for him to remember as life happens. I told him to think about the mountains. Notice I said mountains plural. Mountains would just be a high range of plateaus if it wasn't for the dips or valleys. We get to enjoy the mountain because the valley exists which we have to climb to reach the mountain top. You may be in a valley, you may have just gotten out of a valley, or you may be stuck in a deep canyon with no view of the mountaintop in sight. Keep climbing, keep things in perspective, and don't ever lose the attitude that you will make it and things will work out the way they are supposed to work out. That's important to understand, we can't question how things turn out we just have to accept and believe that they will work out the way that they are supposed to work out. Not always easy, but always true.
     Fourth rule, Choose to be happy. Each day presents choices from the time you rise to the time you hit the bed. We have the choice to seek pity or we have the opportunity to make the most out of any situation. We choose to work hard and be fulfilled by our efforts and abilities, or we opt out and say that our work does not matter and that our life has little meaning. I don't care what anyone says you are in charge and you make the choice each day. Choose to look at the glass and be thankful for it regardless of how much water is in it. I mean if it is completely empty you still have a glass when you do run up on some water. It's your choice.
     That's my top four, there are a number of other factors that can play into your life being deemed a success, but in my mind if you hit a home run with these four any other factors will fall into place. Live each day like there is no tomorrow, give more than you get, laugh, cry, and respect everyone, the list goes on and on and there isn't any of them that can be measured by your financial portfolio or by the size of your house, or the floor on which your office sits. Life is too short to live it chasing success, success is there you just have to know how to define it!
Matthew 16: 26-27
26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.
Have an awesome Labor Day and relax!
Coach Carter

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