Sunday, January 30, 2022

Deposits and Withdrawals

Financial smarts would tell you that keeping a tight track on your finances is both wise, and also necessary to maintain a sound banking account. Basically, all you have to do is watch what's going in and then closely monitor what goes out. If we do a good job of depositing more into our accounts than we withdraw, we achieve financial stability, if the converse is the case then we run the risk of bankrupting our account. There you go, my money matters expertise has reached its peak! Fortunately, our topic today is more centered around our faith-based accounts. Unlike our bank accounts we can never overdraw our relationship with God, He is always open for business and ever eager to meet our needs. 

When you open a new bank account there has to be a deposit made to get the process started. When we accept God as our Lord and Savior, that is our initial spiritual deposit. From that point forward, my guess is your account may look a little similar to mine. In our prayer life, in our daily walk, we are pretty notorious for making a vastly unbalanced spreadsheet of withdraws to deposits. Try this as you meet with God in your prayers, make a little tally sheet and see how many things we ask God to intervene and "fix" as opposed to the number of offers we make to serve Him today. Honestly, when I gave it a whirl I stopped pretty early into the count because pretty much everything I prayed was asking God to take care of it. Watch over my family, guide my steps, focus my attention on Your purpose for my life, forgive me my sins, and heal the illnesses of friends and family, those were just a sliver of the laundry list of needs and requests I was withdrawing from my relationship with God. On the flip side my deposits were few. Even when I offered to do whatever God wanted me to do, I was asking Him to show me what to do. Fortunately, we can never drain our account with God. Matthew 7:7 encourages us to, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." You cannot out give or out serve our God, that is our faith account promise!

We bring our trials, tribulations, and tragedies to God without much hesitation, even people that don't necessarily have a relationship with God readily come to Him for a withdrawal when they need a miracle to occur. That is what we have been instructed to do. Ask, seek, knock bring your situations and circumstances to the Father and He is faithful to respond. But what about when we do have a personal relationship with the Creator of all mankind and we start balancing the equation by depositing more frequently and more purposefully? Share more, sacrifice from time to time, and submitting more to the call of the Holy Spirit are all ways we make deposits that equal out the withdrawals to deposits ratio.

Jesus modeled giving more than you get, and then He taught that lesson to the men that would carry it on forward. "Give, and it will be given to you. You will have more than enough. It can be pushed down and shaken together and it will still run over as it is given to you. The way you give to others is the way you will receive in return.” Luke 6:38. Depositing is like giving or placing something in safe keeping until it is the right time to get it back out. 

The next time you enter the God of All Creations realm, when you go to Him in your quiet time to hear from God directly, don't forget to thank Him for all you have been given, thank Him for His constant blessings because they are boundless. Seek His will for your life, and then go out and serve.

“Lord help us to be all that you have purposed us to be. I ask you, Lord balance out the spreadsheet of our lives. We will never out give you, but Father if we are given the opportunity to make a deposit rather than another withdrawal may we do so willingly and eagerly! Amen” 

 Coach Carter 

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