Sunday, March 22, 2020

Fear or Faith, It's a Choice

     There is a great deal of uncertainty today, but rest assured there have been periods in our history where the promise of a tomorrow was a question mark etched on the frontal lobe of many. Wars, famine, financial catastrophes, and yes disease and plagues are common occurrences in history, yet none of this matters right now, only the threat of the COVID-19 virus is on our minds. Day in and day out news, social media sites, the conversations we have (at a safe distance of six feet or on an electronic device) all include some form of mention of the Coronavirus. What is the correct response for mankind right now? When the reality that people are dying from this virus goes from numbers on a chart about other countries around the world, to increased numbers of cases in neighboring states and cities that border our homes, what is an acceptable response? Is there a right response? Well for those that believe in and place their trust in God the answer to those questions is this, as with every situation in life you have a choice to make you can choose fear or you can choose faith.
     Nothing more diverse on the spectrum of life than the two terms fear and faith. Fear causes man to make decisions based on the premise that we are alone in this world and any decision to be made has to be based on what will best serve me and thus increase my chance of survival. Think about the concept of Flight or Fight. When we face a situation that creates anxiety we are faced with a decision, I'm either going to stand up and fight what is standing in front of me, or I look at the situation and make the decision that I better lace up my Nikes and turn tail in the opposite direction. It's that simple. You make that choice, it belongs to you and nobody gets to make that decision for you. Let me assure you of one bit of knowledge before we go any further, you are not alone, and God tells us to not fear anything, because He is with us always.
     So that is where, in my mind the two, fear and faith diverge. If you are choosing fear, this current reality is a pretty anxious time for you. Your information is coming in at rapid fire speed and you are reacting at a comparable speed as each new warning hits your Facebook screen. Fear is not healthy. Fear is not of God; His word tells us this over and over again.
"The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1
 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
  "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”Deuteronomy 31:6
This is just the tip of the berg, over and over again God's word tells us not to be afraid, but what does that mean today? 
     Each day the updates provide new information about how the virus is impacting the world, how many people in each state have tested positive, and death totals for countries, states, and too soon that may include numbers from our communities if not so already. Isn't that a good enough reason to hit the flight button of self-preservation? My answer is no. There is a huge gulf between a response of fear and one of faith. Fear tells us to run and hide, lock our doors and shut out the world. Faith, on the other hand, isn't careless and nonchalant about the risks and dangers associated with this virus, but instead faith gives us the strength to seek the truth in what we read, to become familiar with the guidelines and recommendations provided by those in the world that are knowledgeable and trained. Fear produces anxiety about tomorrow or even today, where faith tells us that our God is in control of each day, He has a plan for each life, and His plans are for good not evil. Jeremiah 29:11 gives us an assurance of this "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Does this mean that just because I am a follower of Christ I can go out and have no concern about contracting this virus? Absolutely not. Using informed common sense, and taking necessary precautions is expected. If we know a great white shark is spotted at the beach where we are staying, I'm not going to get in the surf and say God will protect me from that shark! That's a good way to end up as shark bait! Instead, I'm going to stay on the beach, I'm going to let the water hit my feet and ankles, and I'm going to enjoy the sunshine and day that the Lord hath made. Psalm 118:24. 
     For the most part we have not as a nation endured times such as these. Those born in the early 1900's can share what living in the Great Depression was like. Our grandparents may have recollections of life during the World Wars and what sacrifices they faced here at home. Veterans of the Korean or Vietnam era can attest to the uncertainties of that period, while the majority of us can quickly capture the emotions of September 11, 2001. Others from around the world can share their experiences from the Holocaust, war, plague, and disease, but over and over there lies one common theme that has benefited and carried men and women, boys and girls through the fear that stood in front of them. Those that remain strong, those that didn't give up, those that chose faith over fear did so in one accord. They each chose to wait upon the Lord and not allow fear to rule their hearts and minds. By choosing faith over fear we can overcome the fear in this world just as Isaiah 40:31 proclaims:
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

You have a choice to make today. You will choose fear and (live??) each day like it is going to be the last day. Or, you can choose faith. Faith tells us that God is in control, that these are times like we have never seen, but not times like others before us have overcame and survived only to thrive as they moved forward. Fear tells us to hide. Faith tells us to be strong and courageous. Fear tells us to think of nobody except ourselves and to shut out everyone else so we will survive. Faith tells me that my life isn't about me. Whether I live or whether I leave this world tomorrow, God has a purpose and a plan and my job is to live this life He has given me to the fullest. Helping others instead of concentrating on self and seeking out ways to move this world closer to Him so they too can know the peace, the comfort, and the strength that my faith provides me each day that I live. 
Truly it is your choice, fear or faith, you decide.
Praying for faith to prevail!

Coach Carter 

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