Sunday, April 30, 2023

"Whistle While You Work"

The Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" provides us with the title of today's blog, a catchy jingle jangle type song that the main character, Snow White, sang as she undertook the task of cleaning up the disastrously dirty house she came upon in the forest. I probably haven't watched that movie since I was a young lad, but that song has stuck in my head for decades, and I truly do believe there is a great deal of significance to the idea of "whistling while we work". Recently, I've been spending a great deal of my Bible study time focusing on work, and a common underlying theme seems to be the idea that our work should be an extension of our walk with God. If you attend church you most likely spend on average between two and five hours per week at the church building itself. We sing, we praise, we honor, and we worship God throughout the time we spend "at church", but what about the other 144 hours that are available to us from Monday through Saturday? We live out our relationship with God on Sunday's, but what about where we spend the majority of our waking hours?


It is estimated that most people will spend between 60 to 80 percent of their waking hours at work. Alarmingly, it is also estimated that close to 75% of surveyed workers say they are discontented with their work. So, if most people spend well over 50% of the time they are awake at work, yet 3 out of every 4 workers are unhappy at work, it would be reasonable to surmise that there ain't a lot of whistling going on in the workplace! Considering the numbers we started with about time spent at church or even adding in church related activities, we are looking at less than 5% of our waking hours. During "church" we sing out praises to God, we worship God through our prayers, and we grow in Him, by listening, sharing, and giving our full attention to God. But for today's purpose, my question is are you giving God that same spot of importance throughout the work week? 


Let's put this information into a perspective about how we approach our attitude toward work. We have established that our time at work and the time we spend at church are significantly different, with our "at work" time far outdistancing time at church. Add into that equation the data that says only about 30% of Americans attend church. Having that piece of information to add into the equation, where is it most likely that you and I will have an opportunity to show someone who God is and what following Him actually looks like? At work! That brings us back to the statistic that three out of 4 people say they are unhappy at work. I believe we can safely say that some of those 3 out of 4 would qualify themselves as followers of Christ, and if they are unhappy at work what image of God working in us is on display? The Hebrew word "avad" translates as "to serve" and is used in both the context of work and also in reference to your witness. If the terms "to work" and "to witness" are one in the same, should we not be a witness for God through the work we do each day? 


In Colossians 3:23, one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible, Paul encourages the church in Colossae with this charge, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters". I believe that term "whatever you do" is pretty encompassing and definitely includes our jobs and the work we do each day. Whatever we do, do it as if you are doing it for God and not just because it is your job. Paul goes on to say to give it all you got while you are working. If our work is a tremendous part of our waking hours, and if we are to witness through our work, would it not also stand to reason that we should be "whistling while we work"? 


I have been blessed to be the "1" in that 3 out of 4 statistic that loves the career field I have been blessed to give over 30 years of my life. Over the years I have literally caught myself whistling on my way in the door whether that door led to a classroom, the principal's office, or most recently the door to an office at the Board of Education. Is it that everyday has been filled with rose petals and gumball machines? No. Is it because I believe God has a purpose for each of us and I have been blessed to have the opportunity to impact lives through His will for this life God gave me to live? Most certainly. If you are not whistling while you work, could it be that you need a career change? Possibly. Is it more likely that you are looking at your work as just that, work? Possibly as well. Is it thinkable that if you were to build a personal relationship with your Creator and earnestly seek His will in the work you do each day you might begin to fill fulfilled? Absolutely. God first created the earth and everything in it, and then He created man to take care of it (Genesis 2:15). In other words, God created work, and then He created man to do the work. You are doing God's work each day, whatever it is you do, God has placed you in that setting for a purpose. Work earnestly, diligently, and with do your work with everything you got! (Colossians 3:23)


Allow God to work in you and through you. May the work you do be an extension of who you are in Christ. Whistle while you work!


Coach Carter

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