Sunday, May 21, 2023

A Door, a Path, and a Light

 It goes without saying that each morning when you open your front door, activate the garage door opener, or even if you slide down the Batpole into your awaiting Batmobile, you have a destination in mind, a path to follow. It is also presumable that the vast majority of folks that are walking out their door each morning are greeted by the morning sunshine which provides ample light to more clearly see the path you are about to journey. But, what happens when the door we need to access is locked? What if the door does open, yet storm clouds keep us from seeing the path we need to journey? There is a key to every door we encounter, and there is a light that will illuminate every path we will embark. A door, a path, and a light the answer is found in one simple response, "I Am". Jesus refers to Himself as many things throughout His teachings in the New Testament but for today's purpose let's look at these three in particular.

The ancient Chinese saying that a "journey of a thousand miles begins with that first step" resonates well with my soul, yet before we can start that journey and take that first step we have to open the door. Easy enough you might be thinking, but the symbolic door I am referencing may not be so simple to open, especially if you don't have the key which unlocks the door and enables you to take that first step. Fear, uncertainty, lack of needed resources, past failures, or whatever stands in front of you as a locked door to opening your potential has to be dealt with and overcome before you can ever take that first step through the door you are facing. In John 10:9 Jesus proclaimed that "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." For me, Jesus is saying enter your life's journey through His door and not only will you journey, but you will find what you need to carry you through to your destination. Seek God's will for your life, in so doing you will unlock the door of opportunity, purpose, and your calling in life (Matthew 6:33). 

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6. Once we go through the door we must journey onward, seeking the path that God has set before us to travel. There are many roads we must choose from in our daily walk, unfortunately the vast majority are one-way streets that lead to a dead end. Jesus talked about walking the narrow road in making our decisions about which path to take in life. In Matthew 7:13 Jesus said "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." How do we know if we are choosing the right path, God's path? We seek God and His will for this life we have been given to live. Reading His word, spending time in prayer and meditation, worshiping and praising God each day, all of these are examples of how we better understand which door we need to open and which path God has intended for us to travel. 

In other words, if we spend time getting to know God's plan for the life He gave us to live, then the door will be unlocked, the path we are to journey will be clear, and the light of God will live inside of us and will illuminate our life's journey regardless of the challenges we encounter. Once again Jesus uses a powerful "I am" statement to reinforce who He is in our daily walk of life. "... I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12. Even in the darkness our path will be illuminated by the light that shines eternally in us and through us. Will we encounter trials and tribulations? Of course, God didn't say come follow me and you will never encounter hardship or challenges. Instead, God tells us that He will be there shining His glorious light in our life, allowing us to continue to see the path in the midst of life's storms and darkness. 

Whatever you are experiencing right now it is part of your journey. You may feel as if you are on the mountain top and all is good. God is with you, He opened the door and illuminated the path. If you are stuck in the darkness of a storm and you feel trapped in your circumstances, be of good courage because God offers you that same presence in your life. You may have a decision that has to be made and you need God's guidance and/or strength, He is there and He will direct your steps and assure you can see where you are headed in your life's journey. 

Jesus refers to himself as the door, the path, and the light because He is. Wherever you are in your own personal journey my advice is don't go it alone! He is the door by which we should enter. He is the designer of the path we should follow. And, He is the light by which we will see our way when the darkness appears. 

Coach Carter 


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