Sunday, January 14, 2024

Hide & Seek


Sunday mornings with two of the granddaughters is definitely a juggling act! Trying to get a three and a five-year-old ready for church isn't as easy as it was back when we were younger for sure! Fixing breakfast, dresses buttoned up, and ponytails tightened, I'm not sure if it should be described as a battle royal or an episode of Survivor! Nevertheless, after getting both girls ready, Missy and I got to turn our attention to getting ourselves ready. As I was running around cleaning up and cleaning myself up, I overheard a game of Hide & Seek developing in the other room. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, ready or not here I come! The challenge is on, is Ella a better hider or is Cha-Cha a better finder? Back and forth, round after round all of a sudden, they were occupying themselves! Shew, thank you to whomever created Hide & Seek, it definitely makes the lifesaver category for us this morning!


The goal of the children's game "Hide & Seek" is to be able to hide in a way that nobody can find your hiding spot. The better you hide the more likely you will win the game. Serving as a messenger for God, the objective still has something to do with hiding, but in this case the better you hide something the more others should be able to see it! Let's dig into this paradox a little bit more and find out how it's possible to hide something deep inside us, yet by doing so, it only makes it that much more visible. 

When King David wrote the following words, he gave us the key to hiding something so well that it would be easily visible, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." Psalm 119:11. In other words, David was saying something like, "God, I'm going to tuck your teachings, your commands, and your guidelines for how I should live my life deep within my soul and by doing that I will be able to live a life that is pleasing to You and benefits others." The more we "hide" God's word in our heart, mind, body, and soul, the harder it will be to hide His love from others. 


It isn't a matter of trying to show our faith to others, being religious on Sunday isn't what I'm talking about at all. When we develop a true relationship with our Lord and Savior, a relationship where we spend time in His Word, listen to His Spirit, seek His will for our life, and build a relationship that models the life of sacrifice that Jesus displayed, then we will not be able to hide God's mercy and grace. It will be who we are, our new DNA you might say. Live each day with God’s word hidden deep in your heart, and the whole world will see His love in you and through you! Ready or not here I come!

Coach Carter

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