Sunday, December 31, 2023

Details Determine Destiny


 If you've ever planned an event, you may have been told that the "devil is in the details", meaning that the success of your event weighs heavily on how much attention you give to the intricate details as you plan. For example, announcing that you are going to get married on July 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM at a particular venue is the easy part. Securing the officiant, ordering the flowers, picking out the cake, and getting the deposit paid on the selected tuxes may poise a certain degree of challenge, yet ultimately, a successful wedding will depend on finer points of your planning. Seating arrangements for family and friends, selecting the right items for the menu, or making sure the time of the day is going to work with the sun are details that make a huge impact. It is safe to say that if the details involved in planning out a wedding aren't given proper attention then there is a strong likelihood that the memories made could potentially be those of a catastrophic proportion. 


I once heard a preacher from South Korea quip that "details determine destiny". I believe that stays in line with today's idiomatic phrase "the devil is in the details". Pastor How went on to say that the "fine print" is where the real concern is in our relationship with God. We can make the decision to confess our sins, ask God to come into our hearts, and then claim God as our Lord and Savior, but that is only the beginning of our relationship with the Almighty One. Once we have given our heart, mind, body, and soul to God, then the real relationship work begins through the time we spend with God in our everyday walk. This is the detailed effort we make through reading God's Word, sharing our concerns, and seeking His guidance regularly. Praying for His direction in our lives, and striving each day to be more like Jesus, the Son of God our Eternal Savior are where the details reside. 


As we turn the calendar over to the new year 2024, take some time to reflect on how you are handling the finer details of your life. What is your relationship with God like? Do you have a true relationship with our Maker? Is that relationship superficial or do you pull out the magnifying glass to assure you are clear on the details of God's expectations? Today is not the day to make a New Year's resolution about your relationship, but it is the perfect day to determine that, in your walk with Our Father your attention to the details will impact your eternal destiny! “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7.

Coach Carter

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