Sunday, July 19, 2020

C+P=E It's Simple Math

How fitting? Four years ago, on what would have been the same week as this in July, the FTM for that week was E+R=O, Events + Responses = Outcomes. Just looking back to assure this week's message wasn't too closely related to the E+R=O post, I happened to look at the date and realized that the two posts were linked by the same week in July only four years apart. Which leads me to believe that although different messages the same theme holds true in each. It's that whole "Grow through what you go through" mentality that we discussed a few weeks ago. The formula behind C+P=E is Circumstances + Perspective = Experience. Definitely a topic for the world we are living in today. 
      This morning I was talking with my sister, who has made the decision to be a remote, virtual teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. After 28 years in the classroom this is definitely going to be a new experience for her and her professional career.  As we talked she shared with me that another teacher she knows has also made the decision to apply for this new platform in education. Both my sister, Donna, and her colleague have taken the attitude that to just do things like you've always done in the midst of a crisis would basically be like grabbing a bucket of water instead of a fire hose to help put out the fire. Donna and I concluded that the whole idea of a growth mindset fits perfectly in this crisis that we are currently treading through. Bottom line is you have two choices, see this as a terrible situation that we have to hunker down in and try to survive, or you can take the high road and decide that yes, we are in a global pandemic that has the possibility to be a deadly force in our society, but we must move forward and work to make this year a better year for students than any previous year in their educational career!
       Circumstances are what they are, you can't see someone that is getting ready to go in for cancer surgery and say "Wow you're going to grow so much through this experience, I'm glad you have cancer." That would be somewhat ludicrous. But, another person with cancer might say, "I have cancer, but the doctors found it before it was too late, and now they are telling me that after this surgery there is a strong chance for recovery. This falls into the category of Perspective. Same circumstances completely different perspective. That's the choice. We can't choose to have cancer or not, just as we can't always determine our lot in life from a relational stance or if we are talking about finances, rights, wrongs, ups, downs, or any other life situation you may be facing currently. The only thing we can choose is the approach we choose as we enter life each day. Perspective, north or south, up or down, in or out, you make the decision. 
      I see the apostle Paul as a poster child for positive perspectives. In the first chapter of Philippians he writes to the believers from prison encouraging them and assuring them that God's plan is in full swing and the outcomes of his imprisonment are evidenced in the number of guards and prisoners being saved due to his time there in jail. In verse 13 Paul says, "it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ." Notice he didn't whine and cry and say "Oh God, I'm locked up here and I need you to set me free!" Sound familiar? I know that I'm guilty of many times asking God to remove the hardship in my life instead of thanking God for the opportunities that will be presented due to the hardship. Basically, Paul's stance is summed up in this affirming statement, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain" Philippians 1:21. I may be locked up (Circumstance), but while I am in here I might as well do God's work and save some of these lost souls (Perspective), which leads to Paul feeling like he has been given the fast pass at Disneyworld! (Experience). Paul finishes that conversation with this nugget of optimism, "I know that it would be great for me to go home to be with Christ, but it is better for everyone else if I stay here and continue my work for God." Philippians 1:23-26
        Now I want you to take this pandemic and find a way to apply a C+P=E mindset to a current circumstance you are dealing with in your world. As in my sister's case, she and her colleague are excited about the opportunity to use technology in a new way to provide an educational experience that will be both rigorous and interactive. If you are social distancing or self-quarantining could this be the time that you've been looking for to sit down and read a good book, read the Good Book, or even start writing your own book? Laid off from work, how about instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, you take this as an opportunity to become that entrepreneur that is waiting to bust out and thrive! 
      Point is you have circumstances, we all do, but how you approach those is completely different for each person. What I am telling you today is although we can't choose our circumstances in most cases, we can choose our perspective on how to approach the circumstances in our lives. That choice will have a direct impact on your experience as you work through the good, the bad, and the ugly of life. "Consider it pure joy (Perspective), my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials (Circumstances) of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." (Experience).
        Life is changing, the way we have always done things is not the way we will do things tomorrow. This is a chance of a lifetime in your lifetime. I pray earnestly that each and every one of will be safe and stay healthy during this viral outbreak, but I can't sit around hoping that you sit around hoping you don't contract COVID-19. God has a purpose for your life and that very purpose may be revealed to you during such a time as this if only you will open your eyes to the opportunities on display in front of you and take them by the horns and ride it on through to the place you were created to be! 
Praise God for whatever lies in front of me, because there is no way it is bigger than the God that lives inside of me! 
Coach Carter 

Coach Carter

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