Sunday, December 31, 2023

Details Determine Destiny


 If you've ever planned an event, you may have been told that the "devil is in the details", meaning that the success of your event weighs heavily on how much attention you give to the intricate details as you plan. For example, announcing that you are going to get married on July 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM at a particular venue is the easy part. Securing the officiant, ordering the flowers, picking out the cake, and getting the deposit paid on the selected tuxes may poise a certain degree of challenge, yet ultimately, a successful wedding will depend on finer points of your planning. Seating arrangements for family and friends, selecting the right items for the menu, or making sure the time of the day is going to work with the sun are details that make a huge impact. It is safe to say that if the details involved in planning out a wedding aren't given proper attention then there is a strong likelihood that the memories made could potentially be those of a catastrophic proportion. 


I once heard a preacher from South Korea quip that "details determine destiny". I believe that stays in line with today's idiomatic phrase "the devil is in the details". Pastor How went on to say that the "fine print" is where the real concern is in our relationship with God. We can make the decision to confess our sins, ask God to come into our hearts, and then claim God as our Lord and Savior, but that is only the beginning of our relationship with the Almighty One. Once we have given our heart, mind, body, and soul to God, then the real relationship work begins through the time we spend with God in our everyday walk. This is the detailed effort we make through reading God's Word, sharing our concerns, and seeking His guidance regularly. Praying for His direction in our lives, and striving each day to be more like Jesus, the Son of God our Eternal Savior are where the details reside. 


As we turn the calendar over to the new year 2024, take some time to reflect on how you are handling the finer details of your life. What is your relationship with God like? Do you have a true relationship with our Maker? Is that relationship superficial or do you pull out the magnifying glass to assure you are clear on the details of God's expectations? Today is not the day to make a New Year's resolution about your relationship, but it is the perfect day to determine that, in your walk with Our Father your attention to the details will impact your eternal destiny! “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7.

Coach Carter

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Count Your Blessings

Tomorrow is Christmas Day 2023 and around the world children of all ages will scurry up under the Christmas tree to find packages with their name prominently displayed. What a fun time for parents and loved ones to sit back and watch smiles broaden and excitement peak as items that once were part of Santa's mail order list materialize, leaving mounds of shiny wrapping paper, bows, boxes, and ribbon galore. We are a blessed bunch of people, we have so much to be grateful and thankful for, if we didn't have one present under the tree would it really matter? I guess that just depends on whether you can sit back and count all that we have to be thankful for instead of looking around making a list of the things that we "need" that we may not have in our possession. 

Over the last few weeks, I've been receiving quite the blessing from a new song that's out on the airwaves titled, of all things, "Counting My Blessings", by Seph Schlueter. There are a few lines in this song that have just touched my heart and I hope that you will take the three minutes or so to listen and reflect on your own blessings throughout the holiday season and beyond!

We have so much, we need so little, yet we want more. I get it, that's human nature, get more, want more, have more, want more, get more, that cycle just keeps spinning around and around, but I do believe in my heart that if we would only pause long enough to give thought to all we have been blessed with our Christmas list might take on another shape to that of one filled with the countless blessings we want to give thanks for to the One that we are celebrating this Christmas Day. 

In Schlueter's song, the artist begins counting 1, 2, 3, and then he goes straight up to infinity, remarking that he'd run out of numbers before he could thank God for everything that He has done in his life. If we will hit the pause button long enough to do our own inventory, I believe we would find the same to be true. The gifts we will give and receive on Christmas will be tangible presents purchased and wrapped with the recipient in mind, but the true gifts, blessings, we have received come in so many common every day forms that many times we end up taking them for granted, assuming that we have received those just because we are living and breathing. If you have a relationship with Your Maker, you know that is so far from the truth. God has graciously given us so many blessings and the list just continues to grow. Count'em up!

When you get up on Christmas morning, take a minute to start making a list of all you have and see if you don't get a smile on your face even before the first piece of wrapping paper is torn. Here's a starting point, take this and make it your own. “Rest from the night, a warm bed, a temperature-controlled home, running water, electricity that provides light, the ability to get up out of bed and walk, clean water to drink readily available by turning a knob, a hot shower or a cold shower if you dare, a refrigerator filled with more food than will be consumed, a sink, a stove, a microwave, and so much more! Wow, that's just blessings in the first 5 to 10 minutes after waking. My wife, our children, our grandchildren, my family and extended family, my parents that lived their lives teaching us what "do unto others" means, and all the life skills they taught Bob, Donna, and I. The trees, the dirt that allows the trees to grow, the green grass, the myriad flowers and colors of each day. The moon shining bright, the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the stars, the clouds, the rain, the snow, the sleet, and maybe the hail?? My education, my career in education, coaching, the jobs I've had, and the job I have. Lessons learned, and lessons shared, the ups that we have celebrated and the not so fun times that have taught me to get up and face the day. Grit, resilience, humility, and gratitude. Friends, co-workers, those that have poured in to my life, and for the mind that God gave me to determine right from wrong.” Just as the song says, I've found it to be true, "I'd run out of numbers before I could thank You for everything". 

I may not be able to give everyone that reads this message today a gift, but my prayer is that this message I have the opportunity to share will be a gift that causes you to reflect on the blessings you have been given and causes you to give thanks! Merry Christmas.

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalm 118:1

Coach Carter

Sunday, December 17, 2023

"It's Time"

 The first verse in chapter 3 of the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes reads: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". From there the book's author, King Solomon, shares eight verses of examples of what he was referencing when he stated that there is a "time for everything". 


    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.


During this year's holiday season what a better time could you find to take care of something that you have been procrastinating over this year, or in many cases over several years. I contend that "It's Time" now.


Fragmented relationships, addictions that have a firm grip on our daily life, or personal decisions that you have been setting to the side time and time again are three areas that I feel could relate to pretty much all of us. So, what do I mean that it's time. It's time to do something today about whatever it is you may be saying to yourself and others, I'll take care of that another day. My friend today is your day, don't put it off any longer. 


It is way too easy to blame the other person for a broken relationship. Family member, work associate, or longtime friend, it really doesn't matter it takes two to tango! Trust was broken, feelings were hurt, or a wrong was done to one party or the other, whatever the source of the fractured relationship, you have at your access the ability to take the first step in restoring that relationship. I'm pretty sure someone out there is saying to themselves right now, "Humph, I didn't do anything, I'm not going to do anything until insert name apologizes. Maybe you might remember what Jesus said as He hung on the cross. Beaten, tortured, and near-death Jesus pleaded, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34. Does that sound like Jesus was waiting on the Roman soldiers who beat Him to apologize first? Maybe you're thinking, "Well I may do that tomorrow", I'm thinking, what if tomorrow never comes? Do you really want to leave this world or have the other person leave this world with an unresolved relationship between the two of you left on the table? "It's Time".


Addictions, some of our readers checked out as soon as they read that word. "I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol so this one isn't for me." Today is definitely the right day to take the first step if a drug or alcohol addiction is your demon. The national substance abuse hotline phone number is 1-800-662-4357. It's time. Yet, not all addictions are drug or alcohol related. Some folks are addicted to material possessions, others are addicted to fame and fortune, and still others are addicted to habits that are likewise detrimental to one's health and well-being. Perhaps the person with an addiction isn't reading this message today, but you know someone that is fighting an addiction of whatever magnitude it is and they need help today. "It's time". In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus says, "Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit; and you will find rest." Healing for your addiction is waiting. "It's Time".


The last area we are going to look at today that may require you to take action is in the area of decision-making. Thinking about transitioning to a new career field or maybe even a new job? "It's Time". Sitting down and having that important conversation with your son or daughter, It's Time. Or, the most important decision you will ever make, or may not make is the decision to accept God as your Lord and Savior. To do that you must believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God. You must admit that you are a sinner, lost in this world. And then you must confess that you are lost, yet now you are found! The most important decision you will ever make and you need to make it today. "It's Time". 


Just as Solomon stated in the book of Ecclesiastes well over two thousand years ago, there is a time for everything, I believe your time to act is today. "It's Time"! Wait and you may be able to make up for it tomorrow. I'm just saying today is the best opportunity you have to take that first step towards reconciliation and healing. May your holidays be filled with warmth, memories made, and a true appreciation for the gift that God gave each of us! The gift of eternal life!

Coach Carter


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Do You Believe IN or Believe God?

 Today's title presents two questions rolled into one, and at first glance you might feel that it is one in the same question. Yet, when you ask yourself each question independently there is a stark difference in the two. So, in the following manner, which question best describes you? "Do you believe in God?" or "Do you believe God?"

In the New Living Translation of the Bible, James 2:19 proclaims that "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror." In other words, believing in God doesn't necessarily single you out in this world. Pretty much everyone believes in God or at least in a god. As a matter of fact, over 80% of Americans say they believe in God. But does believing in God mean we have a safety net under us as we walk life's tightrope? Sorry, I'm just not so sure that just saying you believe in God is enough to carry us through life's adversities and afflictions. If believing was all it took to gain life eternal than even the demons would be in an advantageous position. 

Believing in God is essential, don't get me wrong, belief in and of itself is not enough to receive God's promise of life eternal. As pointed out earlier, even demons believe in God, so let's go ahead and clear the air. Just because you tell people you believe in God and maybe you go to church some, and maybe you say a prayer at times, this in no way implies that you "believe God". 

To believe God means you have developed a relationship with God. To build any relationship you have to spend time with the other person. While spending time with another person, you have to communicate with each other, and through that investment of time and effort you begin to develop a relationship. Relationships thrive in an environment of trust. To build trust you have to put your faith in someone, and that faith comes through the investment of time that you have made creating the relationship. To sincerely say you "believe God" means that you trust God's promises shared with us through His Holy Bible. You can't just believe God if you don't know what His Word shares and teaches us. So, a big part of believing God is knowing what God's word says. 

I'm going to share a verse I'm pretty sure you've read or at least heard before. I'm also going to stop you before you point out to me that I'm sharing a mixed message. Read the verse first and then let me explain. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. Like I said, you probably read the part of this verse that says "whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" and thought, well believing in God is enough after all. Wrong. What John is saying here is that believing in God means we truly give our hearts and lives to Him. Believing in God is a daily choice, a decision to give our lives to Him, and to seek His kingdom rather than seek the pleasures of this world. To "believe" God means you do believe in Him, yet that belief or faith, must be backed up by works (James 2:26). We read God's Word, we meet with God in prayer and listen for His Spirit to lead us in fulfilling God's purpose for this life we have been given to live. Eventually, we are no longer living a life for us, but instead we are living a life for God because we believe Him and we believe in Him.

I'll leave you with this pair of questions today: Do you believe in God? Or, do you believe in God and is that belief lived out each and every day?

Coach Carter


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Four Types of Ground (4 of 4)


Over the past three weeks we've been "digging in" on the parable of the Sower and the Seed found in Matthew 13. We all understand that seeds left to themselves will not produce a harvest, and for a harvest to take place, and be bountiful the composition of the ground in which the seed is planted has a tremendous impact on the outcome of the planted seed. 


As a brief recap of our last three weeks, we've talked about the seeds that fell on hard ground and was eaten up by the passing birds (Matt. 13:4). During the second week we discussed the rocky ground where the seeds were unable to take root and quickly withered with no nutrition from the soil (Matt. 13:5-6). Last week we looked at the ground where the seeds were choked out by the thorns that coexisted there (Matt. 13:7). Each type of ground is symbolic of different walks of life that we as Christians or non-Christians walk. Hardened hearts, withering faith, or a mindset that is being influenced by the ways of this world line up with the aforementioned types of ground. But Jesus wasn't finished with that parable after three types of ground. We find our hope in the fourth type of ground, the good ground.


For seeds to produce generously it is essential that the seed receives nutrients that are conducive to growth. The "good" ground in the parable receives the nutrients and enriches itself. The key here is after receiving the gifts that make it good soil, the soil gives them away. The process of sowing and reaping centers around the concept of harvesting bountifully from the investment made through the labor of sowing the seeds and reaping the fields, then sharing the harvest to replenish the process over and over. Good ground is arable and holds tight to the rich nutrients it possesses. Good ground doesn't grow hard, but instead welcomes the seed to live within its confines. Under these positive conditions the seed has no other option but to produce bountifully.


So, now the goal is to place the context of this unchanging parable to the purpose Jesus shared with His disciples. You are the seed, and while the seed in the parable was strewn into various locations with no control of its destination, you have the option of choosing the ground in which you are planted. When we choose to plant ourselves in the "good ground" we aren't necessarily referring to a literal location, but more of a state of being in "good ground". Developing a positive mental attitude is a choice. When we wake up each day we have options and choices to make. We can choose to be grateful and thankful for the day we have been given, or we can choose to focus on the struggles and challenges that exist and allow ourselves to wallow in our own self-pity. We may also make the choice to be indifferent or disconnected to the opportunities that God has placed in front of us, making us hard and bitter unwilling to accept the seed that God wants to sow into our lives.


Good ground can be represented by the nutrients we choose to place in our daily lives. The literature we read or don't read, the sources of entertainment we spend vast amounts of time scrolling can help create our mindset, and the relationships we set our roots in can fortify us. All of these "nutrients" can help us be soil that produces a bountiful harvest. 


In closing, I believe the key takeaway from this four-week study is that literal seeds do not have a choice where they are planted. The ground itself doesn't have a say in determining its composition. But, you and I have a choice. You choose what you believe and what you believe in. You choose whether to stay the course or to drop out. You may find yourself flung among the thorns of this life, yet you will ultimately make the choice whether the thorns will defeat you or whether you will use their adversity to propel you to God's divine purpose for your life. 


The good ground is yours to choose, my prayer is that you choose the fortifying ground of God. Plant yourself in His goodness and mercy and you will produce a harvest that benefits the world in which you are planted.  

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:7-9.

Coach Carter