Sunday, October 18, 2020

Would, Could, Should


Today's Flat Tire Thought is for me. Call it my personal testimony I suppose, or just my acknowledgement of the fact that there is a God, He rules all things, and His Son died on a cross for me. I know that God reigns supreme and I know that He gives me each morning that I rise and each day that I live. I know that I don't deserve the love God has shown to me and shows me each day, but He loves me in spite of me. The bottom line is this, through all of my failures, my long list of shortcomings, promises broken, and gifts unappreciated God still loves me. Nobody would love me, nobody could love me, nobody should love me like God does, but He does. 

When I think of all the broken promises that I have made, all the times that I have said "Lord if you will just take care of this problem or that situation I'll be your man." only to move on with life after God has intervened and carried me through the adversity of that moment. So many times I have prayed and made promises to Him, but then as the days unfold, those promises are not kept and I have to keep coming back asking for forgiveness and mercy that I certainly do not deserve. Who would love a person like that? A person that continuously asks for answers and solutions, but then when asked to just love others in that same manner, turns around and expects something in return for that kind of love? Who would love me like that? God does. 

Nobody could love me like God does. Look at the world we live in today, the divorce rate is basically every other marriage fails. Why is that? Broken trust, failed promises, lost love, or broken dreams, all top the list of reasons why, so if a man and a woman can fall out of love and are able to get a divorce so easily when the going gets a little tough, then how could I imagine that God could love me when I break my promise to him many times before I even walk out of the door of my house?  I say I love God, but do I show Him that I love Him through my interactions with those I encounter throughout each day? Do I even show God that I love Him with my words and even more so with my actions? I cannot imagine how God could love me when He looks at me each day and sees the worst of me as I take another day that He has given me to live and not do all I could do to serve Him with that gift. How could anyone love me with so many shortcomings and failures? God could and He does. 

Should God love me like He does? When I turn my back on God and do want I want to do instead of what I know I should do, should God so easily forgive me and call me His own? Should God love me when I see the needs of others and then tend to my own personal needs first and then give what's left over to those in need? Should God forgive my sins, the very sins that I just asked forgiveness for yesterday? Should the God that gave His only Son to die for my sins love me when I go back on my word and go about my life like He doesn't know what I am doing? God shouldn't love me, because I am not worthy of His love, but guess what, God still loves me. 

Nobody would, nobody could, and nobody should love me like God does, but He does. Not only does God love me like that, God loves each of us just like that. God knows our failures, He knows our thoughts, and He knows what our intentions are way before we carry them out in our actions. He forgives us, He asks for nothing in return, and He walks beside us through the storms of life even if we steer our boats right into the path of the winds and torrents of the sea. Nobody would, could, or should, but God does. It is that simple, I am not alone, my God is with me and He loves me in spite of myself. He loves you too. I won't try to go it alone, God loves me like no one would, in a way that no one could, and at a time when probably no one should! Thank you God for loving me and thank you for loving all of us the way you do!

“O give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His mercy endures forever!” Psalm 118:29

 Coach Carter

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