Sunday, January 3, 2021

Having 20/20 Vision in 2021


To say that we are all looking forward to a brighter year in 2021 would probably rank as a huge understatement for this fledgling new year, yet as we look forward we do so with a totally different perspective in hand. It would be easy to place the past year 2020 deep into the recesses of our memories and hurriedly move into 2021 with blinders on, but I think we need to use this past year as a way of measuring where we want to go and what it is going to take for us to get there as this new year kicks off with a high level of uncertainty and a tantamount degree of inspirational hope and fortitude. 

If we had the superpower of hindsight and were able to see all that would unfold in 2020 would we have ended 2019 a little differently some 365 days ago? Would our focus have been different as we made those "New Year Resolutions"? Where would time with family ranked in our plans for 2020? What about work, how many of us gave a thankful thought to the job we had as 2019 closed and the state of our steamrolling economy? Was there any reason for us to think that the conditions of where we were at on New Year's Eve 2020 would have us wondering if we would have a job to go to, and an economy that we can believe will be sturdy enough to carry our country going forward? Only if you had a crystal ball and could see into the future would be my guess. We talk about hindsight being 20/20, and I fully believe that is a tried and true statement, but what are we going to do in 2021 now that we are armed with the experiences of a devastating year of pain, struggle, and loss? Those who can't see and don’t learn from the experiences of the past are those that are truly blind, but those that soulfully reflect on the lessons and adversities of 2020 and then make the informed decision to make 2021 different from the onset will be the ones whose vision in 2021 will be 20/20 clear.

I think about the parable Jesus shared with his disciples as they asked Him about when Jesus would return to the earth in Matthew 24:42-44. Jesus compared the timing of His second coming to that of a thief in the night. If the homeowner knew the hour that the thief was coming, he would be up and ready to defend his home is the message of this familiar parable. If men had the day and time on a calendar signaling the return of Jesus, then everyone would be living for self, right up till the night before and then set things right with God before going to bed that night. I would share with you that I believe the vast majority of us were asleep when the thief came to our house at 12:01 January 1, 2020. 

Unprepared for what hit our community, state, nation, what the heck the entire world, we entered 2020 like we had every other year prior to that for most of our lives. My wife and I were reflecting back to the uncertainty that we experienced on New Year's Eve 1999, and how the world held its breath when the clocks and calendars rolled over to 2000. Uneventful, yet we entered that new year aware that there was a potential for massive shutdowns of computerized controls if the computers couldn't accurately adapt to the change from the 1900's to the new millennium. Stock piles of food and water were compiled, a little extra cash on hand was advised, and the homeowner sat up watching for the thief all night that particular eve. But what about 2021? Saddled with all of the angst and hurtful experiences of 2020, how will you enter this new year 2021? 

Will we enter 2021 with a renewed focus on the importance of our relationships? We could not have fathomed the extent of pain and loss that the COVID-19 pandemic would wreck on our families and friends at the beginning of 2020. Many were under the impression that by February of last year the virus would be gone and life would be trucking along much like 2019 ended, full speed ahead. Armed with the experiences of 2020 will we enter this new year with those same blinders on or will we place relationships of all categories as a priority for 2021? Lesson learned don't take your family for granted. Don't put off visiting or checking in on those you care about till tomorrow, make it a priority today. Thankful that you have a job, a source of income, and the ability to take care of yourself and your family? Millions of people around the world had a job, a business, or a steady source of income at the beginning of 2020, yet today unemployment and closures of small and large businesses alike have hit totals unlike any other time since the Great Depression of 1929. Can we all agree that being thankful for our job should be a daily thanksgiving in 2021? 

And what about your faith? I think it is safe to say that there were very few people at the end of 2019 on their knees, bowed down, praying for the virus to not take away our loved ones or for our lives to not be halted by the surge and spikes we have "survived" throughout this past year. But here we are, the beginning of a new year, the first days of the year two thousand twenty-one and my question to you is how are you going to enter this year that will be different from how you have started the past 10, 20, 30, or even 50+ years? Are you going to go it alone for another year? There is hope that vaccines will change the trajectory of the virus and that our lives will metamorphosis back to some semblance of "normal", but even if this man-made vaccine does stymie the advance of the pandemic, will your life be the same in 2021 as it has been in years leading up to our current status? Will you enter 2021 going it alone or will you draw near to God who in turn will draw near to you? (James 4:8) Each person has a decision to make as we enter 2021 armed with the knowledge gained through the experiences of hindsight from the year 2020. 

There is no doubt we are living in a different world today as we begin the new year 2021. Lessons have been taught, but the question remains did we learn anything from those lessons? If we continue living in 2021 the way we were living at the end of 2019 and throughout tumultuous 2020, then I would suggest we haven't really gained any knowledge. We have been taught, but knowledge gained is only evidenced in the changes we make based on what we have learned. Throughout this year, I have gained a better appreciation for relationships. Friends, family, colleagues, and for mankind in general. I have looked at the forgiveness I was holding hostage, and reflected on how God forgave me when I most certainly didn't deserve it. That has given me a different perspective on love and the gift of sacrifice that God gave each of us through the life and death of His Son Jesus. Finally, I can see that although the future is not laid out on a map in front of me, I know who holds that future and I am going to be thankful and grateful for each day that my Lord and God gives me to live, love, and cherish. What will the state of your vision be in 2021? You make the choice and then leave the rest up to Emmanuel, God is with us!

Coach Carter



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