Saturday, July 4, 2020

There Is No Impossible with God

Today's title may sound a little bold to you, especially if you haven't developed a personal relationship with God. If you don't have a deep relationship rooted in faith which is coated in trust then the idea that there is no such thing as impossible with God may sound simplistic or even something from the world of fantasy and dreams. If you have no relationship and have no idea who God is or understand His promises then the title of today's FTM is overall what could be deemed, "fake news". Well I have a news flash for you today, I believe that there is no wall He can't break through, no war He can't win, no over that He can't start again, and there is no impossible with God! Wish I could take credit for those lines, but actually they are part of a song by the band I AM THEY entitled, "No Impossible With You".
     No impossible with God. So, does that mean that everything we pray for will come to fruition? Isn't that what the Gospel of Matthew shares from the mouth of Jesus? "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." That sounds pretty definitive to me right? So, if I'm facing a financial crisis, I just ask God to send me the monetary means to overcome the crisis and "BOOM" instant pot of gold appears at the end of the rainbow. Or what about a health crisis? I'm pretty certain that most of us could say that we have or have had a relative that faced a major health dilemma and the first thing we did was knock on God's door requesting a healing touch that would most logically be titled a miracle. Marital or relationship woes? Seek a resolution from God and that relationship will suddenly be situated on solid ground. The situational list of "impossible" requests is endless, and as you may be able to attest, sometimes it just didn't work out that way you prayed in the end. Crisis ends up in a financial meltdown, health matter turned worse or is at best stable but not improving, or the DIVORCE papers just came in the mail. I thought the answer was there is no impossible with God? Isn't that what I'm telling you today you're asking.
      Well, I'm not talking about a magic lamp that we just rub when we need the Genie to appear and grant us three more wishes, of which the third wish is three more wishes. No, to be able to say that there is no impossible with God is much deeper, and is certainly not based on us having a golden street paved with no bumps, road blocks, ditches, or tragic wrecks along the way. The ability to lay claim to the idea of nothing being impossible for God is found in the faith that we develop as we get closer to God and realize that God's answer to our issues may have no semblance to what we can envision as the eventual outcome. God's plan is beyond what we can see, more complex, more engulfing, and much more expansive. Like I often say, "Your life isn't about you".
     When we look at a situation and say that's impossible, it will never work, we are limiting a Limitless God. His omnipotent power can raise the dead if He so chooses, (See John 11:38-44), or heal the sick (Matt. 8:3), touch the blind (John 9:1-41), or feed the five thousand with only a few fish and loaves of bread (Matt. 14:13-21). In all of the above examples was the expected outcome what others thought would be the end result, but there again God's ways and our ways are not even in the same dimension. We must have the trusting faith that if we plant the seed, then God is going to do the rest. What comes out of the ground and what fruit it produces or fails to produce are all part of His plan not ours. Ask Paul, (I Corinthians 3:6). We just have to make sure our motives for what we are asking are aligned with God's plan whether we can see it fully or if we are living in a committed faith that trusts that God knows better and we are giving Him control of our situations and circumstances and saying I believe, I trust, and I will not go backwards! Onward into battle we go.
     So, as we close out our time together today I have a picture that I want to share with you. On the way to one of my favorite put ins for kayaking on the Nolichucky I pass this spectacle going and coming. When some people see this, they will say "How in the world?" From the perspective of science, it would be labelled highly improbable, and from the eyes of the skeptic it would be considered a sham. But from the eyes of a believer, the heart of someone that holds tight to the fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, on the third day arose from the grave and ascended into Heaven, and now sits at the right hand of His father, I will say "Anything is possible with God!"

For those of you that aren't sure if what you are seeing is what you think it is, yes this is a tree, relatively large tree, growing out of a barn silo. Nothing is impossible with God!
Trust and Believe!
Coach Carter

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