Sunday, October 10, 2021

Pleasureful or Purposeful??

We are living in different times that is for sure. Now, that might be what would be considered an understatement. Just look at all the universal issues we are facing as a society today. I would dare say that there is no more than a small handful of men and women alive today that have endured a global pandemic. The influenza outbreak around 1920 may be the worst global incident in modern history. That being said, the times we are currently traversing are obviously uncharted waters. 

I personally have moved in and out, back and forth, and through over half a decade of history and I can honestly remark that I have never witnessed times such as this in regards to jobs and work in our society. Help Wanted signs have pretty much became permanent displays in almost every job sector. Incentives such as signing bonuses, days off with pay, hourly wages that far outdistance the minimum wage, and flexible scheduling to meet the employee's desires mark the competitive nature of finding an employee. 

Our educational systems have been rocked through this pandemic, forcing school systems to revisit teaching strategies, scheduling methods, attendance rules, and grading policies to meet the needs of our students, teachers, and all other educational support cast academically and also to ensure their safety. Food prices escalating, political division on the right and the left and in the middle, social media dependency, mental well-being, and on, and on, and on we could go. "For the times, they have been a-changin", to borrow a line from Mr. Dylan. 

Everyone knows times are changing, especially those of us that are inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon monoxide. I guess what is so alarming to me in all of the change that we are experiencing is the slow methodical move towards a "me" driven society. We, and I do mean "we" as all inclusive, are at a crossroads of sorts. Are we going to be a country that covets a pleasureful lifestyle view where every decision is centered around me and how all choices are made based on what the impact on "me" personally is? I would suggest that in so many of the aforementioned "changin" times, "me" and how "I" am impacted are at the point of the arrow in origin. The question today, in my opinion, is how long do we believe a society that places self in front of service to others can endure? 

In a world that is now prone to asking "How will this impact me personally?" quicker and more frequently than "How can I make this world a better place for the next generation, for my children's children, and the world in which they will live?", it is time for each of us to stop and reflect on how we will proceed. Our personal time on this third rock from the sun is limited at best. James 4:14 NIV reminds us that, "....Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.", so the question begs to be asked what is really important, what should keep us up at night, what will our legacy piece to this world we live in be? 

I advocate that we move ourselves away from a self-driven "pleasureful" mindset to more of an others before self, "purposeful" mentality as the driving force in our daily output of effort and energy. I fully respect and honor those that have offered their service to our country in times of war and also in peace. Their personal sacrifice was and is a choice that is made based on the desire to serve others over self. Service over self to the point of giving their life for the lives of countless others that they would or will never meet. Leaving their families, possibly never to see them again, and yet they went and they still are going today. What if the "me" mentality ruled in the hearts and minds of those that have and are defending our country? I'm pretty sure we would not be the land of the free and the home of the brave, but instead the land that once was free and once displayed bravery through sacrifice for others over self. 

I am an optimist through and through, I believe we can be better through our adversity and afflictions. I firmly believe, because I see it in the actions and plans of the students I am blessed to work with each day. So many of the young men and women that fill our classrooms want to give rather than receive. They want to work and be a productive member of society. Do they have the blueprint and road map in front of them? My thoughts say the template exists, they just need leaders to demonstrate the skills and belief system that will support them in being successful in life. And that is where you and I enter the picture. 

Earlier we established that our life here on earth is pretty much comparable to fog, here for a time and then gone. Well, even though the fog dissipates, it leaves dew. The dew sticks to the ground and provides moisture to the leaves, grass, flowers, and even mother Earth. Your legacy needs to be much like the dew from the fog, dew sticks to surfaces long after the dew is gone. If we choose to live a purposeful life the example we provide to our children, our students, and even to those we live and work with each day will build the mental fortitude associated with placing the needs of others (purposeful), over the wants of self (pleasureful). May our driving force in life be centered around this advice from the Apostle Paul, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Philippians 2:3-8. I have said it before and I will continue to say it over and over again, your life isn't about you. It is abundantly more about what you can do to impact the lives of others in a positive manner that will ultimately have a positive impact in the world in which you live. You were designed on purpose with a purpose in mind, Rick Warren coined that phrase well, the crux of the matter that you must decide for yourself is clear. Will you spend your life fixated on me, me, me and mine, mine, mine? Or, will you commit to making your life have a bigger purpose where "me" is set aside and "we" takes the main stage of life? 

Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42

Coach Carter 

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