Sunday, March 26, 2023

Bee Visible


How much attention can one tiny bee accrue? Well just sit back and watch a family enjoying a picnic at the park, postured on a blanket, sorting the containers of sandwiches, sides, and other delectable dishes, when all of a sudden, a small buzzing bee arrives on the scene. The once tranquil scene suddenly becomes match point at Wimbledon, forehands, backhands, and the eventually slam, all because an insect not much bigger than a thumbnail decided to buzz upon a family picnic. Of course, the family picnic scenario isn't the only setting where a tiny bee garners immediate attention. Spectator stands at a baseball game, Saturday afternoon barbeques, or unfortunately as an uninvited guest to your daughter's picturesque wedding, the difference that one tiny bee can make is notably obvious. But why? Grown men and women averaging well above 5 to 6 feet in height, 150-250 lbs. in weight, all with varying amounts of strength, courage, and educational experiences swatting and swinging at one tiny insect, the question begs to be asked, why? 

The obvious answer, fear of getting stung, comes to mind instantly, but I'd be curious to see the data on how many people have actually gotten stung by one of those tiny invaders during a Kentucky Fried Chicken weekend spread. I would gander a guess that actually it is more about the weaving in and out, buzzing here and buzzing there that actually draws so much attention to our little arthropods. Definitely the potential of getting stung exists, but I personally have not ever been stung in such a setting as any similar to the ones listed above. (Not saying I haven't been stung more than once in my life, just ask my brother Bob, but that's a story for another time). If you stop and think about it for a minute, it is truly amazing that such a tiny insect could so quickly gain so much of a group's attention, and really by not doing anything more than what a bee naturally does. Buzzzzz!

Think about it, a tiny bee who is just buzzing around, doing what a bee is supposed to do, gains the attention of everyone in the room just because bees buzz, bees fly in and out, and because bees are attracted to bright colors and sweet smells! We suddenly focus on a tiny insect who isn't bothering anyone, just because it is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing. If a jellybean sized honeybee can draw the attention of a group by just buzzing around, how much more visible should our relationship with our divine Creator be to the people we interact with each day?

Just as the bee buzzes around searching out nectar from nearby flora, we too buzz in and out of the lives of those we live with, work with, and interact with each day. As we draw closer to God, our lives change and we develop a deeper understanding of what our purpose is in this life we have been given to live. And just as bees get noticed for doing nothing more than what they are supposed to be doing, our relationship with our Heavenly Father should be obvious to those we encounter. Your countenance, your demeanor, your empathy, the way you serve, and the way you see others are all equal to that little bee buzzing in and out of your outdoor event. The bee doesn't have to sting you to get your attention and we shouldn't have to necessarily announce our Christ-likeness to those we encounter. 

How we live our lives should be our testimony to others. A hard work ethic, an “others before self” mindset, resiliency in life’s challenges, and a “how can I make this world a better place” attitude are all ways that others should be able to see God living in you and living through you each day. Paul exhorted the church in Colossae with this charge, "... whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17. We should be buzzing each day, sharing the sweet nectar of God's love and pollinating the lives of those we live and work with so that they too can develop their own relationship with the God of all creation. The bee impacts nature by doing what a bee is supposed to do, are you impacting lives in a positive manner by doing what you were created to do? Do you share pollen or poison? Nectar or noise? Unwarranted fear, or unconditional love? We don't share God's love for our own vain benefit, we do so for the benefit of the Kingdom. Be like the bee, "bee" visible! 

Coach Carter


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