Sunday, June 25, 2023

Triple "T"

I think it is safe to assume that everyone enjoys receiving gifts. Birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, baby showers, or weddings, it's almost as much fun anticipating what is inside the box as we rip open the wrapping paper and bows, as it is to actually take the gift out of the box. Gifts symbolize a tangible expression of our love that we share with family and friends. We hit the mark when we are able to find that truly perfect gift that meets the needs of the recipient and fills their heart with joy. Today's title, "Triple T" is all about three gifts that God, out of His enduring love, gives each of us. Each person's gifts are unique to them, but the three gifts are in and of themselves the same; time, talent, and treasure. Let's take a look at how we accept God's gifts and what His expectations are for us.

According to the Book of Ecclesiastes we are each given an appointed time in life. "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die" Ecclesiastes 3:1-2. The gift in this case is not the length of life that God has selected for us, but more so what we do with the time we have been appointed. How do you spend your time? What percentage of your day is spent working? How much do you invest in serving others? What do you do in your spare time? Is that all about "me time", or do you willingly give your time to helping others who need your support? 

The second "T" represents talents. Many times, we refer to specific talents as gifts from God, i.e. "God given talent", which is highly appropriate especially when you put it in context of our discussion today. Again, God has given you and I certain talents that He expects us to use for His benefit and glory. I imagine you have an idea of your talents, but nevertheless there are many individuals that feel they have no significant talent in their body or mind. If you can identify your "God given" talents, my question would have to be how are you using the unique talents that God has given you to benefit the Kingdom of God? Again, the talents you have been given are to be utilized now not later down the road. 

The last of the "Triple T's" is treasure. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus shared that "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." That is so true, what we treasure is where we will spend our time and direct our talent. The question is what do we treasure? Are our treasures found in earthly possessions or do we seek out treasure that won't rust or rot as Jesus describes in Matthew 6:19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." Family, friends, our faith, and God's promise of eternal life in Heaven are treasures that we should be investing our time and talent into, not material items or worldly wealth that is only there for a time and has no eternal value at all. 

When I think of the Triple "Ts" I am reminded of the parable of the talents from Matthew 25:14-30. The application of this parable to today's message is seamlessly intertwined. In the story, a businessman is preparing to travel for some time, so while he is going to be gone the man assigns a certain amount of his wealth or "talents" as certain currencies were referred to in the ancient world, to three of his servants. One receives five talents, another three, and the last receives one talent. When the businessman returns he inquires of his servants about the status of the assigned wealth. The first two invested their talents and doubled the value of what they had been entrusted with by their master. The third servant presented the businessman with the same one talent that he had been given. When asked why he only had the same one talent to present, the servant replied that he was afraid he might lose it and he didn't want to disappoint his master. Wrong answer. The master took the talent and gave it to the servant that had doubled the five talents, adding to his wealth. In other words, God doesn't give us "talents", time, or treasure to sit on and waste, instead He has given us what we need to serve Him and it is our job to use the Triple "Ts" to fulfill our purpose in this life God has given us to live. 

In conclusion today, it may be obvious, but none of our time, talents, or treasures are limitless. Matter of fact, they are all finite. There will be a time when our time on this earth comes to an end. Just as we saw in the parable of the talents, our talents are to be used not set on a shelf waiting for the right time to be used, and what we treasure must align with how we spend our time and energy. In other words, the investment into what we treasure determines the return on that investment. Ask yourself about how you spend your time each day. Analyze your talents and see if you are investing them in the lives of others, or are you only focused on building your personal savings account. And at the end of the day, it is important to remember that "where your heart is there too will be where and what you treasure". Make a sound investment and receive God's reward for the life He gave you to live!

Coach Carter


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