Sunday, December 10, 2023

Do You Believe IN or Believe God?

 Today's title presents two questions rolled into one, and at first glance you might feel that it is one in the same question. Yet, when you ask yourself each question independently there is a stark difference in the two. So, in the following manner, which question best describes you? "Do you believe in God?" or "Do you believe God?"

In the New Living Translation of the Bible, James 2:19 proclaims that "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror." In other words, believing in God doesn't necessarily single you out in this world. Pretty much everyone believes in God or at least in a god. As a matter of fact, over 80% of Americans say they believe in God. But does believing in God mean we have a safety net under us as we walk life's tightrope? Sorry, I'm just not so sure that just saying you believe in God is enough to carry us through life's adversities and afflictions. If believing was all it took to gain life eternal than even the demons would be in an advantageous position. 

Believing in God is essential, don't get me wrong, belief in and of itself is not enough to receive God's promise of life eternal. As pointed out earlier, even demons believe in God, so let's go ahead and clear the air. Just because you tell people you believe in God and maybe you go to church some, and maybe you say a prayer at times, this in no way implies that you "believe God". 

To believe God means you have developed a relationship with God. To build any relationship you have to spend time with the other person. While spending time with another person, you have to communicate with each other, and through that investment of time and effort you begin to develop a relationship. Relationships thrive in an environment of trust. To build trust you have to put your faith in someone, and that faith comes through the investment of time that you have made creating the relationship. To sincerely say you "believe God" means that you trust God's promises shared with us through His Holy Bible. You can't just believe God if you don't know what His Word shares and teaches us. So, a big part of believing God is knowing what God's word says. 

I'm going to share a verse I'm pretty sure you've read or at least heard before. I'm also going to stop you before you point out to me that I'm sharing a mixed message. Read the verse first and then let me explain. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. Like I said, you probably read the part of this verse that says "whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" and thought, well believing in God is enough after all. Wrong. What John is saying here is that believing in God means we truly give our hearts and lives to Him. Believing in God is a daily choice, a decision to give our lives to Him, and to seek His kingdom rather than seek the pleasures of this world. To "believe" God means you do believe in Him, yet that belief or faith, must be backed up by works (James 2:26). We read God's Word, we meet with God in prayer and listen for His Spirit to lead us in fulfilling God's purpose for this life we have been given to live. Eventually, we are no longer living a life for us, but instead we are living a life for God because we believe Him and we believe in Him.

I'll leave you with this pair of questions today: Do you believe in God? Or, do you believe in God and is that belief lived out each and every day?

Coach Carter


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