Sunday, October 3, 2021

Helium Balloons


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that pretty much everyone has had a helium balloon on a string and either intentionally or inadvertently let it go. Once that string is out of arm's grasp it is gone! Up, up, up it goes higher and further away until it ultimately disappears out of sight. Unlike a drone that has a controller to direct where the drone goes, a helium balloon goes off to its own ultimate destination. Although we cannot control the destination of the helium balloon after we let the string go, the balloon goes nowhere unless someone first fills the balloon with helium. So, the point of this little object lesson isn't about how to negatively impact our environment and ecosystems by cutting loose helium balloons, but it is all about understanding our role in training, raising, and preparing those we are tasked to teach.

We all teach, remember that, you are a teacher. You may teach life skills to your child, you may coach a sport and teach your athletes how to play the game, or you may teach coworkers or colleagues how to maneuver your area of expertise at work. Just as with our example of the helium balloon, you have the opportunity to share your knowledge and thus fill the brain, mind, or soul of those you are teaching, but you can't determine where that student is going to go after you carry out your side of the equation. That isn't your job. Your job is to share, teach, and provide opportunities. The "learner" has to make the decisions and choices which we would refer to as the outcomes of that learning. 

Don't get hung up on outcomes, those are Gods to guide and direct. You have a specific role and after that role is fulfilled it is up to the individual to determine what they will do with the learning you provided. If we do our job the way God created us to do it, then we have fulfilled our role. If we sit back and evaluate our impact by the outcomes that we visually see then we might get discouraged. Fulfill your role, teach, coach, and lead, but don't sit back and think you are also the judge. That job has already been taken.

As a parent, grandparent, coach, teacher, and advisor I have had thousands of opportunities to support the development of young people, both my own and a plethora of other students and athletes. I have been fortunate to witness so many positive outcomes from the learns and earns, and along the way there have been myriad flops that I would prefer to change if it had been humanly possible. My job isn't to worry about the outcomes because I can't visualize God's plan for someone's life, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways." Isaiah 55:8-10. My job is to keep on doing what God has called me to do!

So, when you get discouraged by the outcomes you see as a result of your teaching/coaching, don't dwell on it too long. God has a purpose and His will, will be done. Just keep on coaching and keep on praying!

Coach Carter

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