Sunday, February 6, 2022

Something to Consider


Let's start out today's Flat Tire with a task for everyone to complete. Grab a pencil and paper and get ready to write. Okay, now here's the prompt and then I'd like you to take a few minutes to write down your answers before you move forward with reading the rest of today's message. 

You've gone to the doctor's office today because of some out of the ordinary symptoms you've been experiencing lately. After all the tests have been ran and all the blood work has been analyzed the doctor walks into your room and to give you her conclusions. What happens next is probably something none of us would be even remotely prepared for, the doctor informs you that you have an incurable disease and you only have weeks to get everything in order. After the numbness wanes, you realize that you have got to get busy taking care of business. Besides financial matters, business dealings, and overall life matters, you need to get your relationships in order before you pass. Think of the top ten people you would want to say something to given the fast approaching demise you are facing. What would you want to say to them? What would you want them to really know? Is there one of those top ten that you would want to mend a broken relationship with? How about worry or concern for a friend or loved one’s health or safety, is there something you haven't said to them that you would want to share? Stop reading here, and jot down the ten things you would say to the top ten people on that list. Just ten, not eleven, not twenty, just ten. When you are finished then proceed with the rest of today's FTM. 

Was that hard? It was for me. Ten just wasn't enough and saying only one thing to each person on my list was way too hard to narrow down. What action words topped your list? Mine included love, sorry, forgive, and choices, honestly writing the messages down brought me to tears. I suppose I began thinking about how important my words to those I love really are. I didn't once say be sure to pay the electric bill this month. I wasn't complaining about how messy a child's room was, and I don't think the topic of money came up once, matter of fact, it didn't even cross my mind. The thoughts I wrote down were life and legacy thoughts. Real, critically important thoughts that I would not want those I love to not hear or know. Question to self, "If the thoughts I wrote down are so important for those I love to hear, how often am I saying those very thoughts to those that are so dear to my heart?" 

What am I waiting on? Is the thought process that I'll do it tomorrow? Or maybe I'm waiting on the right time, and the right place and then I'll say what is on my heart and mind to that person I love so much. Whatever it is I'll ask the question again, "What am I waiting for?" What are you waiting for? If it is that you are waiting on tomorrow or that perfect opportunity keep in mind that we truly do not have a promise of tomorrow. Luke 12:39 warns us, "But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have left his house to be broken into". We do not know when our time on this earth will come to a halt. Nobody does, so what is the thought process around I'll tell that person the one thing that I would want to tell them tomorrow? What if tomorrow never comes. I'm pretty sure none of us has a get out of jail free card we can pull out if the grim reaper knocked on our door today. If it was important enough for you to list it as something you would want to share if the above scenario was enacted, then I'm pretty sure it is something that needs to be shared today, definitely not tomorrow.

Whatever the reason you haven't said what needs to be said, I believe today is a challenge type day. Maybe you are one side of a fractured family relationship. I know fathers and sons who haven't spoken in years, somebody needs to be the first one to apologize and rekindle that relationship. I know people who are too busy to sit down and have a talk with their husband or wife. It's time to slow it down and make the time to talk. Guidance doesn't need to be given later, it very well could be a difference maker in a relationship now! It is a given that the right time to share your thoughts with those you love is right now, but we believe we have myriad tomorrows to wait to pull the trigger. Maybe you do and maybe you don't. I do not want to play that game of Russian Roulette! I choose to step up and say what needs to be said today! Whatever might be keeping you from saying what needs to be said can't control what you do, fear, embarrassment, rejection, pride, have no hold on your life, God is in control and will be right there with you each step and every word along the way. "So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10. Today is the opportunity.

Coach Carter

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